337 You Shouldn't Rely on ChatGPT / A.I. for your Content Creation (Here's Why!)
How to use AI without losing your unique voice and personality
As digital-first entrepreneurs, staying ahead of the competition by keeping up with the advancements in technology is a top priority (albeit a very overwhelming one!)
When social media platforms evolve (goodbye Clubhouse, hello TikTok!) we must shift our entire game plan.
But you might be wondering if there are disadvantages and downsides to incorporating more A.I. into your social media, blog or content marketing strategy?
We talk :
Ethical and effective Use of A.I in content
How to balance AI and Human Content
The importance of adding expertise and authority to your content
How storytelling can differentiate your content
Episode Time Stamps:
[00:00] Early years in business are unpredictable and unstable.
[04:43] Chaotic morning transformed into a positive experience.
[07:41] Seth Godin praises conversion AI platform highly
[13:50] Limit AI usage to maintain creative voice.
[15:49] Use human-generated content with some AI assistance.
[18:30] Infuse AI content with human touch points.
[23:14] Long-term business success requires patience and persistence.
To connect with Kelsey:
Access the transcript for this episode:
You are listening to the Visionary Life podcast. I'm your host, Kelsey Reidl.
Each week, I'll bring you conversations with the most visionary humans on this earth in hopes that you'll be able to absorb their wisdom, avoid their failures, and feel less alone on the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship.
This season, I'll be chatting with creative thinkers, masterful marketers, brick and mortar shop owners, brand builders, and people just like you who have a story to share or a vision that inspires. If I can share one quick secret with you before we get into the episode, it's that we all have a little bit of visionary inside of us. You know, that spark that nudges us to pursue our full potential in this lifetime. But perhaps somewhere along the line, it got covered up. I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to explore that inner voice and access the brilliance deep down, down inside of you.It's in you. It's in all of us. Let's dive in.
Hey, visionaries. Welcome back to the show. This is gonna be a bit of a shorter episode, but I just wanted to check in and say hi and let you know that summer around here has been in full swing. And as you know, I'm still on a modified maternity leave. The first time in about six or six and a half years that I've ever really taken a break from the podcast, just because I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with my little guy.But regardless, I'm still committed to at least giving you guys a bi weekly episode. And you know that consistency is my favorite word. So I will always make sure I am consistent for the podcast listeners. And before we get into today's episode, all about things you need to know about using AI or artificial intelligence or chat GPT to help you with your business and to create content. I just wanted to say a big thank you for tuning into visionary life week after week. Sometimes I am just awestruck by the amount of incredible guests that we've had on the show, the magnitude of people, and the success codes that they have shared with us. So if you're ever feeling like you're going about your work day or maybe you're home with the kids right now and you just hit a wall, you just need a dose of inspiration. Throw on a podcast, scroll back in the archives.
Sometimes I do little crazy things where I will just open a podcast and I'll, like, scroll. I'll think of a number.
So number seven. And I'll scroll seven times from top to bottom on my phone while I'm in the podcast feed, and then I'll literally click on whatever podcast comes up. I do this with books, too. I just kind of open it to a random page, and then I say line number twelve, and then I go to line twelve, and I just listen to the podcast. And until I get a nugget that I want to take away or implement or something that resonates with me, I just keep on listening. And I find it such a fun game.And it reminds me of the quote, it's not what they say, it's what you hear. It's kind of like if you go to maybe a Tony Robbins conference and he's on stage and he's talking, and then if you ask all thousand people, like, what did you hear?
They'll each say something different, right? Someone is like, well, I heard that we are in charge of our own destiny, and another person heard that you have to prioritize your health in order to have a successful life. And we were all sitting in the same talk, or we're all part of the same workshop. But it's so cool that every single human being on this earth will hear something different and will take away something different. So I love to just put on high vibe audio. There's many podcasts that I love listening to. I love my first million. I love the rich roll podcast on my drive.The other day, I was listening to my friend Sara Monica's podcast, where she's just riffing on the mic and giving insight into her life as a mom and entrepreneur and as a wedding photographer right now. And it's so cool that oftentimes, whatever I choose to listen to is exactly what I needed.
And that's not because I'm psychic and I know exactly, you know, oh, go to minute 41 of this episode. It's just because I'm picking up on something and I'm making meaning of it, which is so cool. And I do think we are, like, human meaning makers in our life. We are memory making by doing things in everyday life, but we're also just attaching meaning to every single thing that we do. I woke up late this morning after a rough night with Freddie and after hitting snooze and I had to be in Guelph. And I could have attached meaning to the fact that, like, I wasn't prepared.Everything was a mess. I'm a failed mom because I left the house in shambles and I was rushing, but I instead attached a completely different meaning to it.
