251 How to Rewire Your Brain For Success in 2023

Emily Elliott

Founder of Magnetic Mindset Coaching

Emily is the founder of the Magnetic Mindset Coaching Method, former Ad Agency Employ and Former Naturopathic Doctor.

After severe burn out from schooling and the corporate world , Emily set out to find help with her mindset and to transcend a lot of the blocks that were preventing her from thriving in life. She then became certified in Neurolinguistic Programming, EFT, Coaching and Hypnosis. 


It is through this training and her unique life path that she learned how to build a successful and aligned business without sacrificing health and happiness.


After putting these changes to work, she feels the most calm, peaceful and β€˜herself’ that she has in decades. She has coached over 500 women on finding more vibrancy in their life and it is her life’s work to help women create a life that they can’t wait to wake up to every morning, without sacrificing everything. Emily is Mama to Koah and Summer, wife to Blake and has a fond love of coffee, weiner dogs and the ocean.


In this episode, we chat about:

  • Mastering Mindset for your Business.

  • identifying money blocks, 

  • giving up the doctor title,

  • How to reprogram our subconscious minds, 

  • How to identifying limiting beliefs, 

  • the role our mindset plays in our journeys as entrepreneurs, 


To connect with Emily:




Emily and I are joining forces in January to bring you Your 2023 Leap: The Business & Mindset Program that will change the way you do business and life in 2023 (& beyond!)


Kelsey is a marketing expert who has helped 100’s of businesses to implement a foolproof marketing plan that actually works to attract their dream clients. 


Emily is a mindset coach who specializes in helping people to overcome their limitations and find results, confidence and cash in their untapped potential.


Together, Emily & Kelsey have the knowledge and experience to help you achieve success in both your personal and professional life - and for the first time ever, they are combining their programs to help you achieve Your 2023 Leap.


Your 2023 Leap is for 20 individuals who want access to the tools and techniques they need to reach their 2023 goals. We will all be meeting on Zoom 1x weekly for 90 minutes for 12 consecutive weeks to make big leaps, together.


Learn more at https://www.kelseyreidl.com/2023 


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • Hey Visionaries!

    Welcome back to the show. Do you do a lot of mindset work? Do you feel like mindset work is worthy of your time and energy, especially as you grow a very large business? Have you ever struggled with mindset blocks? I know I certainly have I tell a story in this episode of a time when I caught myself saying, there's just not enough time in the day. And another time when I realized I was terrified to open my bank statements and pay my taxes. And I would always hesitate to E transfer people money and I realized I had a huge mindset, money mindset block.

    So this is why I brought on Emily Eliot, who is a mindset coach, who is joining the podcast today, Emily has such an interesting story. And I would definitely steer you over to her podcast called the magnetic life where you can hear all about her journey of dropping her doctor title, and following her heart and making a courageous leap to becoming a mindset coach. And so we are talking about all of it in this episode, specifically, becoming the architect of your own thoughts in order to reach new levels of success. So we are going to go through how to know what your mindset blocks are, what to do, once you identify them in order to deprogram them. She talks about some of the tools that she uses in order to reprogram her subconscious mind. We address money blocks, relationship blocks, some of the blocks that she is currently working through or has been working through, and ultimately just becoming what she calls a skillful sailor of your journey here on Earth.

    So I'm super excited for all of you to tune in to this episode. I did also want to let you know that Emily and I are doing a masterclass together. As you know, I'm your girl to talk to about all things marketing. Emily is your girl to talk to about all things mindset. And these two things when you focus on them and implement them together are going to help you to build a six figure seven figure eight figure business and beyond. And more than that, to be able to achieve the goals that you have for yourself. So if you want to learn more about my masterclass with Emily, definitely head over to the show notes Kelsey rydell.com/podcast, and you will see this episode with Emily you can click through and find all of the details and I just cannot wait to team up with Emily and to share her brilliance with you. So go ahead and click the link in the show notes. If you want to learn more about this epic masterclass that we're co hosting together. And other than that, I hope you enjoy this episode. Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram at Kelseyreidl.com.

