Daily Dose Episode

We are chatting about Imposter Syndrome Strategies.

In this Daily Dose Episode, we chat Imposter Syndrome and more specifically:

  • What is Imposter Syndrome ?

  • How to Shake it off

  • 4 Tips to Overcome it

  • Shifting your mind to be in a more positive mindset

  • Finding a way to manage and deal with it


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • Hey visionaries, boy, do I have an exciting episode for you today it is the topic of impostor syndrome and how to conquer it, especially if you're a business owner, or a side Hustler, or a high achieving entrepreneur who sometimes feels like a fraud, or maybe not a fraud, but you just feel that version of imposter syndrome where some days you aren't sure if you're on the right path, if you are going to be caught, and somebody's going to be like, You're a total fake, what are you doing, there is so much impostor syndrome going around, and there are definitely strategies you can use to overcome it.

    So in this episode, I want to explore the definition of imposter syndrome and give you four tips for how to cope with it. And my hope is that by using these techniques, that you can really build out your confidence in yourself, and in the business that you are building.

    So let's get into it. First of all, I want to share that an estimated 70% of people experience feelings of impostor syndrome at some point in their life. And even when we are experiencing wins and successes, or you see somebody who is doing so well on Instagram, oftentimes, there are still these small moments that we feel are about to derail us where our confidence is shaken. And we just aren't sure if this is all gonna work out for us. And impostor syndrome is one of the biggest reasons that people quit on their own business in the early days.

    Because I do think that imposter syndrome skews quite heavily towards the first year or first one to two years of launching your business, especially if you're a coach, or consultant or a freelancer, and you're getting really visible on behalf of your business. And on many of our visionary method calls, we have talked about this topic.

    And I will say that, I would say 100% of the students and the clients that I work with have experienced it before. So impostor syndrome can be described as doubting that you can or should be successful, or feeling like your wins or your successes are unwarranted, maybe worrying that you won't be able to deliver results or live up to the expectations that you've set. feeling unworthy, constantly criticizing your own performance, even when you've been performing well, right. It's one thing to feel like a fraud because you are completely marketing yourself out of what you can actually deliver on.

    But if you are a certified nutritionist, and you know, you can write a good meal plan, but then you sell a meal plan and you feel like you are going to be caught or somebody's going to return it, that's not really warranted, you know. So when it all comes down to it, imposter syndrome is rooted in feelings of inadequacy and self doubt. And just the general thought that you're not good enough.

    And when you're going through it, it kind of feels like you're the only one who doesn't know what the heck you're doing. You feel like you're looking around, and everybody is just moving through life moving through growth of their business. And this is not affecting them.

    But the truth is, it is and I think it's an important conversation for us to have. And these feelings of impostor syndrome, they never really go away. I'm seven years into running my business. And I still have days where I feel it, I still have clients that come to me where I'm like, Oh, my gosh, your business is doing so much better than me. Or you have these areas of your operations figured out that I don't, but they obviously see something in my marketing that they need support with, right.

    So we're gonna face these feelings of imposter syndrome. They don't go away. But is there a way to overcome them? And the answer is yes. Yes. I just added tea at the end of Yes, yes. So let's talk about tip number one.

    Tip number one is to shift from imposter syndrome to the word impostor experience. Now, I think I saw this online originally, but I think the problem with the word syndrome is that it makes you feel like it's a disease that you can never get rid of, which is absolutely not the case, you guys. So words do matter.

    And I think one of the best shifts that I've made in my own life and my experience is changing this diagnosis from imposter syndrome to imposter experience. We don't need to attach the idea that we're permanently diagnosed with it. It is a learning experience that we all get to go through during our lifetime and it helps us to grow and expand.

    So let's redefine it. Let's call it an imposter experience. And an experience is usually something that has a finite timeline, right? Two hours at the theme park Well, we're going to give two hours to our imposter experience, and then move on. And there are so many ways to shake your imposter syndrome away. Most notably, for me, it's getting out into nature listening to a podcast, doing some learning, like I'll pull up a YouTube video or a podcast, maybe it's the Marketing School podcast and just tap back into my craft and learn and up level of skill and I can generally reset my energy. This is going to change everything.

