147 Can you really Balance a Corporate Job with a Side Hustle?

Tara Douglas

How to Balance Life as a Busy Mom & Wife with a Corporate Career and a New Side Hustle

Hey, Tara! - How do you “balance” it all, as a busy Mama?Tara.png

Hey, Tara!

How do you “balance” it all, as a busy Mama?


Today on the show, I’m sitting down with Tara Douglas.

Tara is the Founder of The Balanced Plan, a Nutrition Coaching Business. Her and I met because she was a student of mine at The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN).

When Tara’s first born child came along, she didn’t want her output to change. She's a go-getter and didn't want to sacrifice her driven spirit.

But something had to give.

As if overnight, she had to learn to balance her career, her fitness, the nutrition of herself and her family, and she needed to learn a whole new method of time management and goal setting.  And things have only gotten busier since her kids have grown.

Through the years, Tara has found comfort in the fact that you CAN be a working mom who is dedicated to your career and devoted to your family, while still living a healthy, and inspired life.

And while perfect isn’t possible, Tara is an example to so many women and entrepreneurs who are ALSO wearing many hats in their life.

In this episode, we chat about…

🎇 Why Tara decided to go "back to school" to study Holistic Nutrition (even though she was already had a lot on her plate)

🎇 The insanely awesome Health Hacks that Tara has discovered to keep herself & her family healthy

🎇 Why you CAN be dedicated to your Career, while still nurturing your family in the best possible way

🎇 Health & nutrition tips for busy mama's, entrepreneurs, and anyone else who is trying to "balance it all"

🎇 Why we stopped using microwaves , ETC.

Connect with Tara



Connect with Kelsey

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