353 Multi-Passionate? Here’s How to Build a Thriving Online Empire

The simplest (yet most overlooked) piece of advice I ever got from my first business coach.

It’s not a fancy strategy. It’s not a hidden hack

Can I share a quick success secret with you today?

It’s a secret that will make you $1000’s or even millions over the coming years.

This is advice that my first business coach told me many years ago, and it has really stuck with me and proved to be true.

  • It’s not revolutionary,

  • It’s not sexy,

  • It’s not to ‘start a Pinterest account, create a membership, build an email list, or launch a digital course’ like all the gurus are telling you.


Those things can come later. Right now, they’re not the priority.


Choose one area of interest around your business, and go deep.


Become laser-focused on your ‘thing’.


Whether it’s digital marketing, gluten-free sourdough recipe creating, or becoming the best spin instructor on planet earth.


Read everything you can about it. Create content around it. Share it with friends and family. Host free workshops. Immerse yourself completely in this one thing—and commit to it long-term.


By long term, I mean years & years & years!

Play the long game.


Success comes from dedicating yourself to one niche, one message, and one plan. Not jumping from idea to idea, strategy to strategy, or social media platform to social media platform.


Building a thriving business isn’t about shortcuts. It’s about becoming the go-to person for your niche.


The question is—what’s your niche.


Episode Time Stamps:


[04:14] Key to Business Growth


[09:34] How value leadership drives success!


[11:26] Are you referrable ?


[28:01] Join us for the WAVE in-person Events in Paris


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • You're listening to the Visionary Life Podcast. I'm your host, Kelsey Reidl. Each week I'll bring you conversations with the most visionary humans on this earth in hopes that you'll be able to absorb their wisdom, avoid their failures, and feel less alone on the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship. This season I'll be chatting with creative thinkers, masterful marketers, brick and mortar shop owners, brand builders, and people just like you who have a story to share or a vision that inspires. If I can share one quick secret with you before we get into the episode, it's that we all have a little bit of visionary inside of us. You know, that spark that nudges us to pursue our full potential in this lifetime. But perhaps somewhere along the line it got covered up.

    Kelsey00:00:49 - 00:01:43

    I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to explore that inner voice and access the brilliance deep down inside of you. It's in you. It's in in all of us. Let's dive in. Visionary. In case you didn't hear, we have an amazing in real life event coming up in Paris, Ontario, Canada on Friday, March 28. We have rented out the most stunning Riverside venue to gather female entrepreneurs. Why have we done this? Because what we've realized over the last 10 years of running our businesses is that posting on Pinterest, creating a viral reel, designing your website, having a fancy logo, none of that matters if you don't have a community of people who celebrate you, who share your work and who rally behind you in times of need and in times of celebration.

    Kelsey00:01:43 - 00:02:17

    Your community is everything. The relationships that you have are everything. And that's why we want to invite you out to join us for this amazing real life daytime event. So what is a wave event? Well, we have guest speakers. We've got the founder of Mabel's labels coming, a company that sold for $13 million. We have Sheila Cummins who helps women access the capital that they need in order to thrive and build a seven figure business. We have money Mama coming. She talks a lot about money mindset and managing your finances.

    Kelsey00:02:17 - 00:03:13

    And there's going to be time for connection. There's going to be amazing food, there's going to be incredible fireside chats or actually Riverside chats. So if you've been craving more real life connection with female entrepreneurs from all over Canada, then you have to get your ticket. You can go to Kelsey rle.com Paris 2025 again Kelsey rle.com Paris P A R I S 2025 and as a podcast listener. You can save $50 by using the code WAVE50 at checkout if you're in driving radius to Paris, Ontario and you can get yourself here on Friday, March 28 from 11 to 3. Do not miss this event. Do yourself a favor, grab one ticket for you, grab one ticket for a friend and come together. We gather the most amazing women in business and we would love to see you there.

    Kelsey00:03:14 - 00:04:14

    So again kelseyridle.com Paris 2025 use the code WAVE50 at checkout to save yourself $50 and I will see you in March. Hey visionaries, welcome back to the show. So excited to be with everyone today. I'm actually recording a mini episode for you and at the time of this recording airing I am actually on a family vacation in Costa Rica. So excited to be away. Just catching up on sunshine and vitamin D and Costa Rica has always been a bucket list for Dave and I and now that Freddy is one years old we wanted to take him on a family trip together. I have taken him on my own to Florida, but I think it's going to be really special to travel as a family of three. We are just beyond excited to instill this adventure into Freddy and show him all that his parents love to do which is travel and do new sports.