    Let me know what mindset blocks you feel like are holding you back and the ones that you are hoping to work through. So enjoy the episode. If you want to connect with Emily again, you can find her on Instagram. I'll link her in the show notes. And you can also listen to her podcast the magnetic life. Alright, you guys have an amazing day. And I will see you next week. Enjoy this episode with Emily Elliot. Emily, welcome to the visionary life podcast. I am so excited to sit down with you today and to chat about a topic that the visionary community is obsessed with. And it is the topic of mindset. And it is something that I have such a personal journey with because probably like the first two or three business coaches that I hired and worked with, they were always starting me with mindset work and going right into that and I would be so resistant. I'm like no, I just want the strategies. I just want to know how to grow the email list run the Facebook ad like stop with the bullshit is basically what my mindset was. And you know, many years now into my journey, I realized that mindset precedes everything like the Facebook ads strategy doesn't work.

    If you go into it with this mindset of like, oh, this probably won't work for me or I see so many other people running ads. I'll never be able to compete. So I just think this is such a juicy topic and I'm very Very excited to sit down with you today and to dive in. So thank you for being here.

    My pleasure.

    So I guess my first question is what role does our mindset play in our success? And in our journey as entrepreneurs and just as human beings walking this earth?

    Yeah, I mean, it's such a good massive question. But I think to simplify, it is really just the idea that we're only going to be as successful as our beliefs. Right? So every, and you know, who words it really, really well, as Tony Robbins says? Are you going to view every obstacle as an obstacle? Or an opportunity, right? We know, we know straight up that when you start a business, you're going to have challenges and adversities, right? And so your success really rides on this idea of how you're looking head on with that obstacle and that opportunity.

    So can you reframe it? Can you turn this into, you know, rather than something really scary? Can the opportunity be exciting? How are you perceiving it? You know, when you go to your computer, and it's kind of like, oh, my gosh, this morning started with a bit of a stressor. Do you spiral? Or are you able to like ground and be like,

    Okay, what next? What next? So a visual for me, if you're a visual person listening, I really resonate with water. So as a business owner, I actually just picture it's like, it's not about not having challenges. And if you go into it with that mindset, not gonna go great. But if you just kind of picture it like a wave, like I'm an ocean girl, and I just kind of picked her like, Oh, there's another wave, and get more skillful with how much you're kind of riding those waves. That's going to teach you you know, you can either kind of like playfully ride the wave and the currents, or you can decide to kind of like flounder and be paddling for dear life.

    And so when we set our sights on a vision of how we're going to react, how we're going to ride out those challenges, it really helps us stay in it when some days, it's just like, bam, bam, bam, bam, it's like, okay, are you gonna take it like a punch in my chest? Or are you gonna picture yourself as like a skillful sailor over the next week? So if you can find a visual that works for you, that's one that really resonates for me to just remember that, you know, this is the ebb and flow of life. This is the yin and the yang. And it's all about becoming a skillful sailor and reframing. Okay, that was an obstacle. How can I turn this into an opportunity? That's, that's a line by Tony Robbins that really landed for me.

    Oh, I love that become a skill wholesaler. Like, I feel like we could just end the podcast right now. Because I'm like, Yes, this is the visual that we all need to keep in mind. Because, like you said, the challenges are inevitable. And I call them the dips of entrepreneurship, like we feel like every week, or every month, or every quarter, we encounter this dip, and it just feels hard. And it's easy in that moment to want to quit. But you have to learn how to ride that wave and continue to nurture ourselves and our passion so that on the upswing, we come out stronger, but I think the temptation is to be like, everything's burning down, I'm just gonna quit, especially in like the first year or two. That's when people want to like, throw in the towel and give up. And if you don't have that mindset of a skillful sailor, you will give up and you'll never reach the level of success that is probably coming, right? Yes,

    yes, absolutely. And think of it like when we learn to walk as a baby, right? You don't just walk, you got to learn to balance guard, learn to stand up, got to trust yourself to take the first step. So why everything we do in life is kind of like learning. It's phasic. It's a growth, even learning to drive a car. You don't just jump in and say, see, yeah, you have your mom and dad, and then you graduate. And then you know, you're kind of on your own. And then the driving instructor says you passed. So when it comes to a business, it's like, do we believe in miracles? Can they happen in the first year? Yes, we do. But we also need to remember that every single thing we do in life is like learning to walk step by step growing, right? And so we really need to be careful with the expectations we put on ourselves. So it's like I know that growth is part of the process, and I believe in miracles Right? Kind of Like that two part, mindset.

