256 Starting Your Own Business: The Best Way To Find True Freedom
Finding freedom through building your own business.
Is it REALLY possible for you to have a successful business as a coach, consultant or health practitioner in todayβs marketplace?
In this episode I want to talk to all the aspiring business owners out there who may be on the fence about taking the leap and starting your own thing!
Of course, starting a business can be a daunting task, but I want to remind you that now, more than ever, the world needs your services and gifts.
With the current state of the world, there is a growing need for innovative solutions and new perspectives and there is space for your unique brilliance.
As an entrepreneur, you have the power to bring those solutions and perspectives to life. So don't let fear or doubt hold you back. Take the leap and chase your dreams.
In this episode, Kelsey chats about:
Is it really possible for all of us to have successful business?
If you wake up in the morning and have a bigger purpose starting a business may be for you!
How she knew becoming a marketing manager wasnβt what she truly wanted.
Letβs connect (if we havenβt already):
Instagram: @kelseyreidl
Learn more about our upcoming group coaching program: Your 2023 Leap
We are guiding coaches, practitioners and consultants to earn MORE while MARKETING LESS, and supporting them to make a BIG leap faster than any online course, free PDF, or webinar on the internet. Learn more at www.kelseyreidl.com/2023
Access the transcript for this episode:
Is it really possible for all of us to have successful businesses as coaches, consultants, health practitioners and people who are selling services? Is it possible?
Well, I have a feeling if you listen to the visionary life podcast, you do already have this sense that there is an infinite possibility surrounding you, should you choose to start your own business. And I want to start this episode with a quote, that means a lot to me. And it's from Oprah, the queen, I mean, what greater way to start a podcast.
But she says there is no greater gift that you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It's why you were born. And it's how you become most truly alive. And the scary thing is, I think that a lot of our world are walking around, and they are not honoring their calling. And in fact, they probably don't even know what their calling is, because they're scared to explore a new path or turn over a new leaf in their career or in where they live or who they surround themselves with.
And so they don't feel truly alive, right. I call this like, low grade misery. And I see it in a lot of people, but I can tell that they're not honoring who they could become, or they're not even willing to explore it. And they may want to, for example, start a business. But then they make the excuses or they come up with the objections of well, it's too late. Well, who am I to do this?
Well, I've got bills to pay, all of which are, you know, if you want to say those are legitimate, great, but you're also able to work through those. So I really do believe it's possible for all of us who are willing, and who are excited to build our businesses, there is space in the market for us.
And I'm going to show you how in this episode. And I want to also remind you that there are so many people less qualified than you who are doing what you want to do, and they're doing it. They're making the money. They're working with the clients. So why not you? Why not you. If you want to wake up in the morning, and have a bigger purpose.
If you want to show yourself that you're capable of creating a successful brand. If you want to make more money, if you want to experience time, freedom, financial freedom, creative freedom, that's the big one for me, then entrepreneurship is a great path for you starting an online business or growing your service based business is the path for you. So I once had a coach asked me if nothing changes in the next five years, will you still be happy?
And my immediate answer was no. Visionaries I've been scheming something new for you with my friend and professional mindset coach, Emily Elliot. It's called your 2023 leap. And it is a highly anticipated program created by myself, a marketing coach and Emily Eliot, a professional mindset Coach, your 2023 leap is the most practical and effective way to change the way you do business and life in 2023. And beyond. This is a program where you'll get tools every single week that are literally going to change how you interact with this world and how you earn in this world.
Combined, Emily and I have worked with 1000s of women. And now you can get 12 weeks of access to us alongside a group of peers for a very, very low cost. And I'll talk about that more in a minute. But don't sign up yet. First, I want to ensure that you're ready for what's to come we start on February 1, and it is a 90 day group coaching program. So I want to make sure you're ready to actually master your entrepreneurial mindset, you're not going to be someone who is okay with the status quo, okay, making what you used to make in your corporate job. I want to make sure you're ready to implement marketing strategies to that are going to connect you with the growth and the unlimited clients you're looking for in just 90 days.
I also want to make sure you're ready to take big leaps in your personal goals. So we know that as we grow personally, we also grow professionally. So if you're experiencing a block, maybe it's because of how you grew up or something that's been downloaded onto you. It is affecting your capacity to grow your business.
So we're going to teach you science back techniques to undo the blocks break through them and then apply the right techniques to actually see your business or I want to make sure you're ready to use social media to convert clients to build simple sales funnels, no complication here. That's not my vibe, I'm going to teach you how to use Google and SEO, which is going to be your long term strategy for getting more clients and patients and people into your business. And you also need to be ready to be surrounded by a group of people who have a fire under their butt who are ready to 2x 5x or 10x, their success, their confidence and their client bookings in 2023. If you don't like being around people who are kicking ass and winning in life, this group is not for you.
So if you join your 2023 Leap, and if you're ready to join right now, go to Kelsey rydell.com/ 2023. But you're going to save time, you're going to equip yourself essentially with a million dollar Mindset and Marketing strategies to get yourself to your version of success in limited time. So we're saving you time when you join this program, you're going to save money because normally, if you were to hire both Emily and I, so Emily, as your mindset coach me as your marketing consultant, we would charge you more than $12,000. So it's not affordable for a lot of people at their stage of business. However, you can join your 2023 leap for less than $3,000. And we even have payment plans to make it super accessible, so that you'll earn the money back in the course. And we're gonna save you energy because group momentum is real. I've been part of so many great group coaching programs, and you're among expanders. So you show up to the weekly call. Everybody shares their wins or successes. And of course, there's time to share challenges. And then we work through it. And then the wheel starts rolling really fast. Because you hear that Sarah just had her first time k month, you hear that Kristen has grown her practice by 36%. You hear that?