And I was like, wow, wasn't it nice that I got some extra sleep? And isn't it nice that I got Freddie straight into the car while he was still in that early morning stage and I didn't have to feed him and I just flipped the meaning like it could have been the worst morning ever because it was chaos. I was shocked when I looked at the time and I was like, this is the one morning I need to be an hour away in an hour and twelve minutes. And so I just got ready in twelve minutes. But anyways, all this to say that, yeah, this is why I love podcasts and this is why I continue to show up for you guys, because I actually love doing this.
And I always advise my clients to stick to marketing strategies that feel effortless and that feel easy. It's not necessarily that they're simple or don't take time, or don't take energy, or don't take systems or intention to get things out there, but at the end of the day, if you're listening to this and you're a service provider and you're running a business, you only have so much time in the day.Which is why I always steer my clients to picking a handful of items at the top of their funnel, which is how you get visible and how you build awareness, and then having a handful of items in the middle of their funnel, which is how you nurture potential clients, how you bring people into your world and educate them and help them to become more problem and solution aware.
And then ultimately your strategies for conversion, like how do you get them to say yes to working with you? So, all right, that's my initial intro for the show, and today we're just going to chat about a hot topic. I know AI is like an over discussed thing these days. I actually feel a little bit sick and tired of it. But that being said, these large language learning models like chat, GPT are really prominent in today's world. I'm recording this late 2024, and it seems as though every single business has to be using AI or has started using AI, or else they've been left behind. Now, some people are using it to its full capability, doing a lot of automation and a lot of technical stuff. But I want to talk to the person who's actually using this as a content creator.And first, I'll give you some backstory. So, about five years ago, maybe four years ago now, no, probably five.
I was attending, attending a marketing conference called Ad World. You might have heard of it before if you're in the marketing space and Adworld is probably the biggest digital marketing conference that exists. So I bought my ticket for a few hundred dollars and it was all digital at the time. And so I tuned in and I saw one of my favorite speakers. His name's Seth Godin. He's written like 40 books on marketing.And he was chatting and I forget what the interviewer was asking him, maybe like, what is one trend you see or something you've been exploring? And he said, conversion AI.
And he said, everybody needs to get on conversion AI. And of course I was intrigued. And I'm like, if Seth Godin is saying it, he's like gospel to me because he's a marketing genius and I've looked up to him for many, many years. And so I immediately went to my web browser and I type in conversion dot AI.com. and this was five years ago, before chat GBT even really existed. And I saw something I had never seen before, which was artificial intelligence. And this was a content specific platform that wrote AI content to increase conversions on your website.And so I locked in at founders members pricing and it was so affordable at the time for this software, and I have been using it ever since.
Not a day goes by that I don't use this software. It has become my second brain, my business buddy, a place that I turn to for ideas, for strategies, for copywriting tricks. But I'm gonna put a huge asterisk here. I never ever, ever go in without a plan. And I don't use AI so that it can spit out generic run of the mill content because newsflash, we are getting more sensitive to generic AI emails. I remember being on this girl's email list, I'm not gonna name any names. And she sent out very unoccasional emails, if that's even a word.Occasional, I guess, like maybe once every six weeks. And they were kind of poorly written. And I just knew what her writing style was. And at a certain point last year, she was going through a launch of her group program and she started sending out these very obviously AI written emails.
You can tell AI emails because they're usually very generic jargon. They end up being quite the diversion from the creator's usual voice, if that makes sense. And you can just tell in the way they're formatted. And I just remember feeling like so used and abused, like I'm not on your list so that I can have an email written entirely by a, like this clearly wasn't your voice and it's trying to sell me something now.And I just remember feeling so sensitive to it.
So I just want to put that asterisk there that I never ever take AI at face value. And I do think there's such a large opportunity to integrate it into our businesses. But please, never let it spit out the things that you're just going to plaster all over the Internet. So at the end of the day, as digital first entrepreneurs, which I know many of you are, staying ahead of your competition by keeping up with technology is priority. Like when social media evolves, you need to be part of it. Like goodbye clubhouse, hello TikTok. When Facebook and meta decide to restrict an ad campaign, you have to keep up with that.And now, today, when AI becomes the talk of the town, everybody's into chat. GPT, you may want to leverage it, but also leverage it in a way that helps you stay true to your own voice and to not sound like a robot. And so what I want to share in today's podcast is how to take steps to ensure that your content is unique and memorable, even if it's AI assisted. Okay, here we go with tip number one. So the moment you feel like AI is dimming your light, and if you read through a piece of content that it's created with fresh eyes, if you really don't feel like it's you, if that is void of your personality, your magic, or something that in the visionary method I call your unique brilliance, you definitely do not want to press publish. So tip number one is really to monitor how AI can actually mute your uniqueness. Now, I know when we're starting online businesses that it is scary to get visible. And if you are writing Instagram posts, or you're recording your first podcast, or you're sitting down to record a YouTube video, there is a reason why you feel a bit of fear.
