253 How to Cultivate a Positive Mindset to Overcome Obstacles & Achieve your Goals | Catherine Farquahson

Catherine Farquahson

A mindset coach who has devoted her professional life to assisting others in getting rid of their limiting ideas and succeeding in all facets of their lives.

This week, I have the pleasure of speaking with Catherine Farquharson, a mindset coach who has dedicated her career to helping individuals overcome limiting beliefs and achieve success in all areas of their lives.

With over a decade of experience in the industry, Catherine has worked with a wide range of clients, from entrepreneurs and athletes.

Join us as we delve into the world of mindset coaching with Catherine Farquharson and learn how to cultivate a positive mindset to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals, whether we're entrepreneurs in the making or have been in the game for a while.


In this episode, we chat about:

  • How the Inner Game is as important as the Outer Part

  • The importance of being connected to your heart and soul

  • Why you can only learn as far as the person that you’re learning from has learned


To connect with Catherine:




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Access the transcript for this episode:

  • Hey visionaries!

    Welcome back to the show, and to our second official episode of 2023, the new year, I am just so excited to be here with you and to be approaching the five year anniversary of this podcast.

    So whether you've been here for a couple days, or you've been here since our very first season five years ago, it's totally hard to believe. I am just so grateful that you're part of this visionary life community. And I'm really excited for you to listen to today's episode.

    So you might sense a theme as I navigate January. And that is that we are talking a lot about mindset. And you guys know I am all about marketing. I love talking about marketing, the energy behind your marketing, where to show up, how to show up, etc. But one thing that I also recognize is that without the right mindset, your marketing strategy may not work as well as you want, right? We need to really believe in what's possible and to have the mindset that we are limitless when it comes to how we connect with our clients and customers.

    Rather than feeling like we're in a box and success is not possible for me or I could never grow an email list or build a tic tock or insert marketing strategy here. So I'm really excited because today on the show, I am talking with Catherine Farquharson, and she is a mindset and transformation coach for women who want to cultivate a life with no limits. I mean, hello, Sign me up. We had such a pleasurable conversation, lots of juicy topics were cracked into and she has so much to share.

    So Katherine and I are diving into how to master your mindset. As an entrepreneur, we talk about what a transformation coach does, and why she is passionate about a concept called unlocked and unlimited. We talk about the nature of change the dips that we navigate as entrepreneurs, and she is able to so eloquently explain how our mindset plays such a key role in our day to day operation, as business owners, so I'm really, really excited to share this episode with Katherine with you.

    If you want to learn more about Catherine Farquharson, she's got the best domain on planet Earth, it is just mindset coaching.ca. And she also has an incredible Instagram account, which you can find from her website. So before we dive into this incredible conversation with Katherine, I also just wanted to say hello and connect with you. This is one of my favorite things to do at the beginning of the podcast is to just talk about what's going on behind the scenes and to let you in on where I've been. So obviously the Christmas season is over. I came into January with the flu, but I'm feeling better. And now I am just head down. So excited for what's happening in January. So we are launching your 2023 leap. It is a mindset and marketing coaching program. And so many of you have already told us how excited you are for this synergy between mindset coaching with mindset expert, Emily Elliott, and marketing coaching with myself. So if you jive with this episode, and you're like what is this whole mindset thing, I think that your 2023 Leap might be the 90 day program that you've been waiting for. So you can head to Kelsey rydell.com/ 2023, if you want to learn about that. And obviously, this is the time when I'm thinking a lot about goal setting.

    And I do not have my strategic planning fully done for the new year. But there are a few things that have been on my mind that I really am working towards. So a few of those goals that I have top of mind for at least the first quarter of the year are number one continuing on my meditation journey. I am someone who has a lot of different practices to relieve stress and to manage my emotions. I love to work out and exercise and be in nature. But meditation is something that I've kind of had as an idea of something that I wanted to incorporate into my daily routine that just never stuck. And one of the big reasons for me bringing meditation in is because there's so much research behind the fact that just 12 or 13 minutes of meditation every day can really help with focus. And I don't know if this is just an entrepreneur thing, or if I'm the only one that feels this way. But I have so much trouble focusing some days.

    And I think honestly, that's one of the reasons I thrive working for myself versus working in an office is because I can switch tasks. And I can bounce around as often as I want. But I also feel like there is something in my brain that's constantly just leaping from left to right up to down. So meditation is something that I'm really working towards in hopes that can support my level of focus through the weekdays. And I will hopefully report back on that. A couple other things that I'm working on right now, I'm trying to really get strategic about my presence with search engine optimization.