    I love that. And kind of speaking of that journey of learning to walk, and the fact that we all go through challenges, I know you have been on your own journey over the last decade, and I believe you started a career in advertising and marketing, and then eventually decided to leave that in pursuit of a very rigorous degree of becoming a naturopathic doctor. Yeah. But you spent, what, five years, five years becoming and my sister went through it, as well. So I know how intense it is, like, literally like I didn't see her for five years. And then you gave all of that up? Well, I don't want to say that because that's the wrong lingo. You You said, There's something else for me and started your career as a mindset coach. So what has that journey been like for you? And how have you been able to follow the nudges, because a lot of people who are listening, they went to university graduated in a career path. And they feel like this is the way it's always going to be for me. And I'm not allowed to make a change, because I spent money time energy. And even though they have that intense, gut feeling that they're not in alignment, they're not on the right path. They refuse to listen to it. So I'm just curious if you can kind of bring us along how that journey went for you. No worries, how that journey was for you. And like how you were able to follow that inner voice and make these changes and continue to honor the unique journey that you've been on?

    You got it. So let me just say that, I guess, I guess on my LinkedIn, I should write professional, courageous libre.

    It's amazing. It's honestly, like, I bet people are envious, that you can make courageous leaps.

    Thank you. Yeah. So I mean, here's the thing, simply put, I don't know how to do think that my heart isn't in it. Like, I just don't know how I just doesn't work. I'm up. So off. And so it's like, that's how I have to live my life, right. So I started on the agency side of marketing, which is like a lot of like, you're doing the creative work for the client. And I heard a lot from people be like, Oh, you're on the sweatshop side or whatever, it it kind of has this negative connotation. I was like, Oh, I don't know about that. And not that I want to, like label anything, as you know, a certain way. But what I did learn is there was a lot of like, long, long hours, you know, you were kind of admired. If you didn't take a lunch break, the more unhealthy you were, the more credit and promotions you got. So being a health girl, I was like, this is not driving for me. So I applied for the what's known as the client side of marketing. So you're working directly with the brands, whatever it is, right? So I got in with a beauty company brand and it was more of a foot creativity. But you know, there's this line that sometimes you should pay attention to your passions by what you're doing on your breaks. And when I was on a break, I'd be like, what are the top supplements for when you're feeling cold? And I'd be like, Oh, vitamin C, zinc. B spray, like I'd be so passionate looking all this up. So I'm like, Man, I have a passion here that really wants to be seen. So quit again applied to naturopathic school, backpacked Thailand, just for a little side fun there. And when I came back, I started my five years to become an MD grueling, very, very grueling. Like you'll, you'll have to write like 12 exams in a row for two weeks and you don't get a break. And at Western I would write like three.

    So I really had to nourish those adrenal glands. And although I loved a lot of the medicine, there's, there's the direction that the profession was going that was out of alignment for me, again, can't do things out of alignment. I had a few good years in practice, and I'm like, Okay, what's next? So it's actually during the pandemic that I found a training on mindset NLP, EFT, all that good stuff. I'm like, you know, what? All my supervisors at school, I wrote on my feedback forums, that I was exceptional at guiding people. They're like, you know, I've never seen another student be able to guide other humans with so much grace and awareness. And I was like, oh, maybe there's a clue there. So during 2020, I started practicing on a lot of people caught a lot of feedback on my first clients, great feedback, and I was like, Yay, this feels good. And the feedback is my doing. So I just kind of like trusted the gut feelings along the way, was terrified why? Yes, I was. And I had to make those mental negotiations in my head. It's like, okay, if you start this, you might not be able to go shopping or going downtown. And like I had to be okay with that when I was making the switch, because here's the thing, it does take sacrifice, and it's never going to be cushy. So I did have a few chapters where I didn't necessarily have the cutest fashion outfits, or I didn't join for certain stuff. But that was my choice. And I don't regret it. Mm hmm.

    Oh, man. Yeah, it's such an interesting topic. And I love that you've shared so openly on this journey. And I believe you have an entire podcast, actually dedicated to dropping the title of Dr. And making that shift. So I'll definitely plug that in the show notes. And then great to go listen to it. Because I think it's it's something that I talked to a lot of people about, about wanting to make that shift. But there's certainly this fear of making any leap. And I think the goal is to have the courage like you said, to take it, but it's like, how do we find that within ourselves? So I'm curious, do you have any tips for somebody who is looking to make a big leap? Whether that's in life in business? What helped you when you were making that decision?

