346 Life Update: Thoughts on Taylor Swift, Core Value & Florida Recap!

5 powerful ways to break free from a funk and tackle tough times head-on!

Back with a Solo Catch Up Episode this week!

In this short solo life update, I'm talking about:

  • Florida trip recap: do I regret travelling with my 11 month old? How did it go?

  • How much does a Santa Claus at the Mall make ($$$)

  • Why it's important to know your Business Core Values when making decisions!

  • Black Friday Sale Ideas

  • Ryan Holiday vs. Taylor Swift

  • & MORE!

Enjoy, visionaries!


Episode Time Stamps:


[00:00] How scarcity increases demand as event approches

[07:15] Teaching simple, approable, effective marketing strategies

[10:24] Passion and charisma drive successful solopreneur marketing

[15:59] Overcoming fear and change to evolve

[20:23] Embrace change for personal growth


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • You are listening to the Visionary Life Podcast. I'm your host, Kelsey Reidl.

    Each week I'll bring you conversations with the most visionary humans on this earth in hopes that you'll be able to absorb their wisdom, avoid their failures, and feel less alone on the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship. This season I'll be chatting with creative thinkers, masterful marketers, brick and mortar shop owners, brand builders, and people just like you who have a story to share or a vision that inspires. If I can share one quick secret with you before we get into the episode, it's that we all have a little bit of visionary inside of us. You know, that spark that nudges us to pursue our full potential in this lifetime. But perhaps somewhere along the line, it got covered up.

    I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to explore that inner voice and access the brilliance deep down inside of you. It's in you. It's in all of us. Let's dive in. Hey visionaries. Welcome back to the show. Happy late November. I think we're almost into Black Friday, but I'm not really sure if anyone cares about Black Friday because right now Taylor Swift is in Toronto and I feel like all I see when I open up my Instagram feed is T.

    Swift post. Which is crazy. I certainly am in awe of what she has done from a business perspective, but I, I must say I am not a Swifty and I hope I don't get a lot of hate for admitting this. I have friends who are die hards who have traveled around the world to see her. I. I do understand the hype, but as a 30 some year old woman, I don't know, she doesn't do it for me. So let me know. I always love hearing from you guys.

    What's your thoughts on T. Swift? I was actually at a fitness with baby class this morning. It's a class I go to with my little 11 month old guy, Freddy and I spend most of class chasing him around. Some of the class I get to lift weights and actually participate, but it's just a fun little activity for, for both of us, really. But anyways, the girl across from me, she was saying her daughter purchased a Taylor Swift ticket, a general admission for I think 150 or 200, and sold it last night right before the concert for $3,400. 3400. I'm like oh my God. And everyone's like gawking and here I am thinking this little child of yours is a future entrepreneur.

    Like she knows that if she buys it at 150, the opportunity to sell it moments before the concert starts is going to be absolutely insane. So I just think that's so just first of all, cool for the daughter who's only like, 10 years old, who just profited over $3,000. And also just an amazing reminder of as something creeps up towards the actual launch or towards the date of the event, or for some of you listening, it's like maybe you're launching a group program in January and it starts on January 14th. As you get closer to January 14th, the demand goes up when something is about to be taken away from someone. So, for example, leading up to that Taylor Swift concert last night in Toronto, there was probably someone who's like, oh, my God, there's four hours to go. All my friends are going. I will literally do anything to have a ticket, including paying over $3,000. Right? And so I think we need to take this lesson and bring it into our businesses, too.

    To number one, don't give up on selling your product or your service until the bitter end. If you're thinking about Black Friday, think about the fact that when you have a sale and there's time limits on it and urgency on it and scarcity, because obviously there's not unlimited tickets to Taylor Swift. Maybe for Black Friday, you only have five of your super special product available. That is in itself a really good marketing strategy, and of course, use it ethically. But a little bit of urgency and scarcity goes a long way. So, anyways, if you were at the Taylor Swift concert, I hope it was a good time. I also saw that Ryan Holiday was in town. He's the author of the Daily Stoic, and he's written tons of books.