    So as you all know, SEO has been so vital in the growth of my business over the last few years. And right now, when you type in marketing coach or business coach, or, you know, business coach in Toronto, I pop up on page one of Google. But there are also a lot of keywords that I feel like I could be ranking for that I'm not.

    So I'm getting really serious about my keyword maps, scheduling and a lot of content that's going to relate back to the keywords that I want to rank for. And I'm just really excited to take my SEO and website traffic a little more seriously this year, and to watch those metrics grow up. So I actually hired a growth marketer to support me with this.

    And I'm really, really excited about that. And just a couple other things. Well, one of the other main things that I'm so excited about is continuing adventures in the cold. So a few years ago, I got into the art of cold plunging, I'm sure many of you have gotten into it too, as it's grown in popularity.

    But beyond cold plunging, I'm really excited to just continue embracing what winter has to offer. Yes, winter is a great time to slow down and to go inwards. And it's a season for reflection and just a lot more quiet time. But I also want to celebrate the cold weather and to enjoy beautiful snowy days and to get on my fat bike, and maybe even do another paddleboard down the frozen river and to make sure that I'm really living in the winter, versus just letting a season pass me by so being intentional about enjoying what this beautiful planet Earth is giving us versus resisting it.

    So anyways, this is me just chit chatting like we're having coffee together at the local coffee shop. But why don't we dive into this week's episode? Again, you're gonna love this chat with Catherine. If you do enjoy it, please take a screenshot and you can tag Katherine at CF underscore mindset coaching. You can also tag me at Kelsey Reidl. And that's it for now. I hope you have an incredible day and we will see you next week.

    Katherine Welcome to the visionary life podcast, I'm really excited to sit down and have this conversation you and I met a couple of months ago randomly at a conference downtown Toronto, we were both recording live podcasts. And I just knew there was something special about your energy. And I think I had actually connected with you on Instagram previously when I looked back in our DM so it was one of those, you know, serendipitous moments. But here we are, we're about to get to know each other a little bit better. And record this to all of our 1000s of visionary life listeners. So thank you so much for taking the time to be here today.

    It's my pleasure. I love that our paths led us to this moment. This is so great.

    It's perfect. So where I want to start is that I noticed in your Instagram bio, it says the words unlocked and unlimited right at the top right beside your name. And set for some reason my eye was drawn there. And I'm like, I wonder why she wrote that. And it really provoked curiosity in me and I'm sure many others who find you on social media. So I'm curious what do those words unlocked and unlimited mean to you? And why did you write those there?

    Well, well, hope you don't mind. I'm just gonna like dive right on it. Good mindset, let's go. But for me, those two words they they bring out or they emulate exactly what is available for us when we are able to get out of our habitual ways of thinking. So I like to look at it like we're locked in on perception, you know, based on our conditioning based on patterns and paradigms and, and you know, the world as we grew up in and when we unlock from that, you know, way of perceiving everything. And then everything becomes unlimited. So, possibilities become endless. It's like literally like taking a lid off of yourself. So we all have like a cap, we bump up against that cap. But even in, in, in your business, when you talk about on your website about having, you know, you get to a certain level and you flatline I look at it like the same thing. It's like our thinking gets us to a certain level. And then we flatline. So then we want to unlock it to the next level so that we become unlimited.

    Mm hmm. Is everybody self aware enough to know when they flatline because I feel like it's just so normal to kind of just like maybe hit a wall where we feel like we're locked and very limited. But we actually don't know or have this awareness that it's possible to circumvent this block or rise above it. Like, how do how do you see that playing out in the world? Do people realize when they're blind?

    It's such a good question. I, I don't think that people, people do I think that a lot of people think that that's just how things are, that is their reality. This is, that's it, I hit the limit the end. And then they keep hitting that limit over and over again. So part of what I always look for are signals of repetition. So how often are you hitting the limit? Or are you noticing that same kind of pattern in different areas of your life? And when that starts to happen, the limit becomes, it's almost like it becomes tighter, like the lid is like closing in, in a way. And then it feels like, sometimes people think, Gosh, I wonder if there's anything on the other side of this, but I don't think it's everybody. I think some people think that that's just how things are.

    Mm hmm. Can you give us just some examples of where people encounter these limits in their life? Or what your clients commonly present as where they're feeling locked and limited?

