250 7 Tips For Succeeding As An Entrepreneur in 2023

2023 is a New Year.

There is opportunity to leave your mark!

In 2023, the competition for entrepreneurs will be stiffer than ever - but that doesn’t mean there isn’t space for you.

 In fact, now more than ever we NEED you to bring valuable products and services to the world.


To stand out from the crowd, you will need to have a good knowledge of how the business world works and what it takes to make a mark. 


It’s no longer enough to just write a basic business plan, have an average product, and to expect to make millions overnight with an automated sales funnel.


You must possess sharp skills and a keen eye for ‘what’s working now’ in order to stay afloat!


Above all else, entrepreneurs in 2023 must be bold with their marketing strategies, and unapologetic about what makes them different from their competition - this could be where true riches reside!


So, today I'm going to be sharing 7 tips that will help you succeed as an entrepreneur in 2023.


Our 2023 TVM Mastermind is 8 months long and begins February 6th. Limited spots available.

 Spaces are limited - don't miss out on this opportunity to become part of something powerful!


Learn more


Apply today here.


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • Have you been thinking about hiring a marketing coach, maybe you got into business because you wanted to actually do your thing. But you actually find yourself worrying about marketing and stressing about sales and where your next client is going to come from? Well, marketing isn't your expertise.

    We know that, but it is mine. And I'd love to help you stay on top of the latest marketing trends and know where to focus your time and your limited energy. So I take on a handful of clients every single month for a four month marketing coaching experience. And this is for the business owner who feels overwhelmed with their marketing strategies. They're not sure how to spend their time and they just don't know where to show up. They're wondering, should they have a blog and a podcast? How to grow your email newsletter? Are they getting traffic to their website from Google? Is their SEO even updated? What should you say anytime you need to make a sale or communicate a promotion, I want to help you build out your 12 month annual year at a glance marketing plan, and then break it down into super actionable steps for you.

    As your marketing coach, I not only am going to meet with you on a weekly basis, but I'm going to tell you exactly what to do. You'll have precise next steps so that you feel super confident in just four months that your marketing strategy is in place. And you're seeing your business growth on an upward trajectory. If you want to learn more about marketing coaching, head to Kelsey rydell.com and click the work with me tab and you can learn all about it there. I've also written a blog post for you I have a free live masterclass for you. So you can do all your digging, and learn about marketing coaching and whether it is right for you.

    Hey, visionaries, welcome back to our final episode of 2022. I cannot believe it at the time of this recording, we have less than 48 hours left in the year. And I am someone who embraces these final few days. And I always have the mindset that I want to get ahead of my goals and get ahead of everybody else. By taking big action before the new year starts just so that I can prove to myself more than anything that I don't need a new year to make change.

    But that if something is important for me to change personally or professionally, or with my finances, or with my health, that I will do it right away, I like to affirm that I'm the type of person who just takes bold action when bold action is necessary. So I don't know if that resonates with you.

    Maybe I'm a bit psychotic. But, you know, here I am. That's what I do. Now, I am going to record an episode today about seven tips for succeeding as an entrepreneur this year. These are also tips that can help anybody to succeed in life, or in any goal that you have. So if you're not an entrepreneur, or you're not an entrepreneur yet, this episode definitely still applies. So I'm really excited to dive in. So oh my gosh, I am just coming off of the 24 hour flu than anyone else get that over the holiday season. I mean, I was more social than usual, I was around big groups of people, we had so many family gatherings. So I guess it's only normal to pick up a bug here or there.

    But I basically had to lie down and watch TV all day yesterday. So I have this restless energy. And I woke up at 4:30am this morning, just like so keen to connect with you guys and to work and to send out an email to my list. And anyways, the inner fire is definitely lit for me. So I sat down. And I wrote out these seven tips for succeeding based on what I know to be true. And I work with a lot of business and marketing mentors. So these are things that I've picked up from them as well. So this is not a complete list per se. These are just seven relevant tips that I feel you can apply right away if you want to be more successful as we lead into the new year. So it's really me because as we move into 2023 I do feel as though the demand for entrepreneurs is only continuing to grow.