    I'm trying to think of the other ones. The obstacle is the way is one of them. Uh, I've just listened to him on a ton of podcasts. I think he's a great entrepreneur. And I also find it really funny that Taylor Swift and Ryan Holiday were in Toronto at the very same time, performing on the same night. And it made me think of, like, this or that. Like, would you rather if I had a ticket in one hand to go see Ryan Holiday or a ticket in the other hand to go see Taylor Swift? Which would you rather? Which would you choose? Because, like, I just feel like they're totally different vibes. But part of me was like, well, I would want to go to Taylor Swift just because of the hype, right? But then the other part of me is like, I think I'D rather listen to Orion Holiday Talk.

    Anyways, besides the point, I also went to a concert this week, but it was in my my town where I live and it was like a really chill acoustic set and it was at a venue that looks over the Grand River. It was really relaxed and fun and there's not too many concerts I've been to in my life where it's a sit down concert. So I've been to see this band before and it's been more of like a get up and dance, but this time it was more of an acoustic set. So I mean, you know you're an adult when you're literally sitting at a concert sipping a glass of wine, listening to the music. Oh, I loved it. It was so, so good. This is just a Life Update episode. As you guys know, I'm still on a modified maternity leave, so I'm jumping in every other week to just share what's going on behind the scenes, what I'm thinking about, what I'm doing, and hopefully adding some value to anyone in the community who runs a business who wants to be advancing their mindset and their marketing and really just is in pursuit of their most visionary life.

    So first things first. I cannot believe there's only 40 days left in the year. I don't know where the time has gone, but it's been just a jam packed few months. So last week I actually spoke at the Practice Better Summit again. I did speak at their initial summit with Dr. Mark Hyman a couple months ago, and then they actually asked me back. And so it was really cool because I got to be part of a smaller speaking panel and they brought me on to actually talk about how health professionals could market and launch their group programs. And I was really honored to be invited back because I have a vision of doing more speaking, more workshops, more traveling, more training.

    Because over and over again I've been told that the way I teach marketing is fun and it's approachable and there's a lot of good takeaways. And I think that's really something that I try to bring forward that like marketing doesn't have to be these complicated funnels. I've had way too many clients come to me telling me that they've worked with a previous marketing agency who built them out a click funnel that they had to run Facebook ads to. And there's all these automations set up. And the truth is that does not work for 99% of business owners in their first few years. It's way too complicated. That's not the direction they need to be going. And what we end up doing is pretty much like reversing all the damage in their business and talking about strategies that are way easier and right in front of them to get clients.

    And so that's what I got to share at the Practice Better Summit. It was really fun. It was actually the day after I got back from a week long Florida trip, took my little guy to Florida with some of my family. So I felt like, oh man, I didn't have a lot of time to rehearse and practice and of course I was prepared. I had my slides done, I had gone through them. But coming off of a really long travel day with a 11 month old, which was a funny story in its own right, you're like watching your kid just run through the airport or crawl, rather like lick the floors. Like it was just chaos and mayhem, but it was so much fun. But landing back here and then going straight into a presentation, I was like, okay, I really need to center.

    I feel a little like out of whack and like I wasn't prepared enough. But I really had to lean into the fact that I've been preparing for 10 plus years, right? And I've taught this presentation. I've got a lot of reps in my repertoire. I don't know what I'm trying to say there, but I've done this a lot. Okay. I've been teaching and training for quite a while. And so when the imposter syndrome kicked in, when I had guilt that I wasn't showing up in like a polished enough, professional enough way, I had to remind myself, first of all, I can lean into just seeing how this flows, paying attention to the chat to see what the conversation needs, engaging with the 650 people that are on live and bringing my best energy. I always talk about this in marketing, but marketing is energy.

    And so if you're sitting there trying to promote something, but you just feel dead inside, you're creating from a place of scarcity. You just feel like you're not excited, not joyful, not passionate about the thing. It's probably going to come through in your marketing. But when you are creating content, you are showing up to represent a product from a very excited place. You're like, I cannot wait. I know this is valuable. I'm going to change some freaking lives. I get to do this for my job.