    Kelsey00:04:14 - 00:06:13

    We're actually going somewhere where we can mountain bike and surf and explore the town and we actually bought a hiking backpack for Freddy so we can take them on hikes and yeah, so that's where I am when you are listening to this. But I wanted to record a mini episode on why you should become obsessed, especially if you are an expert based business, a service provider, a content creator, somebody who has been building an online brand or presence for the few years. And the whole reason that I am so passionate or obsessed about this topic is because it has been something that has been a game changer in my own business growth. And it is the success secret that when people come to me and they say Kels, I really want my business to grow but I'm multi passionate or I have all these things going and I want to launch a new thing and I just have all these ideas, I always pause them and I say well what are you obsessed with and how can we pair that with what's already working? I think there's this interesting balance especially for female entrepreneurs, especially for those of you who identify as multi passionates and who are building a lifestyle based business that we have trouble discerning between making a business decision and a decision that impacts our health, happiness and well being and finding that Middle ground. And what I mean by that is like of course we want to lean into, well, what is the smart strategic way to make the money I want to make, the impact I want to make and to see the return on investment from this business. And then we also want to lean into this softer side of I want a business that supports my lifestyle. I want to be able to share all of me. I want to be able to lean into whatever is lighting me up at the moment.

    Kelsey00:06:14 - 00:07:05

    But if you want to be completely on that end of the spectrum, you more have a hobby that you're treating as something that you look at as a fun project. And that's not a bad thing. That's actually a really, really cool place to be. But for those of you who are listening, who have a goal of, you know, I'll say six figures, seven figures, building a company that you can sell, seeing really large growth numbers, you year over year or even month over month, then this might be the game changer for you. So the advice that I'm going to share is obviously nuanced, so take it with a grain of salt and feel free to reach out to me after. But this is advice that one of my first business coaches gave me. Her name was Lindsay. I hired her after meeting her on the Internet about seven years ago and she said this.

    Kelsey00:07:05 - 00:07:52

    It's not revolutionary advice, it's not sexy advice. It's not like hey, you need to be on Pinterest or start that TikTok account. All, all those things can come later. Right now they're not the priority for you and your business. So this advice is quite simple and it is to choose one area of interest and go deep. Become laser focused on one thing. So say you have an interest in early childhood education and you want to launch a product based business of a new book where there's little like snappy toys in it for children. And you also are passionate about kinder music and you also love baking home cooked meals for your family and want to share that with everybody.

    Kelsey00:07:52 - 00:08:51

    And you also have a network marketing company. This is all great. You have an incredible lifestyle based business where your goal should become to become an influencer where you grow a huge platform and you can talk about whatever the heck you want because you have 50,000 followers. But if you want to really dial in on selling something, making money off of one of your offers, then I would choose one offer or one area of focus to sell to one audience for the next one year using one marketing plan. Become laser focused on one of those things. Not all of the things go all in on the kinder music business or go all in on the early childhood education and sharing content around that. And maybe you have a digital course that's the paid upgrade. So when you go all in on one thing, it means that you wake up each morning with clarity.

    Kelsey00:08:51 - 00:09:34

    It means that you're never bouncing back and forth, confusing your audience, running this business that has a million different offshoots, and then confusing yourself in the process of what you need to be talking about each day. Instead. If you choose one thing, you become obsessed with it. You are going to become a subject matter expert in that you are going to become the go to person in the industry. You're going to become the one who knows more than everybody else, who shares more value on the Internet than anyone else in that area. Especially if you keep showing up and talking about this thing repeatedly. The person who adds the most value in any area becomes the go to. Let me say that one more time.

    Kelsey00:09:34 - 00:10:33

    The person that adds the most value. So if you provide the most value in how to go gluten free, I guarantee you you're going to have a lot of money rolling in. If you provide the most value as a business coach for female entrepreneurs in Canada, you are going to become the go to for that. If you become the subject matter expert, you provide the most value on how to create your own social media content after having outsourced to an agency and realizing it wasn't working, you're going to become the go to for that person. If you provide the most value value for hosting events for mama entrepreneurs in Toronto, you're going to become the go to person in that industry and you're going to make a lot of money. And of course this operates over the long game. You're going to have to show up for these things consistently. But the problem, the challenge that I keep seeing in a lot of the people that I work with is that they want to do it all.