    Yes, so fear is always gonna be there. You're not like rare or, you know, you shouldn't feel weird if you feel scared, like, that's what protects us in life. So it's, it's about this like transition from like, vilifying and making the fear bad. And almost just making the fear like a buddy, it's like, hey, fear, wow, I really feel you today, you're in my stomach, and you have a lot to say, so, you know, let me hear your side of it. And then I'm going to share my side of it. So it's like fear might say, like, what are you doing? This is a lot of change, like, what if you're really uncomfortable, and then you can kind of talk back to your fear and like, reframe it and say, Hey, fear, you know, thanks for trying to keep me safe. But I also don't want to get to the end of my life, and I've played it safe the whole way along. So we're gonna have a bit of these feelings in our belly, but we're gonna really focus on the positive on where we want to go in life. And it's okay if you're here with me, but I'm going to take the driver's seat. And that I learned a bit of that kind of idea of like driver's seat versus back seat from Liz Gilbert. And that visual for me really helped. So it's like, rather than having anxiety, driving and being like, oh, like, I'm a driver of Emily's life, it's like, okay, anxiety, you're here, wanting to sit in the back and all take the wheel. And let's see how that changes our life moving forward.

    That's such a cool reframe. Yeah. Now, one thing I would love to crack open with you. And it's something that you talk about a lot. It's the power of the subconscious mind. So let's maybe cue this topic up for somebody who has no idea the difference between the conscious mind the subconscious mind and the role that the subconscious mind actually plays in like our entire life? Could you give us a little rundown of what the subconscious mind is?

    Absolutely. So we think that we are fully in charge of ourselves, like, this was me many years ago. Like I have a thought, so I'm in control, right? But there's a part of our mind called the subconscious mind. That actually is part of what is guiding us and we don't even know what's there, per se, because it's across our lifetime, as a child, a teenager or an adult, is collecting impressions. Everything in our environment that we're seeing, it's absorbing, like the beliefs of other people, things that we hear. And it's kind of forming, you know, little thoughts in our mind of, okay, rich people are like this, poor people are like this. So when we want to become an entrepreneur and earn money, we can be like, I want to be a good entrepreneur. That's the rational mind. But it's not just the rational mind in charge, the 90% that that subconscious mind is also offering insights and thoughts and it's saying, Oh, well remember when your neighbor said that if you're an entrepreneur, you're gonna go bankrupt. That's in there that's in that subconscious mind. So until we kind of take a look at what's there, what's guiding us when we're not even looking or listening. There's a chance you're gonna keep hitting plateaus, stagnation and success is because we have to look at those in the mirror and say, Hey, do we need to rewrite that?

    As a business owner, your first priority needs to be your Health. After all, your body is your vessel to bring your dreams into reality. And without your health, nothing else matters. So in addition to eating lots of fruits and veggies and Whole Foods, I'm also a big fan of topping up my diet with super foods like Brazil nuts and cashews. I take high quality supplements like fish oil and Lion's Mane, and I use natural self care products that aren't harmful to my health. And that's where healthy planet comes in and is a huge support healthy planet is my go to spot for all things health and fitness and wellness. I love that they have everything I need in one place from natural beauty to supplements to organic whole foods. Plus, their prices are unbeatable, I know I'm getting the best possible deals on everything that I need. So healthy planet is more than just a health food store. It's really a one stop shop for everything you need. And I want to pass on a discount code from Healthy Planet Canada. So use the code visionary 2022 at checkout on any online order and have everything shipped straight to your doorstep. So again, head to Healthy Planet canada.com and use the code visionary 2022 at checkout to save 10% on any online order over $50. Okay, but how do we take a look? Because I'm like either like the 90% of what drives us, right? But it's like, if we've never done the work before to identify what programs we've downloaded and what subconscious mind or subconscious beliefs are essentially driving our success. What would be like some of the first thing somebody could do to examine what actually is going on in the subconscious mind?