    That translates big time, right? And so if we know that marketing is energy, we can remind ourselves in these moments where we have fear and self doubt. Well, am I excited about what I've built, and if the answer is yes, you gotta go for it, right? I think that's like the secret sauce that not enough people talk about. I actually had an entire module in a previous program that I created around this, and it was all about being charismatic, which is like this marketing principle for solopreneurs that is really hard to explain. It's like, how. How do you come across when you talk about the business? Are you charismatic? Not in an extroverted way, but like, there's something to you and to the way you pitch the business and the way you share the solution, that's kind of magnetic, right? And charisma can definitely be a skill you hone in on, but I really think it's something that you need to actually reflect the mirror back on yourself and say, am I excited about what I'm doing? Because for so many of you listening, you're the main driver of business. You don't have a big team. You act as the spokesperson, you act as the marketer, you act as the salesperson. You are your company culture, right? Like, are you a fun boss to work for? Is your culture fun? Are you having a good time? Because if not, I don't really know what we're doing here.

    And yes, business is business. Business is hard. But are you having fun yet? Do you know what inspires you to do your best work? Because being a miserable entrepreneur, I don't think is going to get you too far. And don't get me wrong, we all go through our seasons, we all have shitty days, we all have failed projects, and it's how we respond to them. It's how we get back to the other side of I'm here to make an impact. I'm here to do big things, do good work in this world, and come from a place of abundance, of wow. If I could do anything to hone in on my skills, to share my business in a way that feels good to me, that feels authentic, what can I do? And is that going to bring the energy back to the business? So I hope that inspires you to just look at everything you're doing. Maybe do some sort of time study where you actually assess how you're spending your time and with who, and just start to trim the fat a little bit, right? Is there anything you need to let go of because you've downloaded somebody else's blueprint? Somebody told you to use this software or somebody told you to be on this social media platform or follow this script, and it's not Feeling aligned anymore.

    I hope this is your permission to not bring that into 20, 25 and to release the things that are feeling heavy or like they're not your own. So shifting gears a little bit, I mentioned I was in Florida and on the way home, I got to sit next to. Well, got to. If you've ever been on a flight with an 11 month old, are praying to the airport gods that you have a whole row of seats to yourself. And on the way to Florida, there was an empty seat in the middle between me and another guy. So that was great because I had two seats to contain my child. But on the way home, I like, walked to the. I got the very back seat.

    I'm like, oh, they definitely put me at the back because they don't want the infant to be hanging out in the first class, whatever. And I'm like walking towards the back, pretty confident that we're gonna have a spare seat or somebody will switch with me. And then the flight attendant looks at me and she knows what I'm thinking and she's like, I'm so sorry it's a full flight. I was like, oh, my God. So thank God I had a aisle seat. That was good. They must put traveling adults with infants in an aisle purposely, right? So you can get up and move about. But I'm like, oh, no.

    I just feel so bad for the person who's in the middle seat beside me. Like, that's gonna suck because you can't contain an 11 month old. You can't reason with them. They're motivated by snacks and milk, but at the end of the day, they just want to crawl and be a little mischievous and curious. So anyways, I sit down and I can tell that this couple, like, they're not having any of me at first, or so I thought. I misjudged these people. I will say that. And I do feel bad because I judged people and then ended up having great conversations with them.

    Kelsey00:15:03 - 00:15:46

    But I just felt like they were acting a little edgy around me. When I sat down, they were probably thinking, oh, man. Like, of course we got the seat beside her anyway, so I'm trying my best to contain Freddie. They're like, wiping everything with Purell and like sterilizing everything. And then of course, my dirty child who's been crawling around the airport is like touching the man and touching his flop down tray and his like, outlet, whatever in the armrests. And I'm like, well, if they're germaphobic, they're not enjoying this. So anyways, Freddie did so good on the flight. And towards the end, Freddie started, like, smiling at the people beside me, and they started playing peekaboo with him.