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    And I want to give you the chance to test it out with 10,000 free words of copywriting. Yep, that's right. 10,000 free words, you could literally use this free link to write three blog posts or you could create for Facebook ads, or you could write seven tick tock caption Jasper is going to save you time, money and energy. So don't wait a minute longer.

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    Tip number two for overcoming impostor experience is to understand that your inner critic will always be there. There's really no level of accomplishment that will ever mute that voice that says Who the heck are you? Or why would anyone ever hire you or you're not worthy of a million dollar business. And that can be harsh. But each new level that you unlock brings forward new challenges that are meant to stretch you and push you outside of your comfort zone. So therefore the inner critic doesn't go away because you're always reaching for new levels, especially as visionary entrepreneurs. I don't think you go through a year's business get to a certain spot and say, Okay, I'm cool. I'm gonna Coast now, like you always want to do more, you always want to continue to stretch yourself. And so that imposter experience continues to revisit you.

    Tip number three for dealing with impostor experience is to deal with it before getting on a call with a client. So we only have a finite amount of energy within a day and work with your clients. If you're in the coaching or consulting or freelance industry, you know, that takes up a lot of your energy and in order to show up for your clients and a peak state. It's really important that you're not navigating imposter experience on the call. So think about things that you can do like a priming routine, so that you can get on your call and feel so dialed in.

    Maybe that's visualization. Maybe it's meditation or journaling. Maybe it is doing an hour of professional development every day. Maybe it's a day Dance Party but deal with it before getting on calls. Because when you get on a call with a client, you got to be at 110%. There is no time or room for impostor experience.

    And tip number four for dealing with impostor experience is a little bit of self reflection. So I want to give you a quick and useful exercise to do when you're dealing with these symptoms of impostor experience. So you can just write a few things down. Number one, I want you to identify what negative thoughts you're having about yourself right now. Like, I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to Facebook ads.

    Then I want you to identify what you wish you could believe about yourself that you don't right now? Then I want you to journal on what are three thoughts you believe in that you can think of now that will help you shift your mindset. So maybe these are three thoughts that are more positive affirmations, things that you've accomplished. And then when you have all this written down, I want you to reread it to yourself three times.

    So number one, identify what negative thoughts you're having about yourself right now? Number two, what do you wish you could believe about yourself that you don't right now? And number three, what are three thoughts that you can think of now that will help you to shift your mindset. So again, reread those and as you can probably tell, a lot of these tips revolve around self reflection and shifting your state.

    But imposter experience is usually a feeling of stagnant energy, it's usually you wallowing in some sorrows or just feeling flustered or frustrated with your current course of action. And so I want you to use these tools, whether it's journaling, getting out and moving, just saying things out loud, trying to just tame that inner critic a little bit reframing what impostor syndrome actually is. And definitely let me know what your tools are too, because I'd love to compile a list. And to make sure that when you're going through impostor syndrome, you know that you are not alone.

    This is not something that you're going to deal with in such intense bouts forever. But we do continue to experience it. So we have to learn to navigate it, we have to continue to bring on tools. And I mean, the more confidence you can build. So building confidence could include working with more clients successfully, right. So maybe getting more testimonials and five star reviews that can eliminate impostor syndrome.

    You know, something else that can eliminate impostor syndrome is making sure that the claims that you're making in your program and on your website are legit, right? That's such an easy one. Another way to deal with impostor syndrome is to put yourself in challenging environments, like masterminds and high level coaching experiences where you're constantly in a room with people who are doing bigger and better things. I've done that so many times, I've been part of a lot of different communities of entrepreneurs, where I am, for lack of a better term, the most junior person in the room, like I've always been the youngest one, but also the least experienced in these rooms.

    Most people are in their 40s, or their 50s or 60s, and they've built two or three or four businesses and, you know, I just have to somehow pull myself together and get through it. So yeah, it is such an interesting topic to unravel. I think building confidence is at the forefront of navigating impostor syndrome. And the way we build confidence is simply by following through on the promises that we make to ourselves.

    So that's another way to continue to navigate your imposter syndrome. So if you're feeling like you want to chat about this topic further, I am so down for that send me a DM on Instagram. I'm at Kelsey Reidl. I know that this is a topic that deserves much more conversation and we do consent to continue these conversations inside of the visionary methods.

    So I hope to see you there and in the meantime, I hope you guys have the most visionary week.

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