    There is well as you've probably heard the quiet quitting revolution. A lot of people are just so unhappy with their corporate jobs. And they want to make a mark in the world. And as consumers, we want to support these people as well. We're looking for alternatives to conventional products. And so even though there are more entrepreneurs than ever, that doesn't mean there isn't space for You In fact, now more than ever, we need you to bring value to the marketplace, we need you to bring really good products and services to the world because there's a lot of crap out there. And you can stand out from the crowd, by just having a really good knowledge of how business works, and what people actually want from your product or service. So I'm really excited because above all else, I feel like entrepreneurs and 2023, just by being bold with their marketing strategies, being unapologetic about what makes them different from their competition, you can find a lot of success and growth.

    So today, I'm going to share the seven tips that are going to help you succeed in 2023. And these techniques are tried tested proven, they're going to provide you with valuable insight on creating and maintaining a successful business into the new year and beyond. And I think that's it.

    So let's dive in with the first one. So the first tip for succeeding as an entrepreneur in 2023, is to never stop learning. I am sure if you are listening to those podcasts, you are the one who doesn't need this reminder. Because most podcast listeners are hungry for constant learnings and to always seek information and things that can support them. But the reason why I'm starting with this tip, never stop learning is because if you're always learning, you're always going to be testing new ideas. So when I say Never stop learning, I don't mean to just consume, consume, consume, but to also test and experiment, and to really pay attention to where the marketplace is going. And every industry is going to be different.

    But you know, say 10 years ago, you saw that there was this big shift from brick and mortar and in person marketing to this whole realm of social media and digital marketing. And imagine you said oh, I'm just not even going to pay attention to that. That's not for me, where you would have completely missed the boat, right? So as entrepreneurs, we always need to be learning, learning from our life experiences, learning from our environments, learning from our peers, right? I think the most undervalued way to learn is by getting inside of a mastermind and actually learning from people who are on similar paths who are testing strategies, who can literally share with you five years of learning in a five minute conversation. So to make sure that you're always asking questions, and seeking information that can make you a better entrepreneur.

    For myself, right now, I am learning a lot about growth marketing, so using more advanced data and analytics, in order to track how your entire consumer funnel works. So when people interact with your brand, for the first time, all the way to the point when they become a paying customer or paying client, how to have metrics associated with each of those touch points. So you can see exactly where people are dropping off where the leaks are. So that is something that I'm currently learning a lot about. And honestly, I was the type of person in university that I didn't like learning, like I was taking human resources, it didn't interest me. So learning wasn't my favorite. But as soon as I became an entrepreneur, and I could learn what I wanted and focus on learning things that were going to make me a better business owner, that advanced the the path or the vision that I had for myself, learning became something I did every single day, I've never stopped learning, I've never had a day where I didn't read something or consume something or practice something. Because I know that as an entrepreneur, it's absolutely essential to always be learning and to always be implementing what I am learning. So that is tip number one for succeeding as an entrepreneur.

    Let's go to tip number two. Tip Two is to challenge the way it's always been done, and to carve out your own path. Now I know it can be so tempting in those first couple of years of business, to just buy the online courses and do exactly what they say or to look at your favorite online entrepreneurs and to copy their messaging, copy their branding, copy what apparently is working for them, but honestly, you guys there are so many people who are just preaching that there's only one way to do things but the truth is they're just teaching you their way that worked for them. And unfortunately, when you go to copycat them, it's probably not going to work for you and that's not because you did it wrong. It's just because you're not doing your own methodology. You're not implementing your own unique brand. aliens with this method.