    Yeah, that's a great question. So we want to look at clues, right. And often this is where coaches come in, like Kelsey or myself to kind of be able to hear you because we don't even know what we we don't even know what we're doing. That's why I always hired coaches, Kelsey always hired coaches, right. And this is what I help people do, as my job is to look and say, what is here? Now, here's some clues for you, if you're trying to like Intuit some of your blocks. If you're someone that says, Oh my gosh, that's so expensive. Everything's so expensive, expensive, expensive, you probably have a bit of a money block, right? Because it's like, if it's really expensive, you're not trusting yourself that you have enough to go around. How do you feel when you're about to make a payment? So if you're going to pay your coach or PLC or whatever? Are you like really scared when you have to pay the bill? Like when I used to go pay my naturopathic bills, I remember sitting like in the naturopathic library, logging into the payment site, shaking like I literally was running to the bathroom, my stomach was so upset, like it was so much stress response when I'd pay bills. Now when I decide I'm going to work with someone, right, I'll just go pay the bill. And that's that, right? It's just money is just energy. Money is just energy. So I think you can start to really just ask yourself, what clues am my behavior telling me? So the word expensive? How do you feel when you go to pay something? Right? Another really, really big one in our society today is how often are you saying I'm so tired? Right? That's a big one. And it's like, well, if you're exhausted all the time, you're not going to build a good business. That was probably my number one thing to face off with, was I was always saying, I'm so tired. And that's super learned from the people around me. And so I had to be like, okay, maybe I am tired, but I'm not going to label myself as tired. It's more of this. It's more simple language. Hmm. In this moment, my body could use 10 minutes is shut and then I'm going to wake up and create something great. Right? So it's simple need for your body. My body needs to recharge. Okay, let's go. Right? Whereas if you're tired all day, you're tired after your nub. You tired reading your eblast? Right. Yeah. So pay attention to your language. And I mean, if you're really brave and bold, you can ask someone you love is the words I say a lot, which is always scary to get the feedback but helpful.

    I have a friend who is a very successful business owner and I love hanging out with her because she always catches me saying things that don't serve me and I remember three years ago, she said to me, do you know what you've said three times today? And I was kind of like, what like for someone to say that to you. You know what you've said three times today. She's like, you keep saying there's not enough time in the day and I said it with such like, almost just like as lighthearted energy, but I can find myself there's not enough time in the day and she's like Kelsey, there is enough time in the day, you just need to prioritize what you want to do what you want to get done in that time. And so now, like I stopped using that limiting belief or that mindset, issue of like, I don't have enough time, and I'm like, there's so much time and I need to prioritize my top two or three items. So that's one of the things and then similar to what you were saying about money. I used to avoid paying my taxes, I hated going through my bank statements and doing my bookkeeping. I would always when I needed to II transfer someone money, I would always like write it down on a paper, but then I wouldn't do it for like a week or two. And I kept like, like, you're saying, I kept seeing these clues of like, I have money issues. So I've had to kind of unpackage that whole money mindset thing, which was totally new to me a couple of years ago, but you realize that the things we say out loud, and the beliefs that we have, whether conscious or unconscious, they totally drive every decision that we make. And until we can be honest with ourselves, or have somebody else be honest with us, it's hard to make a change, because we're not aware that these things are potentially keeping us blocked. And then we just think I feel stuck. I feel stuck. But we don't know what to do about it.

    Oh, it's so true. And it's funny, right? Like the quality of your life is going to be influenced by the quality of the relationships you have. So do you want a friend let's sing in the moment, you probably want a friend, it's like Kelsey, here, perfect. Perfect, your outfit is perfect. And then you know you down the road, we actually benefit from friends that are like Kelsey, I noticed that you could add this thing to your email blast for clients, or, Hey, what's with the language today? So there's a piece there in our success and getting good at receiving feedback. And

    I know that this is something that you have said has changed the game for you because you weren't always okay with receiving feedback, you weren't always necessarily looking for it or open to receiving it. So I'm curious, why do you feel it's important to be open to feedback? And do you have any tips for us? If we are kind of just a little bit shy of receiving feedback or even asking for it?