There has probably been a time in your life where it wasn't really safe to get visible. Or maybe you did. You showed up to school in a sparkly pink shirt and you got made fun of. And now that has kind of been encoded in you, it is scary to show up as your truest self. It's scary to share your true opinions, to talk about things that maybe you've never publicized before. And so you go to AI and you're like, okay, this is going to change my content marketing strategy. But then it basically produces a variety of content. Like people say, oh, publish a hundred pieces of content in 4 hours.
Well, if you're just saying, write me a post about why social media is dead, or write me a post on five reasons you should add kale to your smoothie. It falls so flat because AI is going to give you the bare minimum. I'm going to say that one more time. AI is going to give you the bare minimum unless you are skilled at training it with specific nuances and your voice and pieces of content that you love. But most people, when they are going to chache BT, they're saying, write me a five email sales sequence to sell a program called Better Body Vibrant Health. AI doesn't know who you are, why you are different than every other coach in your industry, what the really neat features of your program are, it doesn't know your tone of voice. Maybe you're super funny, super humorous, and you make weight loss really light, really enjoyable. Just know that unless you are skilled at adding these prompts to AIH, it's probably not going to output something that is truly reflective of your unique brilliance.
So tip number one is to really make sure that the moment AI is dimming your light or you notice that it is not really communicating in a way that you feel proud of. It's time to get back to a creative writing practice and really just not using these devices. Chat GPT Jasper AI, whatever it is for your writing, until you regain that sense of confidence and clarity in who you are and what your voice is, and if you need book recommendations around how to regain a creative practice, I would say the artist's way by Julia Cameron and the creative act by Rick Rubin are really, really good, as well as the war of art by Steven Pressfield. Okay, tip number two is to really make a decision of how much you want to let AI infiltrate your content marketing. So some sources suggest that depending on your goals, you should try to find a balance between human written content and AI written content that you feel comfortable with. And so I know personally my goal would be 90% from my brain and then 10% I'm comfortable relying on AI for. So if it rewrites a couple sentences, maybe I have this thousand word blog post and the final few sentences. I allow AI to summarize everything it's seen.
So you can use these prompts that are like blog post outro creator. So you input the blog post, it'll basically just take all of your words that you've inputted and spit out something that is again, based on what you've created. But it's 10% AI generated. So really you have options here. So option a would be no AI ever. This is for people who want only human generated content, who realize that AI doesn't really have a soul like you do. AI doesn't have these incredible stories, unique life experience, and some people just don't see a place for it, even in the editing and revision process. And I totally get it.
Or maybe you use it for brainstorming. So it's like, give me some topic ideas for podcasts around the Instagram algorithm, but you don't actually take what it's saying and infuse it into your content. So that would be option one that would be making sure that 90% to 95% of your content is human generated from your smart brain. Option two would be looking for that balance between you're comfortable with using some AI to summarize, to give you key points, to write a headline on your website, to spit out subject lines for your email. But you really do want to make sure that you're not getting lazy and relying on AI to do your whole content marketing strategy again. Oftentimes if we don't know how to use the inputs, we can basically just say, write me an article about why life coaches are great and it'll spit something out, but it's going to be so lackluster. So you can choose to use a balance. And then there's also the choice to use ethical AI content.
This is for websites who are probably looking to scale their content outfit. So they're kind of like, okay, well, we wrote a blog. We want AI to turn this into an Instagram, a LinkedIn, a podcast, a email, a YouTube video, and that's all great and maybe you cull through it and actually add your own edits, but some people would actually just take what it spits out, repost it all over the Internet. So that would be a choice to use more AI than the average person. So that's tip number two is to really make sure that you are deciding what is your comfort zone in terms of an AI range. Are you wanting 50 50? Or are you more like me, wanting at least 90% in your own words? Okay. Tip number three is to really make sure that you're adding expertise, experiences, authoritative stories and trustworthiness clues. Now this is something that Google actually uses in the algorithm for ranking your website on search engines.
They want your content to have expertise. So showcasing that you are a trusted leader in this industry, they want you to share experiences. So really coming at this from, hey, I've studied in plant biology for ten years and here are my findings, or I've worked for this university, or I've taught this college course. They also want you to infuse authority. So what makes you an authoritative figure on the subject and trustworthiness clues. So if there are different signals around the Internet, maybe you have backlinks to your website. Maybe there are just different signals telling Google that this person is trustworthy, this person is a credible source. You are definitely going to rank higher on this piece of content.