    So then they ended up starting to chat with me, and we had some great conversations. And I was asking them, where did you go? And they said they were on a cruise. And I think I said like, oh, do you have any more booked? And he's like, well, we'll definitely go again in January or February. But I actually start. I start work tomorrow. And I'm like, oh, where do you start work? And he's like, oh, I'm. I'm Santa. And first of all, I love this because my child was born on Christmas Day.

    So I'm like, oh, my God, Freddie, it's Santa. Like, the thing you don't do with a kid. It's like, it's his birthday on Christmas. It's not like Birthmas or Christmas. Like, yeah, Chris Crisp Day. I'm trying to combine Christmas and birthday. Anyways, so it's like, just because he's born on Christmas doesn't mean he loves Santa. But regardless, I'm like, oh, my gosh, Santa's here.

    So then we get chatting. He's telling me where he's starting his gig. And of course, I'm curious because I'm like, what a cool job. What a great business that fits your lifestyle. Like, you get to travel when you want, and then you come home, be Santa. And then he does other odd jobs. And I'm like, well, how much can you make being Santa? And he's like, well, I usually bring in about $15,000. And I was like, damn, that is so cool.

    What a fun way to earn money. And, yeah, it just kind of inspired me to always be looking around at people who are doing what they want, living the lifestyle they want by having a job that fuels their lifestyle, right? So obviously, this guy and his wife, they love to travel, so perhaps he's retired. He's probably. I don't know. He looked like he was 55, maybe 60 years old. And I just love that he knows that he doesn't want something stable and steady that's like a 9 to 5 locked in. But he can pick up these odd gigs that capitalize on his skills, which is how he looks. He's like a big burly guy with a big, long white beard, and he gets to be Santa.

    And it's just so expansive to me to think about doing jobs that fit the person that you are and the person you want to be. So if you hate mornings like, you just want to sleep in all day, you don't want to get out of bed. Like, being a bartender is such a great job, right? It fits your values and your lifestyle. Or for people who just feel like they are misfits, they are too creative for a corporate job, or they just don't thrive in an office culture. Being an entrepreneur is perfect for people who are super active, like being a fitness instructor or coach or being like a wedding photographer where you're chasing a bride and groom all day. There's just so many cool opportunities, and I was even chatting with my husband about this last night that it's so easy to get pigeonholed. Like, we work a job for, like, say, for an example, we work a job for like two or three years. Maybe you're in your 30s, you started a new career at 30, now you're 33, and you feel like it's too late to make a change, which, I get it.

    Like, we have responsibilities, we have to pay the bills, we have made commitments to others and to ourselves. But it's also a big shame, in my opinion, to feel like, well, this is just the way it's always going to be and to not even give yourself a chance to move forward in life and to make a change and to evolve. Right? I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I am not the same person I was 15 years ago when I graduated university or whenever that was. I have changed careers so many times, I can barely keep track. Like, I started my career in nutrition and now I solely talk about marketing for the most part. But, like, everything has kind of evolved and a new layer has unfolded of me and every step has led to the next step. And yeah, it's just so interesting to me when people find themselves at any age, in their 20s, their 30s, whatever it is, saying things like it's too late to make a change, or what they're really saying is, like, fear has overcome me, or I don't want to put in the effort to reach out for my dream, which, again, like, there are a lot of barriers. But I even think of my cousin who at, I think like 28, which again, a lot of people feel like it's too late to make a change.

    At 28, he decided to leave his job and go back to school and become certified in a totally different profession. But even with someone like him, the thought process of, well, I'm not going to be making money for two years. I'm going to have to take out student loans, I'm going to be way behind. I'm going to be starting my career in my 30s. What about all my friends who are going out living their life? And I'm going to be back to student budget. Like, it is hard, but sometimes we just need that nudge that you're not meant to stay stagnant in life. In fact, stagnation, when we think of that in the body, in the mind, in the soul, in the career path, in your health, that's not the goal, right? I think evolution and momentum and movement and betterment are the goal. And so I would challenge you to really just look at the areas of your life and ask, is there anywhere where I feel stagnant? And if so, what can you do to just shift that energy? Not make a drastic change, but maybe plant a seed that stirs things up and that gets some energy flowing where there's stagnant energy, Maybe for some of you that's just a health ritual.