    Yeah, definitely, I think the easiest one to use as an example would be money, money. So people will hit a certain income and feel like that's their limit. They're just there's not a reality where they're going to earn more than that amount. Yeah, that's just how it is. Or usually can sort of hear it in language like I'll never like, and there's this idea. It's interesting, because there's this idea that other people are, can have these things other people can evolve. But there's so often with, with women in particular, but a lot of a lot of people is this idea that like that we're the exception to the rule that somehow it's possible for other people to go past that limit, but not for, not for me. Yeah.

    And, yeah, I feel like that is so so so common. And when a client comes to you, is there like a process that you would bring them through of like, identifying what the limiting beliefs are that they have? Or where these blocks are?

    Hmm, yeah. So it's interesting, because what people this is why I love being a coach, because it's very hard to navigate this these terrains for yourself, like, we're the ones who create the problem, it's very difficult to see how we might be able to find the solution. So when we, when people come in, it'll be with some form of a, of a thing that they want to work through, maybe they want to, you know, unlock, they know, they've watched it recur enough time. So usually, it's through the repetition that you can start to see things. And what I often suggest for clients, actually, this is a weird thing. But I, I actually suggest that the resistances that come up in the work are actually the place to start. So instead of going into the life, reason that they came maybe to do something with their business, instead of going straight into what is the the presenting problem. What I like to look at is how are you approaching being here in the solution? So it's hilarious because all the old things come up, we want to change but we don't necessarily really want to do the work to do the change. So things will come up like you know, not wanting to like, you know, do the things that are required as part of you know, the work or being disorganized or overwhelmed or like they're, they're actually like a subset to the problem. So we start they're very small thing. So it'll be more like getting almost a handle on these little weight like bite size shifts that we make that then when when when you look at enough areas and moments in your life where you start to feel like you're really empowered and you actually can change, when we start to bring in the bigger stuff. And if and then there's a much stronger belief that's already starting to be formed, where it's like, oh, I actually, like, I can trust myself, it's like a self trust exercise in a lot of ways.

    I love that visual of doing the Bite Size stuff to really like start to build our trust back with ourselves and to build that confidence that might allow us to unlock in a bigger area, or to actually focus on the problem that, you know, we came to you with, but it's like those micro shifts, and micro wins that probably give us that, just like awareness that oh, my gosh, it's possible for me as a human being to transform and to make changes that I may have once seen as impossible.

    That's right. It's through those small things that we you know, if we can use an analogy of like turning a ship, it's like, you do it little thing, by little thing, by little thing by little thing. And the more every little shift from a mindset perspective opens up more perception. So by the time we get to the bigger thing, that realm of, of possibility is so much wider, because you've shown yourself already how much you can do when you make a decision to, to, you know, do things more consciously. It's really cool.

    And I know you've made many decisions like this to make changes in your life, I believe, before you did mindset and transformation coaching, you were actually in the arts doing more photography, how did you make such a change? Because oftentimes, when we find ourselves in a career path, and if it's working, and we're like, okay, the paychecks are rolling in, I have clients, and then we have this, thought that maybe this isn't where I want to be forever. There is a lot of resistance, and we think, nope, nope, stay where you are, you're good. Be grateful for what you have, how did you navigate such a transformation, and any observations of how you were able to, you know, transform your own life, specifically in your career.

    It's, that's such a good example, because I was actually just talking about this with my clients this morning. Because there's so often this assumption that, first of all, that things need to be a struggle. So in order for things to be a struggle, we need something to be really bad before we make a change. That's like a commonly unconsciously accepted belief. So to do a career change. Usually we'll be like, I'm unhappy, it's like it's a problem. And that's a great way to instigate a change to in my situation. I didn't do it from that I actually did it from the I made the shift from the peak of my photography career. And so it was more like risk taking from the place of what else what's possible, what else could I like, really listening to my heart and my calling, and wanting to, you know, not compromise on my life's journey by being comfortable doing something that I'm, you know, just already good at. So, it was funny, because when I first made this transition people, you know, they were like, Why would you do this, you're, you're so good. You're so good at photography, like why, you know, so it's almost like, just because I'm like that, I can be good at that and I can evolve. One of the main things from jumping from one industry to another that that I always look at, from even if you're going from corporate or going into starting a business like any huge identity shift like that, requires like there's like a lag in the subconscious mind of understanding, like where we're at. So I always say like a person who is hired by employers have different thoughts. Then someone who runs their own business, like they have different problems, they have different beliefs about themselves. They have different hurdles that they have to get over mentally to be able to live out the new identity. So for me with coaching in the beginning, this was about seven years ago. I I heard all those little voices inside that were saying like well, who does she think she is? Like, you know, she's a photographer like and I'm imagine all this eye rolling like oh, now she As a coach, you know, and, and all these judgments, so I was actually like doing it in secret, because I was so afraid to put myself out there. And so in what I have found working with my clients, and also from my own experience is like the inner part is such an important part of like, graciously navigating yourself through because it's maybe as difficult as making the actual change. Like it takes, you know, patience and a real understanding of why like, I like how your mind can be making things more difficult for you, or making you think that there's a lid where there isn't or making you think that there are no options, or there are no customers, or like who's gonna buy from me, all of those things are when we haven't actually got any evidence yet, of what has come. And it's just blind faith yourself. Like, that requires a really strong inner game. So we don't want to start with like the biggest thing we want to start with like small, small muscle building things that help us like, get to the place where we can look someone in the eye and like, this is what I'm doing. And I'm really good at it.

