255 3 Mindset Blocks That Are Holding You Back From Succeeding In Business (& how to fix them)| Kelsey Reidl

What’s holding you back from taking your business to the next level?

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Do you have blocks with your Money Mindset, your Earning Potential, or what you believe is possible for you in 5 or 10 years?

Are you stuck in the 1:1 coaching model and want to leverage your time and earn passive income?

Let's explore what's holding you back!

You've got a vision and an idea of how to make it happen, but something's just not quite clicking in order for that extraordinary goal to materialize.

Sure, there are times when we hit roadblocks that can't be helped - like overwhelming competition or limited resources. But more often than not, what's really holding us back is our own mindset -- those negative stories and limiting beliefs that lurk around the corner waiting for their opportunity to sabotage our progress!


In this episode, I'm talking about three common mindset blocks entrepreneurs face (including myself!) so you can identify which ones exist in your life and start breaking through them today!

  • Block 1: Where have you ‘upper-limited’ yourself?

  • Block 2: Are you afraid of what’s possible in your future?

  • Block 3: Are you trading time for money?


Let’s connect (if we haven’t already):




Want to learn about The Business & Mindset Program that will change the way you do business and life in 2023 (& beyond!)


Kelsey is a marketing expert who has helped 100’s of businesses to implement a foolproof marketing plan that actually works to attract their dream clients. 


Emily is a mindset coach who specializes in helping people to overcome their limitations and find results, confidence and cash in their untapped potential.


Together, Emily & Kelsey have the knowledge and experience to help you achieve success in both your personal and professional life - and for the first time ever, they are combining their programs to help you achieve Your 2023 Leap.


Your 2023 Leap is for 20 individuals who want access to the tools and techniques they need to reach their 2023 goals. We will all be meeting on Zoom 1x weekly for 90 minutes for 12 consecutive weeks to make big leaps, together.


Learn more at https://www.kelseyreidl.com/2023 


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • Hey visionaries!

    Welcome back to another daily dose episode, something small, something bite size that can inspire you or motivate you, or challenge you to think about your business or your life a little bit differently.

    So in today's episode, I actually want to talk about three mindset blocks that are holding you back from succeeding with your business. And I'm going to share how to fix them using marketing strategies.

    Okay, so we're gonna marry the worlds of Mindset and Marketing. And I think this is gonna be really applicable, because I've actually faced all of these myself. So I sat down this morning after my meditation and wrote these out based on things that I've actually gone through in the past seven years as an entrepreneur in the online space.

    So let's cover off three mindset blocks. Of course, there are so many more that you might be experiencing. But my hope is that these three blocks may resonate with you. So let's start with block number one. My first block goes back about seven years ago. So when I started visionary HQ, and the brand visionary life and the visionary method, I did so because I wanted to exit the corporate world once and for all. And I had this vision on my heart, and it goes back to hiking in Peru and listening to a Justin Bieber song. We're not going to go through the origin story today.

    But I had a very clear vision that I needed to be doing my own thing and paving my own path, I guess, to use a very common phrase, but that's what I wanted to do. I was a free spirit, I had so many creative ideas, I knew I was destined for more than the corporate office that I was working in and the clothes that I was wearing.

    But when I quit, and when I started taking on clients, I had this mindset of, I just want to make what I'm making in my corporate job. So I was a marketing manager at a health food company, we sold protein powder, supplements, etc.

    And just to give you context, I was making 70,000 per year, that was the salary that I signed for. So it's so funny, because I had this block for about 24 months after that, where I just wanted to make $70,000. So that was all that I thought was possible for myself. So no matter how hard I tried, I was building building building, even into year like two, two and a half. I plateaued at 70k.

    And I was working my ass off, it is not easy to start a business and to earn that much money. But I was working way over time, I was also working some side hustles, too. So between all of my income streams, I was hitting that 70k mark, and I couldn't really figure out how to go beyond it. I was running out of time. Even though I was an energetic, 20 something year old, I was also running out of energy because I was teaching at Orange theory, I was teaching like 6:30am classes, and then I'd have to go back and teach 8pm classes.

