Visionary Life is a Top-Rated Canadian Business & Entrepreneurship Podcast!

A weekly podcast for visionaries like you!

Tune into this inspiring & informative podcast that brings you the stories of visionary Entrepreneurs and Founders from across Canada.

Each episode is a conversation with an inspirational entrepreneur who has a story to share. Each guest also shares what's working right now to grow their business (& what's NOT working!).

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Not sure where to start?

Choose one of our Starter Packs!

Podcasts to help with Starting an Online Business

Are you wanting to start an online business but you are overwhelmed on where to even begin?

Do you currently operate an in-person business and want to make the shift in the coming years?

If you answered YES to either of these questions, you’re in the right place!

Podcasts to help with Building a Health & Wellness Business

If you have the ability to change people’s lives through Health, Fitness or Wellbeing Coaching - I want to encourage you to get started.

The world needs you now, more than ever.

Podcasts to help with turning your Passion into a Career

Price vs Value

I read a stat recently that just 20% of the workforce in the U.S were passionate about their job and 65% were just satisfied with their job.
It got me thinking about how many people in my life (family, friends and acquaintances) are currently unhappy at their day job, and craving change.
If this is you, dive into this Starter Pack!


Meet Your Host


I’m Kelsey

Online Business and Marketing Coach,
Podcast Host for 4+ years,
& Adventurous Entrepreneur!


Good Conversation, Strong Coffee (Espresso, Please!) and Exhilarating Adventures.

What Our Listeners Say

Every week, host Kelsey Reidl interviews a visionary entrepreneur and talks about their failures, successes & everything in between!πŸŽ™οΈ

Where the idea for the business came from…

Learn about the β€œlightbulb moments” that happen to entrepreneurs and what they do to bring the idea to life…

How did they find their first client or customer?

The hardest customer to get is the first one - so let’s dissect how these successful entrepreneurs made their first sale!

What’s working when it comes to marketing and growth?

With so much change and evolution in the Marketing World, we love to find out what’s working (& what isn’t!) when it comes to promoting a brand!

 Top Episodes

EPISODE 070: Joy McCarthy, Founder of Joyous Health

EPISODE 161: We moved! Here’s how it impacted my business…

EPISODE 035: How (& Why!) I Started the Visionary Brand


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Podcasts have quickly become the most convenient and efficient way to learn, be entertained & to connect with inspiring individuals.

They are the most innovative (and still underused!) medium for growing brand awareness.