    Kelsey00:10:33 - 00:11:26

    And honestly, I get it. I really do. Because one thing that makes us so frickin cool as women, as business owners, as passionate individuals, as moms, as dads, as caregivers, is that we are so multifaceted. And I'm not saying to shut down any part of yourself. If you watch my Instagram stories, you know that I kind of just use it as a who cares post, whatever. It's not really a strategic part of my funnel, but when I write out my business plan every year, it is all focused on marketing consulting and getting marketing clients and selling my marketing courses. When people hear the word marketing, I want them to think, Kelsey, when somebody says I'm struggling with marketing, I don't understand marketing. I need to hire someone to help me with marketing.

    Kelsey00:11:26 - 00:12:13

    I want that word to trigger my name, my business, my company. And what's so cool is that over the last eight years it has, I've boiled down what I do into one word which makes me more referable and it drives word of mouth. Now, do I work with every single pillar within marketing? No. But I can turn people away. I've been talking about marketing this one area, like yes, it's a big bucket, but I also have kind of pillars beneath marketing like SEO, social media, email strategy, and I've been talking about marketing for a decade. I've hosted marketing as a podcast, like the Visionary Life podcast that talks about marketing strategies for seven years and I've published 3, 350 episodes. I probably sent a thousand emails about marketing. I've published at least 500 blogs about marketing.

    Kelsey00:12:13 - 00:12:59

    I've spent thousands, tens of thousands on mentoring with marketing people, marketing experts rather. I've attended tons of conferences on marketing. All my professional development budget goes into marketing. And this type of single minded focus has positioned me as a top resource for marketing, for business coaching. And it is why I believe my business is at the place it is today, which is always having a full roster of clients, always having new leads in the pipeline without active outreach. Now, yes, this takes time. Initially, when I first started I was doing a lot of one on one connections. I was hosting workshops, I was doing a lot of dming, I was sharing content on Instagram, I was really getting my feet wet and sharing my thought leadership around marketing.

    Kelsey00:13:00 - 00:13:44

    Now I, I'm more of a findable brand and agency. Like people, they are searching for a marketing coach. But this is the trajectory that's possible for anybody. This kind of obsession with one thing rather than giving 25% to all these different areas is what builds credibility. Now that's not to say that I don't talk about my love for adventure and paddleboarding and mountain biking and sourdough baking and being a mom and being someone who loves to travel and being passionate about exercise and working out and community building and volunteering with the cycling club. I talk about all that. But at the end of the day, the one thing I sell is marketing stuff. And I know it kind of sounds boring, but this is what builds a profitable business.

    Kelsey00:13:44 - 00:14:45

    At least when you're a team of one or a small team, right? Every five years, launch something new, build on that. But instead of jumping from one idea to another, promoting different products, serving mixed audiences, trying so many strategies to sell so so many things, when nothing sticks, why not just focus and stay focused and be consistent with one solid obsession? Success comes from dedicating yourself to one niche, one message and one plan, not jumping around like a chaotic business. That's fun. I get it. That's like, it's great to lean into. Like what am I interested in today? But I wouldn't call that a business. I would call it a hobby. So if you want to become the go to person in your niche, if you want to be an in demand expert, a subject matter person who gets called on for the TED talks, for the corporate workshops, for whatever it is, then I really want you to make sure you know what that one thing is.

    Kelsey00:14:45 - 00:15:20

    If you ask someone to describe your expertise in one word, what do they say? And stick with that. So let me know what thoughts bubbled up. I feel like that could be a very polarizing episode. So I'm open to hearing what comes up for you and if there's any way I can help you support you get clear on what that thought leadership is, what your subject matter expertise is, and how to turn that into a profitable online business. Let's get you earning money. Let's get your marketing funnel in action. Please reach out to me. I am always happy to chat and to support you.

    Kelsey00:15:20 - 00:16:01

    You can head to Kelsey Ridle.com to learn about how I support my clients and I am going to get back to the beach, to reading, to chasing little Freddy around and I hope you guys have the best rest of your week. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Visionary Life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis. So it would mean so much to me if you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show on either itunes or Spotify. It just takes a second. And if you don't want to rate the show, you could also just take a screenshot of the episode and share it on your social media platform of choice. Tagging me at Kelsey Rydal. I'll catch you in the next episode.