    But in between there, I was taking on clients and I was doing freelance work, where people would call me from different different time zones. And so I really needed to work on this money block that I just want to make 70k Because when you start a business, you can actually earn as much as you want, there is no ceiling, you give yourself that ceiling, right. There's no saying that your profession, the business you've created can't grow to half a million a year, 1 million a year, 2 million a year. But it's usually our block that holds us back.

    So I needed to unblock that I did a lot of personal work, including working with coaches, including being surrounded by mentors joining group masterminds. And the more practical skill that I had to do was to actually reverse engineer a $200,000 year or a $100,000 year and inside of the program that I teach the 90 Day Program, which you can actually join and enroll in right now. If you go to Kelsey rydell.com/ 2023 We actually share this calculator with you.

    So the marketing strategy associated with breaking through the mindset block of your earning cap that you've set on yourself is to actually reverse engineer using our projections calculator, how much you want to earn, how much you're going to have to charge how many clients per year you're going to have to have breaking that down into how many clients per month and then based on the common conversion rates that I see If I'm actually sharing how many leads, you're gonna need to get in your funnel, and then once we have those numbers in front of us, it is so easy to make a marketing plan associated with it. So that's how you reverse engineer, if you want to make a million dollars next year, I will plug into the calculator and help you work through how we're going to achieve that. So mindset block number one, if I just want to make as much as I did at my corporate job, if you're still in that mindset, or if you still have like this arbitrary number that you were just trying to reach, you want to break through that sooner rather than later.

    Or you're gonna plateau and stay at that low level, which is maybe okay for you. But anything is possible, right? If you run a business, so let's break through that. And again, we're going to be sharing these tools with you inside of your 2023 leap. Mindset block number two is, and this one that I'm kind of vulnerably, admitting something to you, I have been the girl and I still don't know if this is right or wrong. But I say I don't really have a five year plan, I don't have a 10 year plan. I'm so in the moment, I'm so present, I just live each day, and I create from an inspired state.

    And when I say that, it's true. Like, that's who I am, I wake up every day, and I'm like, I'm just here, and I look at what's lighting me up and where I want to be that day and what adventure I want to do and how I'm going to experiment on behalf of my own business or for my private clients. But this is also a mindset block.

    Because deep down, I kind of think I'm scared to express what I want. And maybe the block is that what I want is scary, because it takes me beyond my current circumstances, because it may take me out of the town I live in, it may take me making a really bold decision about the hours and the lifestyle that I want. It may take a bold decision in terms of what I will do. If I have a very abundant business, where will I put the excess income that I'm making? Will I need to get a bigger grip on my finances? Will I need to start taking my investments more seriously? Like, what will you do with more and if you want more if you want the beach home in Tahiti if you want to give back more to your community and donate 20% of your income if you want to buy that new bicycle or that new hobby toy that you've been dreaming of, if you want to just like shake up your life and dress in clothes that make you feel friggin awesome, maybe you're scared to acknowledge that maybe you're scared to put it down on paper, maybe you're scared to write yourself that half a million dollar a year check, because it's going to take you beyond your current circumstances. And if that's going to make people feel uncomfortable, so it is a block because when you express a five year or a 10 year vision to the people closest to you, they may see that you're going places. And that's terrifying. And from that mindset block.

    So I've been working through that. And it's been the most exciting chapter. And I'm excited to work through this too, with the students who are enrolling in your 2023 Leap, which is the program that starts February 1, based on what you want and the lifestyle that you're looking to create and the business that fits into that lifestyle, you can actually start mapping out the systems to get you there. So if you have the goal, you can reverse engineer the how you can reverse engineer the systems that you need.

    So we cast the vision inside of this program and I'm working very diligently to cast my own vision right now. And then once we see what lifestyle you want, maybe you only want to work 20 hours a week and you do want to have the vacation home you do want to start shopping like having a personal shopper everyday, whatever you want. And it doesn't need to be lavish like, you guys know listening to this podcast. My thing is biking. Like I just want awesome bikes. I want to experiment with gravel bikes, road bikes, fat bikes, mountain bikes, like that's my joy and bikes cost $10,000 sometimes so if I could just have pockets of 10k everywhere to go buy the latest bike.