    So I really want you to challenge the way things have been done in your industry and outside of your industry. And to come at anything you do this year with your own ideas to add or subtract from these formulas that you're being given. So if people tell you that the way to launch is to have a webinar that has these slides, with this sales script and this pitch at the end, ask yourself, why ask yourself? Is this going to work for me? Will this fit with my core values, my vision for my business? Or is there something that I can do differently or better based on who I am and what my skill set is, that can help me to take this to the next level. So again, really challenged the way things have been done, do not copycat because you need to bring your magic to what you do. And speaking of that, I want to move into tip number three for succeeding as an entrepreneur. And that is to work on your charisma. This is a word that I feel like we don't use in the English language very often, or at least I don't use it in conversation. But essentially, charisma is a personal magic of leadership that drives loyalty or enthusiasm. So if you've ever thought about somebody who's charismatic, I hope you think of a person that is charismatic in a good way, somebody who's excited about what they do, or who has a presence when they enter the room, or who knows how to lead or who makes people feel comfortable. And that has a warmth to them that smiles at you that gets along with people, being a successful entrepreneur, and 2023. Especially if you're a small business owner, you must be charismatic, and nobody is talking about this. But if you are responsible for being your spokesperson for your business, if you need to be the number one fan, the brand evangelist who gets people hyped up about what you do, because honestly, if you're not excited or charismatic about what you do, I guarantee nobody else is excited. Isn't that crazy, right? Like if you are an entrepreneur, a visionary, and you're bringing an idea or an online course or group coaching program to life for the first time, if you're talking about it, like, well, I'm launching this six week program, and you might just feel a little bit better by like, imagine somebody tried to sell a program like that, you'd be like, I'm not even listening next. But if somebody jumps on, and they're like, in 90 days, you can absolutely heal from your chronic illness, and here's how we're going to do it, then you're paying attention, right? And I'm not saying to be charismatic in a sleazy way, and to over promise, that is not the definition of the word, but to have that personal magic to show up as the most embellished version of yourself. So if you're gonna hold the camera up to yourself, and film a video, turn on that voice, turn on that smile, open up to people share your heart, and don't be afraid to show 110% Rather than just 90%. Because through the camera, a lot gets lost, right? And in person, like, don't be afraid to smile at people and to be excited about what you're working on. Because that's the only way people are gonna get on board with what you're up to. So that is tip number three.

    Okay, let's get into Tip number four. And that's to not fear failure. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur and 2023, you're gonna have to fail. In fact, you're probably going to try 50 things that fail to find 50 things that help you succeed. And if I were to check in with you in a year from now, I hope that you say, you know, hey, Kelsey, I hit my goals, I hit my first six figure year, my first, you know, $10,000 month or I signed 50 clients. And I did that by succeeding at x, y and z. And then I also did that by failing at x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E F G, you know, there should almost be more failures, and I can absolutely recap so many things that I did this year that produced nothing. Yes, I ran campaigns that produced zero results. Yes, I launched webinars or masterclasses that got like two or three signups because they didn't hit the mark. Yes, I sent emails that had really low open rates. Yes, I worked with our program manager on various tasks and organizing things on the back end that we simply did not use or look at after they were created. But yes, I made a master plan for 2022 that we did veer off course from and it can be intimidating to take risks, especially when we're striving for success. But it takes a healthy dose of vulnerability to reach our goals and that includes failure. Visionary, I know you, you're a health nut and you want to save money on the brands you love and the ones that support your well being. Well, healthy planet is your one stop shop for all things healthy. They have everything from gluten free snacks to non toxic beauty products, and they deliver it all right to your doorstep. Being healthy has never been easier, more affordable or more convenient than this. So go ahead shop with Healthy Planet online and save 10% off any online order over 4999 Just use the code visionary 2022 at checkout visionary 2022 at checkout, it's going to save you 10% So what are you waiting for? Go get all of your health food goodies and start saving today by heading to Healthy Planet canada.com. Use the code visionary 2022 at checkout.

    Hey, visionary, how would you like to unlock the potential of your business and your mindset in the next 90 days, I am so excited to be sharing with you that I am partnering with mindset coach and founder of the magnetic life Emily Elliott, to bring you your 2023 leads.

    You see one of the biggest challenges that new entrepreneurs face is striking that balance between mastering their mindset and fine tuning their marketing strategies. It can be so tough to find time for both when you're constantly working in your business with patients with clients. But what if I told you there is a way to make big strides in your mindset, and in your marketing in just 90 days.