    Maybe you haven't worked out in a long time and you're like, okay, like, I'm feeling really stagnant, but I'm not ready to go commit to a 200amonth gym membership. So instead you're just like, you know what we're gonna do? We are just gonna buy a walking pad for under my desk. And for the last hour of my workday, I'm just going to walk it out. Just kind of not overexert, but just shake out that stagnant energy and get my legs moving. So sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest difference. Other than that, I thought I would just share a brief podcast update. So we are in the process of booking guests for season 15. Yes, we are already thinking about season 15.

    Season 14 has been just a very flowy season, and for someone like myself, who's been so consistent, I released an episode every single Sunday for, I think, six consecutive years. And then I had a baby last December. And without wanting to drive myself crazy by posting a weekly episode or even having like a really hard concrete plan that I had to stick to, I just decided to flow with the podcast this year. But once I have a little bit more of an idea of what my 2025 calendar will look like, we are going to be sharing more regular episodes. We have some really cool guests booked for season 15, so I'll start recording now, and then they'll all be released at some point early in the year. So if you know someone who would make a great guest and somebody who would share an inspiring story, maybe they're an author. Maybe they're an entrepreneur. Maybe they're an everyday person who's gone through some stuff and loves to share from their experience.

    Experience. I'd love for you to reach out to me. Hello Kelseyreidl.com We have a podcast form that you can fill in and we are accepting applications, nominations and topic ideas. So this podcast is all about shining a spotlight on the wonderful entrepreneurs that we have in this world and people who are willing to share their wisdom and give more than they take. So if that's you, if that's someone you know, feel free to hit me up. We're always looking for guest suggestions and other than that, we'll keep this one short today. But I hope you guys enjoyed this. Feel free to reach out on Instagram if we haven't connected there.

    I'm Kelsey Reidl. I always love chatting with you. I'm always sharing marketing tips and just behind the scenes of my life and business. And until next time, I hope you have a Visionary day. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Visionary Life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis, so it would mean so, so much to me if you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show on either itunes or Spotify. It just takes a second. And if you don't want to rate the show, you could also just take a screenshot of the episode and share it on your social media platform of choice.

    Tagging me at Kelsey Reidl. I'll catch you in the next episode. Hey Visionary, I want to interrupt this episode to share a little bit more about one on one coaching. I work with clients who want to stay on top of the latest marketing trends, who want to bring more ease into their marketing funnel. Or just build a marketing funnel in the first place because maybe you don't have one yet and ultimately take the effort and overwhelm out of your marketing plan. I know your energy is limited and you just want someone to tell you what to do. Should you be on threads? Should you be creating on TikTok? How do you grow an email list? What does SEO mean? Anyways, this is why I offer private one on one business and marketing coaching for business owners like you who need help with their marketing strategy. You can head to Kelsey ridle.com privatecoaching to learn exactly what it's going to look like if we decide to work together.

    And I'm excited because I can give you the precise strategies that will take your business to the next level this year. So if you want to learn more, Kelseyreidl.com/PrivateCoaching of course it is a bit more of an investment than any of my other courses or offerings, but my private clients are seeing crazy results. Christina landed a six figure consulting contract. Emily signed six clients in one day. Barb had a Black Friday sale that generated a lot of money. And these are all based on the strategies that we've implemented. So. Kelseyreidl.com/privatecoaching you can learn all about it.

Tune into the episode.

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Mentioned on the Episode:

  • Private 1:1 Marketing Coaching: Small tweaks to your Marketing Strategy can skyrocket your business success…. Working with a Business & Marketing Coach will help you identify new income opportunities, optimize your lead generation & sales strategies, and accomplish more than you ever thought possible, in just 4 months. Apply here ➡

  • Feeling overwhelmed with your Marketing & Online Lead Generation?

    Learn about Marketing Coaching |


  • Rank on Page # 1 of Google with Everyday SEO™ |


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