    I'm freaking happy I'm a happy girls with simple pleasures that apparently cost a lot of money but visionaries I've been scheming something new for you with my friend and professional mindset coach Emily Elliot.

    It's called your 2023 leap and it is a highly anticipated program created by myself, a marketing coach and Emily Elliot, a professional mindset Coach, your 2023 leap is the most practical and effective way to change the way you do business and life in 2023 and beyond. This is a program where you'll get tools every single week that are literally going to change how you interact with In this world and how you earn in this world, combined, Emily and I have worked with 1000s of women. And now you can get 12 weeks of access to us alongside a group of peers for a very, very low cost.

    And I'll talk about that more in a minute. But don't sign up yet. First, I want to ensure that you're ready for what's to come, we start on February 1, and it is a 90 day group coaching program. So I want to make sure you're ready to actually master your entrepreneurial mindset, you're not going to be someone who is okay with the status quo, okay, making what you used to make in your corporate job, I want to make sure you're ready to implement marketing strategies to that are going to connect you with the growth and the unlimited clients you're looking for in just 90 days, I also want to make sure you're ready to take big leaps in your personal goals.

    So we know that as we grow personally, we also grow professionally. So if you're experiencing a block, maybe it's because of how you grew up, or something that's been downloaded onto you, it is affecting your capacity to grow your business. So we're going to teach you science back techniques to undo the blocks, break through them, and then apply the right techniques to actually see your business or I want to make sure you're ready to use social media to convert clients to build simple sales funnels, no complication here, that's not my vibe, I'm going to teach you how to use Google and SEO, which is going to be your long term strategy for getting more clients and patients and people into your business.

    And you also need to be ready to be surrounded by a group of people who have a fire under their butt who are ready to 2x 5x or 10x, their success, their confidence and the client bookings in 2023. If you don't like being around people who are kicking ass and winning in life, this group is not for you. So if you join your 2023 Leap, and if you're ready to join right now go to Kelsey rydell.com/ 2023. But you're going to save time, you're going to equip yourself essentially with the million dollar Mindset and Marketing strategies to get yourself to your version of success in limited time.

    So we're saving you time when you join this program, you're gonna save money because normally, if you were to hire both Emily and I, so Emily, as your mindset coach me as your marketing consultant, we will charge you more than $12,000. So it's not affordable for a lot of people at their stage of business.

    However, you can join your 2023 leap for less than $3,000. And we even have payment plans to make it super accessible so that you'll earn the money back in the course. And we're gonna save you energy because group momentum is real. I've been part of so many great group coaching programs, and you're among expanders. So you show up to the weekly call. Everybody shares their wins or successes.

    And of course, there's time to share challenges. And then we work through it. And then the wheel starts rolling really fast. Because you hear that Sarah just had her first 10k month, you hear that Kristen has grown her practice by 36%. You hear that? Taryn just tripled her application rate, it's insane. And you're gonna go out and chase that too.

    So don't wait a minute longer your 2023 leap is for 20 individuals who want to access the tools and the techniques they need to reach their 2023 goals in business, we're going to be meeting on Zoom one time, weekly for 90 minutes for 12 consecutive weeks.

    And there's constant support in between. So you have access to Emily and I for 90 days, you could literally message us every day over the 90 days and get full access, squeeze that value of $12,000 out. We are so excited, this is going to be game changing. And you can learn more and sign up at Kelseyreidl.com/2023. See you inside. I hope you get what I'm saying here is that when you cast a vision, if I have those bikes on my vision board, I can actually write the plan the system to get me there.

    Or I can actually create the mindset work and the daily practices that are going to make me believe that I'm worthy of the vacation home in Tahiti or I don't know why I said Tahiti because not like I've ever been there before. But maybe I want the vacation home in Belize because I have been there and I love Belize and I'd love to be among the howler monkeys a little bit more.