    Your 2023 leads is the program that starts February 1 2023. And this is the business and mindset program that will change the way you do business. So I am the marketing expert who is going to be running the marketing portion of each training. And Emily is the mindset coach who's going to help people to overcome their limitations, find their results, find confidence and find cash in their methodology. So we're excited because together we have the knowledge and experience to help you achieve success in both your personal and professional life. And for the first time ever, Emily and I are coming together to do all of this and more inside of your 2020 free leads. So we really do believe that the two most important levers to grow your business are marketing and mindset. So definitely if this piques your interest, we'd love to invite you to a couple of things. So first things first, we do have a free masterclass all about the power of harnessing your mindset and leveraging new marketing strategies to grow your business.

    This is happening Monday, January 9, from two until 3pm. Eastern time, you can sign up at Kelsey rydel.com/ 2023. We also have an open house coming up on Tuesday, January 24. From 730 to 8:30pm. Eastern, again, same link to sign up for the open house Kelsey rydell.com/ 2023.

    If this all sounds really good to you and you're ready to enroll, you can simply had to that very same website. And all of the details for checking out and enrolling yourself are right there. So if you are excited to join us inside of your 2023 Leap, definitely take advantage of the time limited bonuses, you can get all your questions answered at Kelsey rydell.com/ 2023. And we are so excited to work with a group of you over the next 20 weeks. This is a program like nothing you've ever seen before. It is a combination of marketing and mindset.

    And it comes together to become such a brilliant 90 days together. So we'll see you inside. And don't be afraid to reach out if you have any questions. Another thing I did that I could see as a failure, I spent weeks and weeks prepping for a training that I taught to a really, really major company, one of the biggest companies in the world, I had a chance to speak to their sales team. And the promise from them was well we're going to try to get you to have a paid contract with us and to actually speak on our stage at our headquarters in San Francisco. So I prepared I put all my work on hold so that I could impress these people. And it took a lot of time and energy and resources to prepare this all for what I could consider nothing like nothing has come of it. Nothing came of it. I put so much on the line for this. Does that mean it's a failure? No. I always see these things as planting seeds. I couldn't have known if it was going to be a big success, like knock it out of the park Kelsey gets her first, you know, massive speaking gig? Or was it going to just be a dead end? How would I possibly know. So honestly, getting comfortable with failure is a key to unlocking your potential. And instead of letting fear or a sense of failure, hold you back, I want you to focus on embracing failure, knowing that it will make you stronger knowing that it's going to make you way, way, way better entrepreneur. Alright, the next tip that I want to share is to affirm what you want. If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, and 2023, you have to be bold, and you have to affirm what you want. So you've probably heard me talk about this in my episode on 10, life changing health habits for entrepreneurs, I talk about this concept called affirmations Hill. Now, I'm not the typical affirmations type, I don't, you know, have affirmations all around my office or I don't write them on my mirror or anything of that nature. But I do have a practice that I learned from my acupuncturist. And she said, You know, every time I walk up this one hill, that's when I say my affirmations, and so I have affirmations in the realm of my health, my wealth, my relationships, my adventures, and my business. So you could have a affirmation that's like, for relationships, I make people feel seen and heard in my presence, or for your health, everything I put into my body is an investment into the future me, or for your wealth, I have half a million in my savings account by 2024. So I want you to write out one or two affirmations for each of those categories, health, wealth, relationships, adventure, business, and potentially even other categories that are important to you, especially categories that help you succeed as an entrepreneur. And then I want you to pick a hill that you walk up often. Okay, so is there a hill that's nearby you? Every time you walk up that hill, you're gonna say your affirmations for every single category. I know it sounds a little bit crazy, but I do believe in affirming what you want. It's kind of related to the story. I don't know if you guys heard the story of the Jim Carrey. Before he became super, super famous, he actually wrote himself a check for $10 million. And that was because he needed some hope he wasn't landing any crazy gigs at the time. And his first paycheck actually from I believe it was dumb, and Dumber, was $10 million. So if you haven't heard that story, go check it out, I share it often. And I actually have my students write out a fake check to themselves to affirm what they want. So if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you basically have to convince yourself first that it's all possible, and then the actions will follow. So on that I want to share the next tip, which is also a little bit more woowoo, we'll say, but it works is to visualize what you want. So you guys probably already know that visualization is one of the most powerful strategies for creating the life and for the business what you want, that you want. So if you can't even see where you're going, or you can't visualize the feeling of enrolling 15 people or you can't visualize how people are going to leave you reviews and testimonials after you impact their life, then you're probably not fully convinced that you can get yourself there. So I want you to just visualize what is going to happen 90 days into the year, where are you going to be six months into 2023. This is the dress rehearsal for what's to come. So even if you just take 30 seconds to close your eyes, to visualize the health, the wealth, the relationships, the career accomplishments, the adventures that you're going to go on. Whether you do that through meditation, or literally just closing your eyes and writing down whatever comes to mind, then you may not be able to get yourself there, a lot of athletes use this technique. It's not something that is, you know, unscientific. In fact, there's so much research behind visualization. So I know these two tips, visualizations, and affirmations can be a little bit different than your typical strategy. But that does need to happen in order for you to move forward through the year with certainty that you can get exactly what you want. All right, and our final tip so tip number seven for succeeding as an entrepreneur this year is to have a singular focus and to not do all the things to launch all the programs to try and make money doing none million different services. This is a mistake, especially for those of you who are in your first few years of business. When you have so many things that you are trying to focus on so many things that you are trying to build, you actually have competition between your own goals, and you're probably only allotting 30% of your energy to each of these goals or 15%. And that, obviously, is not the best strategy. So when people join the visionary method, I talk about a concept called solving one problem for one year for one type of person using one marketing plan. How simple does that sound? solve one problem for one year for one type of person using one marketing plan? That doesn't mean solving 30 different problems for 30 types of target markets using 30 different marketing plans for 30 years? No, no, no, no, we're simplifying it down. So I want you to pick a singular focus for your year, what are you trying to do? clear the clutter of your business, stop competing against your own goals. So

