148 Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2021

new episode of visionary life

Hey Kelsey, - What do you think are the Marketing Trends for 2021?VisionaryLife-63.jpg

Hey Kelsey,

What do you think are the Marketing Trends for 2021?


Let’s talk Marketing Trends…

If you have a business, or you’re thinking of starting one in 2021, you’ve likely spent a bunch of time contemplating your Marketing & Promotional Plans for the upcoming year.

What worked for you this past year? What didn’t work? What needs to shift? What channels have you totally neglected that you need to be showing up on?

Don’t worry visionary, I’ve got you covered!

If you’re wondering why we’re doing a deep dive on Marketing Trends today, it’s because marketing is the lifeblood of your business!

Marketing is anything & everything you do to drum up awareness of your products & services, with the intention of making sure that your dream clients know you exist and have enough information to make an informed decision about whether or not your products & services are for them!

If you land on the right marketing strategy in 2021, you can expect to double, triple or 10x your business.

Are you prepared for how your marketing strategy might shift in 2021?

In this podcast I’m going to run through the Top 10 Marketing Trends that I see for 2021 & give you examples of how you can adopt them into your own business.

marketing trends for 2021

Trend # 1 - No More Vanilla Messaging.

Be bold, be polarizing, and take a stance on what you believe.

You know what I mean when I say “Vanilla” right? In this case a business that is boring, predictable and has no standout messaging.

TREND # 2 - A shift back to local, community-based spending.

Keeping our dollars right outside of our front doors.

Rather than supporting the “big guys” (Amazon, Walmart, Costco) we’re going to see a major shift towards supporting local artists, makers & brick and mortar shop owners

TREND # 3 - the death of many social media “influencers”

Sorry hunny, but you’re going to have to be more than a pretty face to represent a product.

My prediction is that this is the year, influencers without thought leadership will die off. Simply standing in front of a camera lens with a product doesn’t work anymore. There needs to be substance.

We don’t need more copycats, we need true thought leaders.

TREND # 4 - if you can lead, lead!

“Do What I Say, But Not As I Do” is not going to fly anymore.

If you can be a true leader, that is, in and of itself, a marketing strategy. Leaders shine & attract others to follow. This is the year when we wake up and stop taking advice from people who are not leaders.

TREND # 5 - goodbye daily insta-feed updates

Instagram feed updates are not needed at the same regularity that they once were, but the feed will act as a place for people to scope out what you’re about.

Do you need updated content? Yes. But daily posts are likely not needed. Insta-Stories are where people are paying attention and where they can feel connected to you.

TREND # 6 - blogging isn’t dead

Blogging isn’t dead!

And actually, it’s your secret weapon for SEO performance so Start That Damn Blog!

Blogging is literally what keeps google search engines alive, as they are always pulling keywords and relevant content from the entire worldwide web (including your website!). If you want to increase organic search traffic like I have done, start up your blog.

TREND # 7 - make it friction-less

The money will be spent with the businesses that are easiest to shop with.

If you send your customers down too many spirals to talk to you, tp work with you or to spend money with you - they’ll just spend their money with another person. Make it easy or you lose the sale.

TREND # 8 - true connection & clients who are like family

You have to genuinely care.

If you are someone who can truly connect with your clients, whether in person or through the screen, you win.

TREND # 9 - from self centered to client centered.

“Your client is the hero in the story, not you”

If your wildest dreams came true and it changed nobodies life except your own, you’re not thinking big enough. That’s selfish.

TREND # 10 - masculine vs. feminine marketing

It’s time to come home to your Inner Marketer, visionary.

The trend heading into 2021 is having genuine “sales” conversations that don’t abuse vulnerability, scarcity or urgency. Also, let this be the year that we stop “selling” something to someone that they don’t actually need. This is the year of heart-based marketing rather than taking advantage of the human population.

Which trend you're most excited about?

Let’s connect on Instagram @kelseyreidl

Learn more about me www.kelseyreidl.com


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