    Yeah, for sure. Okay, so this was taught to me by one of my coaches, and it helped so much. So she always teaches that before you give someone feedback, you should ask for their consent. So it's like Kelsey, would you like some feedback about something I noticed on your website, and then you have an opportunity in your body to like calibrate, and be like, Oh, that would probably be valuable. And what that does is it takes the emotional edge off. Because if you're not ready, the brain is just gonna make it an emotion. But if you are asking for consent, you're like, rationally it's very good to receive feedback. Yes, I would like it. So that's simple switch into asking for consent. If you start doing that with people in your life that are really important, they're going to catch on. Right? So if you're offering feedback, and you're saying, Hey, would it be okay, if I gave you a feedback today, most likely, when they're returning the feedback, they're gonna start to use this consent as well. And actually, my dad's always been in HR. And he naturally always did this. Like as with our friends and us, he'd say, Hey, can I give you a thought? And like, get the buy in? And Blake never forgets that he'll always say, Okay, I'm gonna frame this in a bob Elliott way. So I actually have been exposed to this through my dad, right? Yeah. And then funny enough, the super, super successful coach I've had, she's just incredible. Her name is Marla Mattinson. And she then really reinforced this concept, can I have your consent? And it just it changes the game. So just remember that if feedback feels emotional, there's a way to make it more cerebral, right. And that's kind of what takes the fuse off.

    Such a good tip, and I'm definitely going to test that out in the read because yeah, right. Like, it's just like, you're kind of preparing somebody for what's about to come because you're doing it from a loving place. But you don't if somebody doesn't hear it from a loving place, or they're just so like taken off guard when you offer that feedback. They might not see it that way. But I think if it comes from that place of I just want to share something that's worked for me or I'm catching you doing something that might not be serving you If it can be really, really helpful. Oh,

    absolutely agree. I'm also laughing so hard at the subconscious mind because I barely ever say the word. Sure I like the word like absolutely or Yep. Look at the name of my microphone. Sure. So Brandon looks really good.

    That's one of those words that when I text people, and they message me back with the word Sure, I'm always like, you don't seem Sure. I know in a weird meaning.

    It is it can be in texting, oh my gosh, that's why I've voiced note, everyone, I'm like, I want you to hear my tone. As I say this.

    I love that. So one of the other things that I know has changed the game for you is taking radical responsibility, even when you want to blame. So I'm curious, how has that been a powerful shift? Because I feel like it is so easy for a lot of us, especially when we're in business trying to grow something, launch something, if it's not working out, we blame all these factors external to us the recession, my email didn't send at the right time, the algorithm isn't working in my favor. And like, honestly, there are 5 billion things, especially in the online world that we could outsource the responsibility of our success or results to so I'm curious how has taking responsibility really just empowered you and your life and changed your life in a positive way?

    Yeah, and what's funny, I always have to give the caveat that there is a lot of things where I'm still human. So like, in a month, I might mostly take responsibility. And then there's times that I'll automatically think, Oh, that was Blake that did that. Right? My partner. So for example, I tripped on a whole bunch of toys the other day. I was like, Blake totally didn't clean colas, toys. And then one of the times I'm like, Oh, no way that was me. Right? But it was funny how, like, as my foot hurt, I wanted to blame him. And he's gonna be laughing listening. He's so no, no, like, I told you so person, but he'll be laughing. So there is a concept here about? Do you want to be an externally focused or internally focused person, right? So if we're internally focused, no matter what happens, we are able to handle what's in front of us because we've learned how, and when we are externally focused, guess what? That same drama that just happened, it's gonna keep fighting you over and over and over. So that's gonna sabotage your success. So let's say it was a client was too opinionated or hard on you, right? Oh, well, you know, that didn't go well. Because so and so's too opinionated and too hard on me. And then you go to your in laws, and they are criticizing you, and they're being really hard on you. Or like, Oh, they're too hard on me. And whatever you're finding is gonna pop up everywhere. Yeah, like the mailman. The whatever it is, is just gonna keep coming. So until you learn to, like, deal with it and face off with it, it's gonna keep finding you. So that's kind of why when life is giving you feedback, rather than just seeing like, oh, blame, blame, blame that person, that person, that person. It's like, what's the lesson here? What do I have to learn? How am I going to grow from this. And then as it keeps popping up, back to that skilful sailor thing. So if you are externally focused stuff always gonna go wrong. And if you're internally focused, you learn that you have the tool belt to get you through. So focus on my tool belt, no, you know how to deal with it. And I read something so great this week, and I think especially women need to learn this. Conflict is not bad. And we kind of make it bad. Like, we're like, oh, conflict, I'm going to avoid it because it's so stressful. But conflict is actually a way to get improved connection and intimacy with someone. When you get through to the other side, and do it tactfully and gracefully, you understand each other better. There's more respect there. There's more trust. So don't be afraid of conflict. It's more like how can I lean into conflict with grace?