So taking from what we know about that, we really want to look at a piece of AI content and ask ourselves, have I infused this with enough touch points that showcases it was written by a real human? Now you might want to add in things like different data that you've observed or collected, or fun facts about where you've seen this in practice, or things you've tested in the wild. Or maybe you add a video or faqs or details or stories, or quotes or opinions, even just adding fun graphics to whatever piece of content you've created. This is going to differentiate your AI driven content. Something to consider and some questions that you can ask yourself would be number one, what is something that I believe about this topic that I haven't shared yet? What are my opinions on this topic? What are some client experiences I can share? Because that will always differentiate you? What experiences do you have talking about or seeing this topic in practice? And what gives you the right to talk about this? So rewind. Pause here. Go write down those five questions, because these are going to help you to ensure that your AI content ends up being really different and really unique versus everyone else in your industry. And finally, tip number four is to add stories to your content. I know I briefly touched on this in tip number three, but storytelling is the oldest form of marketing they have been around.
Stories have been around forever. We've always sat around a campfire and exchanged stories of our day. This is what makes people interesting. This is what makes our life so colorful, is that as we go about our life, there are stories that come to the forefront, there are learning experiences that we all go through. And so storytelling is still a very effective way to promote and to sell your offers. So if you're creating AI driven content and it spits something out, always add a story. Whether that's in the introduction, whether that's in the conclusion, whether that's in the body. Stories connect with people's emotions, whereas information just connects on a more transactional level.
And so if you can come up with a story of where you have used this concept or how you've seen this in practice, your content is automatically differentiated. And AI, it scans the Internet for already existing information. Your stories, if they're not already published on the Internet are going to differentiate your AI produced content so that it is truly unique. And again, that'll add in that experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness to the content that you're creating. Now, I'm assuming that if you're listening to this, you are using some version of AI in your business and marketing strategy. And just know that I fully condone that there are so many ways that we need to leverage our time as entrepreneurs. And most recently, over the last seven months as a mama entrepreneur working about two and a half days a week, my time is limited and I need to make sure that the things that I am focusing on are the right things, not all the things. And so I do love using AI as a brainstorming tool, as a tool to quickly summarize pieces of content that I've created, or to extract the key points, or to figure out a really compelling email subject line or title for an article.
But I must say, the more that I see the results of my usage of AI and me kind of playing around on the back end, the more I'm able to spot AI in the wild. So when I get those emails to my inbox or when I read an Instagram post that is clearly generated by a robot, I feel so. I don't know what the feeling is. I just feel so disconnected. And that doesn't make me want to buy from anyone. So the good thing about a podcast like this is this is my voice. At this point, I'm not hiring robots to read my podcast scripts for me. But if you are going to use AI, you always have to still infuse personality.
So in this situation, you're hearing my voice, you know that I am actually the one that's sitting back spitting this out and actually talking it out. But when it's an Instagram post and you're just kind of pumping out whatever your chache bt told you to say, it becomes quite obvious. So again, it's finding that balance. It's whatever you're comfortable with. And at the end of the day, if something's working for you, awesome. But the moment that it starts to feel a little stagnant in your marketing strategy, it might be time to shake things up. So that's all for this episode. As always, I so appreciate it.
You guys listening? And if this episode was helpful to you, feel free to come connect with me over on Instagram. I love chatting with you guys and I will see you next time. Hey, visionary. I want to interrupt this episode to share a little bit more about one on one coaching. I work with clients who want to stay on top of the latest marketing trends, who want to bring more ease into their marketing funnel or just build a marketing funnel in the first place because maybe you don't have one yet and ultimately take the effort and overwhelm out of your marketing plan. I know your energy is limited and you just want someone to tell you what to do. Should you be on threads? Should you be creating on TikTok? How do you grow an email list? What does SEO mean? Anyways, this is why I offer private one on one business and marketing coaching for business owners like you who need help with their marketing strategy. You can head to kelseyridel.com privatecoaching to learn exactly what it's going to look like if we decide to work together.
And I'm excited because I can give you the precise strategies that will take your business to the next level this year. So if you want to learn more kelseyridel.com privatecoaching of course, it is a bit more of an investment than any of my other courses or offerings, but my private clients are seeing crazy results. Christina landed a six figure consulting contract. Emily signed six clients in one day. Barb had a Black Friday sale that generated a lot of money and these are all based on the strategies that we've implemented. So Kelseyreidl.com/privatecoaching you can learn all about it. You can see all of the amazing visionary businesses that I've worked with and supported over the last decade and I can't wait to see your application come through. Kelseyyreidl.com/privatecoaching now back to the episode.
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