    if you have the ability to take away all of your product offerings as a service provider, and just narrow it down to the one amazing package that you have, you are going to be 1000 times more successful than the person who has a 30 minute consult a one day VIP session, a six month experience, a three week experience a custom package? No, no, we got to get away from that that is just competing against yourself. So make sure you have a very clear focus. Don't be afraid to get rid of stuff this year. Don't be afraid to simplify your marketing plan. Don't be afraid to really niche down to one type of target client or dream client. Don't be afraid to just sell one thing that's really, really awesome. It's going to simplify so much for you on the back end. All right, you guys. So those are my tips for you to start 2023 with a bang to start 2023 As a successful entrepreneur. And like I said these techniques, they are tried and tested, but don't be afraid to put your own spin on them. These are just a starting point. But it is crucial that you experiment and tweak and adjust items depending on your situation. And if necessary to seek support from someone like myself or the visionary method to offer you business and marketing coaching that's going to fit with your business goals. So if you do want to learn more about that head to Kelseyreidl.com, we are accepting applications for January and I'm so so so excited. I can only work with three new private clients per month and two of those spots are already filled up. So get your application in you'll find that form on my website. If you have any questions at all. You guys can find me on Instagram at Kelsey Rydell and cheers to the New Year. I hope you bring it in doing all of the things you love and I will see you guys in 2023

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If you’re searching for an Online Business & Marketing Coach for your Business, rest assured that you’re in the right place.

I've helped over 200+ people to launch their business, go full-time, get fully booked, and become #1 with The Visionary Method

Episode Sponsors:

  • Healthy Planet: Save 10% on any online order with the code VISIONARY2022 at checkout

  • The Visionary Method: The Fastest Way to Launch Your Services, Go Full-Time, and Become Fully Booked with your Business! Learn more >>

Mentioned in our Episode:

  • The Visionary Method: 90 Day Accelerator. This cohort we are joining force with Mindset Coach, Emily Elliott.

    If you are ready to unlock your business and mindset potential in 90 days. This is for you.

  • Private Coaching. This is for those of you who really want to grow their business this year and master their marketing skills and finally go full-time.

    This is for you if your business is making 50-75k a year and you are ready to scale up to 6 figures.

  • Visionary Method Group Mastermind. If you are ready to unlock your high performance habits that are going to accelerate your growth, and want to hold yourself to a high standard and connect with entrepreneurs in similar paths.

    Looking to scale your business beyond 150,000 in revenue this year. This mastermind is for you.

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