    I love that. It's so funny. Okay, so I'm having this weird visual right now, because I'm currently watching the Bachelorette, which is the show I like to indulge in in the winter. It's good. And it's funny because if anyone's ever watched it before, you know they're in this six week simulation. It's like a dream world right? And these relationships are berth that are pretty much in a container, like they're perfect because there's no external conflict. And I was watching it the other night kind of equating that to playing safe in building a business, I was like, you can do all the right things like you can post the perfect content. And you can like, follow these checklists and go through a perfect launch. But if you never get yourself into the real world and test things outside of this perfect little checklist, then you never Well, first of all, you'll never encounter the conflict. But you also don't get to grow. And so I love what you're saying about like, conflict isn't a bad thing, like getting yourself out into the real world and stretching yourself outside of the box is actually good, because it's going to help you to become a stronger person in a relationship or a stronger entrepreneur. And it really tests you just in different ways. So I don't think it's it's not helpful to fear conflict, but to instead just embrace it and know that the tough conversations are going to equip you for what's to come and, and just strengthen you. Yeah, in so many different ways. So I'm not sure that that bachelorette analogy really worked.

    But no, yeah. Well, I mean, I'm laughing because of course, we think of conflicts that show you, you put your arm around him, and I was I was sitting right there.

    I know, guilty pleasure. But yeah, I guess I just admitted that on the pod. So if anyone watches it, and wants to chat,

    I spent so many months watching it. So I totally get why it's so

    judgment. So you seem like you're obviously quite self aware now of a lot of the beliefs and the mindset kind of challenges that have held you back and you've been able to work through them? What are some of the ways that you do this in practice on a daily basis? Like, is it through journaling? Visualization? Like if we're starting to catch ourselves with like, these crazy money mindset, like rich people are selfish, or people who have a lot of money? are bad people, like when we start to identify that these are the conversations circulating in our mind? What are some things that we can actually start doing today, to help to rewrite our stories and to reprogram the subconscious mind and hopefully, drop these beliefs in favor of new ones?

    Absolutely. Yeah. So I think I mean, for me, again, I'm very, very visual. So I built a vision board. And every single crazy successful person I know, has a vision board hands down. Like it's just it's not even just a fun little cute little Saturday, magazine activity, like hands down, the most successful people I know, are looking at their map of what they want every day, right? And sometimes people say to me, like how is working with you as a coach different than therapy? I'm like, well, therapy, you look at what happened in the past. And with a coach, we're mapping out what do you want out of life. So you know, even just when people leave the container with me, and they have these beautiful maps of where they want to go, they're like that alone, like that accountability to draw out my mouth is worth its weight in gold because I was waking up doing the same things and I wasn't taking actions towards what I wanted, because I wasn't even remembering or focused what I wanted. And so visual is amazing, like what images stimulate your heart, your emotions, your body, like, if the if an emotion makes you stir, like I told you all that the water makes me start by seeing an ocean, my whole body physiology changes. So I post that on my wall like me beside the ocean, right? So use the visuals print out of a vision board. And also something else is like I play a little movie rails in my head. So it's like if there before I had my second baby I really really wanted another baby and I would set a night and just play the rule of like a family of you know with the additional baby we were all hugging and I would just play the real and play the real so my physiology was listening. So that's something you can do at home. Um you know, working with a coach affords you the ability to have the mirror and really have someone pick out what's going on with your language what's going on with the conflicts in your life because here's the thing if your finances are off your relationships likely off if your relationships off your relationship with your parents is likely off like there's there's everything affects everything right so taking a look at all those sections of your life and rebuilding new thoughts like that's mostly what I do for a living is to help people rebuild new thoughts. And then there's an energetic technique called Tapping EFT. And so after we kind of established a lot of the junk, right, the junk we don't need in our heads, we tap on it so that we're removing the, let's call it the muscle memory, the energy Meridian memory of those negative thoughts. So you can tap away, like you can tap on a headache, and just feel like, tap away the pain. And on a larger sense, you can tap away some of these limiting beliefs that you heard from like, whatever your aunt it's like, it's really hard to be an entrepreneur, you're gonna go bankrupt, like you can tap that away, tap away the memory of that. So yeah, there's a tons of pieces to the puzzle. But those are probably my top three is make your map, make mental movie reels that you can replay that, as if the event is already happening. And you're like, you're already living in it. Oh, wow. I'm already beside the ocean amazing. And then again, invest, invest in coaches, because you need help seeing your blind spots. And sometimes it's just getting those reframes. And I would always like I always do tell my clients a lot of personal stories with the junk I faced off with because there's solidarity and knowing you're not alone. So those are probably my top three, fit vision board. I'm laughing at my language, because last night my daughter was up a lot. So I'm a little sleepy burials and hire a coach, those are my top three,

    such good to see ya. I'm curious, what is your favorite part about being a mindset coach, you must see so many successes and transformations. What do you love about this career that you get to wake up to every day?