Taryn just tripled her application rate, it's insane. And you're gonna go out and chase that too. So don't wait a minute longer your 2023 leap is for 20 individuals who want to access the tools and the techniques they need to reach their 2023 goals in business. We're going to be meeting on Zoom one time, weekly for 90 minutes for 12 consecutive weeks. And there's constant support in between. So you have access to Emily and I for 90 days, you could literally messaged us every day over the 90 days and get full access, squeeze that value of $12,000 out. We are so excited, this is going to be game changing. And you can learn more and sign up at Kelsey rydel.com/to Zero to see you inside.
When I thought about myself following the same path as a marketing manager working downtown Toronto, going into an office I hated wearing clothes that felt so like I hated wearing like blazers and these weird pants that didn't fit me right. If I followed that path, I knew I wasn't going to be okay. And if I built somebody else's dream for the rest of my life, I knew I wouldn't be fulfilled, I was building a brand. Yes, I loved the products that we were selling, it was exciting. We were in grocery, we were in health food stores, I still use the products today. But I did not see myself in 510 2030 years, still building somebody else's vision, because my vision was starting to become clear. And that really, really excited me. So you know, the biggest objection that I get is the market is saturated, or I'm a health coach or I'm a naturopath. And I just don't know how I'm going to differentiate. And I don't know how to make this a full time thing. What I want to plant a seed in you today about is I don't even know if that made sense. But what I'm trying to say is that now more than ever, the world needs you the world needs your services. So let's take for example, if you work in the health or wellness or healing space, you know that even though there are more people than ever graduating from medical school and Health Professions, we're facing terribly sad and alarming statistics in the realms of mental health, chronic disease, obesity, cancer, all sorts of health conditions. So it's odd that as we graduate and advance our knowledge, we're still in a health crisis. But that also means there's space for you. If one in five North Americans are going to suffer from mental health issues at some point in their lifetime. There's space for you if chronic diseases are projected to account for 89% of all deaths in the future. There is space for you if an estimated 100 and 60 million Most Americans are obese or overweight, there is space for you as a health practitioner. So either you decide to keep your services to yourself and not believe that this path is possible for you to believe that, oh, well, it's too saturated to not feel like there's a place for your voice for your unique brilliance for your perspective on one or all of these issues. That is the best way to increase that low grade misery. But you could also choose the different path and that's committing to going big committing to investing in you your dream, your vision, your potential, your potential, have you ever thought about what your potential is? Because I, I want you to get there, but you have to want it for yourself. So sit down with yourself and ask if the world needs me now more than ever, what is holding me back? Am I valuing stability and safety and comfort too much? Hence, the book written on the comfort crisis, we're in the comfort crisis, it's so easy, most people, they're going to sit back and watch Netflix, you could spend an hour building a business and making the path towards your literal dream brand.
And if you're craving that freedom, if you're craving that unlimited possibility, what's holding you back, right? Let's give another example here that the world needs you now more than ever, so a lot of you listening, you are skilled at marketing, or the digital world or content creation or social media management. Well, more than 90% of small businesses have no formal marketing plan. And without a clear marketing plan. Business owners are reactive, they're throwing spaghetti at the wall, they feel like they need to be on all platforms at all times, and years into their business, they're not seeing the success they want. And they still don't know which of those marketing efforts worked, and which didn't. They need you, you can bring joy and success to a struggling business owner yet, here you are hoarding your skills, and you're feeling timid to bring them out there, you may not believe that you're needed. But if you understand what can differentiate you and what problem you solve, you have so much potential to support these small business owners and to keep them from shutting their doors. So it almost becomes selfish for you not to step up and offer these amazing services. And look, as long as you can clearly identify the five components of your value proposition, which starts by asking yourself, what problem can I solve, and then I teach you the other four methods inside of your 2023 leap.
This is all you need to get your business off the ground. And yes, there's a lot more we can do. But again, it all comes down to the five components of that value proposition. Part one, what problem can you solve, if you can identify that you have yourself a business and what you want is possible. So I'm excited for you guys to hopefully, step up, start shining your light, maybe you have the business established, but you kind of have been treating it like a hobby, but you're kind of looking to move beyond the hobby income. And it might be your time to make your Leap. So I'll finish off with a quote here by the CEO of Home Depot, Bob.
And he says I absolutely believe that people unless coached never reach their full potential. So there is a group of people out there waiting to be coached that you could support that you could guide to a better path. And in this case, if you are the one who wants to reach your full potential, and you're looking for coaching, I wanted to let you know that your 2023 Leap hosted by mindset expert Emily Elliot and myself. It's a 90 day program that is going to help you achieve your next big leap in business. So you say the milestone we're going to help you get there. We've got so much amazing content, the full curriculum is listed. Again, we start February 1, and I'm excited to see you inside of the program. It's going to be life changing this program will not rerun this year. So if Feb first is feeling like a good time for you to say yes to yourself to say yes to your business, then let's lead together so Kelseyreidl.com/2023 You can submit and submit an application or learn all about the details and we will see you next time.
Tune into the episode.
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If youβre searching for an Online Business & Marketing Coach for your Business, rest assured that youβre in the right place.
I've helped over 200+ people to launch their business, go full-time, get fully booked, and become #1 with The Visionary Method
Mentioned in our Episode:
It will change the way you do business and life in 2023 (& beyond!). This is for 20 individuals who want access to the tools and techniques they need to reach their 2023 goals. We will all be meeting on Zoom 1x weekly for 90 minutes for 12 consecutive weeks to make big leaps, together. Learn more at https://www.kelseyreidl.com/2023
If you're feeling lost, confused or overwhelmed when it comes to starting an online business, reach out and book a free re-vision call with me. I'll offer you customized recommendations on how to get unstuck so you can live a life filled with joy, happiness and fulfillment