    Let's get into mindset block number three, and this is where a lot of you who are joining your 2023 lead might currently be stuck. And that's that you're locked in this one on one coaching model. And it's working for you you're making money but you're probably not charging enough and we're going to teach you how to raise your prices inside of your 2023 leap. But you are selling time for money. Raise your hand if you're selling your time for money. I've been there like I've been a freelancer and a consultant that is what We do, right. But at a certain point, I realized that I'm blocking myself from further income streams, I'm blocking myself from passive income, I'm blocking myself from leveraging my time. So I had to undo that mindset that people only want me one on one for that custom work, and realize that group coaching is equally as valuable, hence why we're launching this group, your 2023 Lead program, and that passive income is possible. For example, I teach a software called jasper.ai.

    It's artificial intelligence, copywriting, it is the future. You guys have all heard of this. And if you haven't, DM me the word Jasper, and I'm going to send you a training to watch immediately, because if you're in business, you need to know about this. But essentially, that offers me passive income, because I'm an affiliate with them. So I've unlocked a whole affiliate portal and you can go to Kelseyreidl.com/faves, fa vs. If you want to see all of my favorite software's, most of those are affiliate links, right? So I make passive income there. And above all else, I really had to realize that I can charge as much for groups, because they are equally as valuable as one on one coaching because I'm dialing in my processes to teach them to a group and there's this high support high energy group.

    Excuse me. So instead of feeling like one on one is the only thing I can do, I really had to look at where else can I leverage my time and make money. And this is where I teach the year at a glance calendar. So inside of our program, launching your 2023 leap on February 1, we're going to go through the year at a glance, you need to know where the income opportunities are, when they're gonna happen in your calendar year. And which ones we need to prioritize because they make you the most money. And they cost you the least amount of time. And looking at what we need to add in or subtract and what marketing efforts are going to push towards them. That might sound complicated, but it's literally all visible on one screen with 12 columns. It's super, super simple. So I hope you can see how Mindset and Marketing are so intertwined and how your mindset blocks can actually be holding you back from succeeding in your business. And that there are fixes.

    So don't feel discouraged if you're listening to this, I've shared tools with you today that we are giving over to all of our students inside of your 2023 leap that are going to help you break through these way sooner than I ever did. And we're really excited. So there are very limited spots and your 2023 leap. So the best thing to do is to go to Kelseyreidl.com/2023. And to either apply. Or you can even just send Emily or I a DM on Instagram, whoever you're connected to. And let's get started the program is less than $3,000. And you can pay on a 12 month payment plan. So start for just $250 you probably have that 250 You can probably unlock a mindset issue and make that money back like what do you even charge for your offer? Do you charge 250? Because you just have to sell one of those to make your first monthly payment? Do you charge $1,000 Because you would have to sell one every, you know, like we can do the math here. It's really simple.

    This is a program that is valued at $12,000 that we're essentially giving you at a fraction of the cost. So we'll see you inside don't wait a minute longer send me a message and I hope that by me sharing these mindset blocks and the tools of how you can overcome them was helpful for you.

    So have a visionary day and I will see you guys soon.

Tune into the episode.

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If you’re searching for an Online Business & Marketing Coach for your Business, rest assured that you’re in the right place.

I've helped over 200+ people to launch their business, go full-time, get fully booked, and become #1 with The Visionary Method

Mentioned in our Episode:

  • Learn about the Top 5 Ways A.I. Copywriting Can Simplify your Marketing by heading to www.kelseyreidl.com/jasper for a FREE training and to get started with 10,000 free words.

  • Your 2023 Leap: The Business & Mindset Program that will change the way you do business and life in 2023 (& beyond!). This is for 20 individuals who want access to the tools and techniques they need to reach their 2023 goals. We will all be meeting on Zoom 1x weekly for 90 minutes for 12 consecutive weeks to make big leaps, together. Learn more at https://www.kelseyreidl.com/2023

  • If you're feeling lost, confused or overwhelmed when it comes to starting an online business, reach out and book a free re-vision call with me. I'll offer you customized recommendations on how to get unstuck so you can live a life filled with joy, happiness and fulfillment

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