    Oh, that's a fun one. I love seeing people return to their own essence in their own hearts, like we all show up in the world is like with these masks, it's like, I'm gonna act really smart. I'm gonna act really, like I'm the fun one. And it's like, when we strip away all these like singular identities, we can find actually, who we are and our real hearts. And so I'll get these text messages from people. It's like, I just remembered how much I love to play. And, you know, I just created a masterpiece on my cooking website, because I was so blocked up and you helped me return to myself, I just earned an additional 10k This month, because I rediscovered my confidence. You know, we we went there. So I think getting these little things on my phone of people returning to who they are. That's the magic. Because when you are who you are, you're going to earn better, you're gonna love better, you're gonna live better, you're gonna laugh better. So seeing people return to their own hearts is like just the greatest honor of all time.

    So beautiful. You know, something you said too, is that you help people rebuild their thoughts. And I had this visual of like, architecture of like, there are some people who help build houses. And like, we see that in the physical realm. But then when somebody tells us, they're going to be like a thought architect, like, I'm going to help you rebuild your thoughts. We're kind of like, I don't get it. But it's like, no, this is like, this is you This is more important than the house you live in. And I don't think we place enough value on thought architecture, and like, how do we want to restructure the foundation of our body, our mind, our spirit, our passion? And like, that's what you do. It's like, how important is that? I can't even explain it. I feel

    the same way. But I'm, like, in love with it too. And I love your visual, like I love the idea of the thought architect because we know nothing can grow on a broken foundation. So if your business is like the roof, and it's being built on like shambles, and bricks that are always falling, it's like you're not going to hit the peak. And I always say to people, it's like, isn't it funny that we like wash our hair, brush our teeth, but we don't do thought hygiene at the end of the day. So, I mean, it's like, it's funny that we put our priorities into certain things, but not others. So

    it is really funny. And I don't know if that's just a product of conditioning. And it's that age old phrase that it's just the way it's always been like, but maybe that's not the best way to self actualize. So no,

    I agree. And you know what we can't. I mean, we look at our generations before us, our grandparents and our parents with love and admiration because they give us they gave us their hearts. They gave us everything they knew. And we would hope that they would want us to do even better, right? And so the That generation for the most part that this wasn't a big focus, there was very literal understanding of the world and nine to five and what you do and expectations. So our generation is more like know what is the psychosocial financial impact of what we're doing and thinking in our life, right?

    Yeah, so incredible. If people want to connect with you, Emily, where are the best places for them to find you to tune into the pod? All the things?

    Yeah, so you can find me on Instagram. It's Emily Elliot with two underscores. Um, and you can check out the magnetic life, lots of health mindset, many relationships and motherhood in there too. Oh, in really romantic relationships, too, as another focus. And yeah, if you are interested in coaching, just you can just ping me on Instagram, my websites getting a nice, sexy little overhaul, so I'm just waiting on that. And yeah, thank you, Kelsey. This was so much fun. So many

    good tips. Can't wait to have you back again. And thank you for sharing your mindset wisdom with us. So we wish you all the best.

    My pleasure Talk soon.

    Thanks for tuning in to this episode of visionary life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis. So it would mean so much to me. If you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show in your iTunes app. You can also support the show by taking a quick screenshot of the episode and sharing it on your Instagram Stories. tagging me at Kelsey Rydell. I'll catch you in the next episode. PS whenever you're ready, there's a couple of ways that I can support you. So first thing if you're ready to make your first or next $50,000 In business, explore how the visionary method business coaching experience can accelerate your growth. There'll be a link in the show notes. Also, if you're feeling lost, confused or overwhelmed when it comes to starting an online business, reach out and book a free revision call with me. I'll offer you customized recommendations on how to get unstuck so you can live a life filled with joy, happiness and fulfillment

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