    Kelsey00:16:43 - 00:16:44


    Kelsey00:25:30 - 00:26:43

    Hey visionary. I want to interrupt this episode to share a little bit more about one on one coaching. I work with clients who want to stay on top of the latest marketing trends, who want to bring more ease into their marketing funnel or just build a marketing funnel in the first place because maybe you don't have one yet and ultimately take the effort and overwhelm out of your marketing plan. I know your energy is limited and you just want someone to tell you what to do. Should you be on threads? Should you be creating on TikTok? How do you grow an email list? What does SEO mean? Anyways, this is why I offer private one on one business and marketing coaching for business owners like you who need help with their marketing strategy. You can head to kelseyridle.com privatecoaching coaching to learn exactly what it's going to look like if we decide to work together. And I'm excited because I can give you the precise strategies that will take your business to the next level this year. So if you want to learn more KelseyRidle.com Private coaching of course it is a bit more of an investment than any of my other courses or offerings, but my private clients are seeing crazy results.

    Kelsey00:26:43 - 00:27:17

    Christina landed a six figure consulting contract. Emily signed six clients in one day Day Barb had a Black Friday sale that generated a lot of money. And these are all based on the strategies that we've implemented. So kelseyridle.com private coaching you can learn all about it. You can see all of the amazing visionary businesses that I've worked with and supported over the last decade and I can't wait to see your application come through. Kelseyridle.com PrivateCoaching now back to the episode.

    Kelsey00:27:18 - 00:28:01

    Hey Visionary is 2025 the year that you stop going at your business alone, where you stop feeling isolated and like you have nobody to turn to. In times of need, when you have questions or you're looking to scale your business but you're not sure how, or in times of celebration where you want to look around and say I just did that. I had a 10k month. The 20k month. I just signed my highest ticket client ever. Whatever the case is, the highs, the lows, we need community when it comes to running our businesses. And honestly you guys, the biggest gold mine that you are sitting on right now is not getting more social media followers. It's not going to be growing your email list or learning Pinterest or launching a digital course.

    Kelsey00:28:01 - 00:28:56

    It's going to be the people who you surround yourself. The people who you can call to celebrate the good times and the bad times and those chosen colleagues who you will share your success secrets with and who you will become best friends with on this roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship. That's why we've created the Wave Mastermind and we have in real life events here in Ontario, Canada. If you are someone who is looking to connect with a community of female entrepreneurs, you can head to kelseyridle.com mastermind. You can learn all about what we do every single Wednesday when we're together. We have such an epic group. There are about 25 women in the group right now and we are rising to success together. Every single week we talk about a different business topic or we do where you at? Where we go round table and see where people are at and how we can hold them accountable.

    Kelsey00:28:56 - 00:29:12

    We also have real life events where we meet up. We've done one in Elora, Ontario in Puss Lynch Lake, Ontario. And you can get on the wait list for our next one if you click the link in the description below. So whether you want to join the Mastermind virtually you want to come out to a real life event, make sure you get in touch.

    Kelsey00:29:13 - 00:29:14

    This is the way that you are.

    Kelsey00:29:14 - 00:29:49


    0:00 - 29:50

    Going to continue to grow beyond your current circumstances. If you find yourself stuck or lonely or feeling like you just don't know what to do next, this is your community. I know. For me, Masterminds have been responsible for every single big leap I've had in business and I could not do this without the incredible network of people that I've built over the last decade. So if you want to learn more Kelseyreidl.com mastermind and if you want to come out to one of our events, our next one is coming up in just a few months. So DM me on Instagram or send me an email@hellokelseyreidl.com and we will chat.

Tune into the episode.

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If you’re searching for an Online Business & Marketing Coach for your Business, rest assured that you’re in the right place.

I've helped over 200+ people to launch their business, go full-time, get fully booked, and become #1 with The Visionary Method

Mentioned on the Episode:

  • Private 1:1 Marketing Coaching: Small tweaks to your Marketing Strategy can skyrocket your business success…. Working with a Business & Marketing Coach will help you identify new income opportunities, optimize your lead generation & sales strategies, and accomplish more than you ever thought possible, in just 4 months. Apply here ➡

  • Feeling overwhelmed with your Marketing & Online Lead Generation?

    Learn about Marketing Coaching |


  • Rank on Page # 1 of Google with Everyday SEO™ |


  • Email List: Join the Dose of Visionary Weekly Inspiration Roundup!


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