    Are there any other things that we can do? Say we're in the early stages of starting to trust ourselves? And to expand our mindset? What are a few of those other things that we can do to start mastering our own inner game, I know you mentioned making small decisions and building that trust, or anything else that you would suggest to somebody who this is quite new to

    me I would suggest spending time every day, sitting in the energy of the as much as you can gather in yourself the energy of what it would, will feel like when this is normalized for you, when it's successful for you when it's not something that you have to think about in the same way anymore. So in the beginning, like I said, it's so Rocky, mentally because you don't have any evidence. But eventually, as things get going, you start to have some evidence, like you have customers, you have clients, you have results, you have testimonials, those make it a lot easier to believe that you're like, in the right place doing the right thing, and that everything is going to be okay. In the beginning, you don't have that. So what I like to do is I borrow the energy and the beliefs of that, that person down the road, that version of you down the road, borrow it now and like put it on. So you put on the energy like how does she sit? Or he How does he sit? What kind of, you know, I mentioned that that that entrepreneurs have different kinds of questions than people who are employed. So like, what kinds of questions would that person have? And like practice actually thinking those questions and like, what kind of problems am I going to be thinking about and what is my day ahead going to be like, and just using it almost as a way to comfort your imagination, your nervous system at the same time.

    And it's almost like a visualization of what's to come right like sitting in that energy. And I love that you say kind of borrowing beliefs or borrowing that energy from your future self or where you know you want to get to. So that's a really cool exercise. I've never really thought of it like that. But I'm excited to try that in my own life.

    Yeah, and I would say it's a little different from a visualization in the sense that so often our visualizations will use our imagination and take us into our mind. And so depending on the visualization, sometimes we just use that word, it's actually not like visual. The key to this is going to be the feeling part. Because it's the programming that we're overriding that we're like adjusting I'll call it overriding sounds a little aggressive, the programming that we are shifting is coming from the subconscious, so not very much of our conscious mind is aware of it at in the first place. So it can't be changed with our conscious mind. It has to be changed with our subconscious mind. And the way to access the subconscious mind is through our feeling body. So we want to take it out of the head. So the biggest struggle that people have without a shadow of a doubt is they're trying to solve all of their problems with their head. So we want to take it inside where we're just feeling through the possibilities and and what experimenting in a way like what might it feel like as opposed to it being like, how am I going to skate? do this thing and how many get these clients and that type of thing? Oh, no, I just wanted to separate the distinction in case it's helpful.

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    First of all, absolutely. So I'm a huge, huge believer of always being on the path that I am teaching. First of all, I would and I would never want to learn from someone who is like, complete, you know, like I want to learn from someone who is always learning. So that's my promise to myself and also to my miss an unconscious promise that I make to my clients. Like, I'll never ask you to do anything that I'm not doing like that. I'm not sitting here eating pie and be like, Go and do your meditation. Yep, no. Um, so the other thing that I'm very aware of is that we we can only learn as far as the person that we're learning from has learned. Yeah, so for me that that is a huge call to my own expansion, because I want to be able to help people more. And so the only way I can do that is by, you know, discovering what I discover as I go along. So for my own journey, I've hired a bunch of coaches myself over the years. And that's also been really interesting to see, you know, the change of the kinds of people and coaches and programs that I gravitate towards. That's changed dramatically. And in the beginning, when I was first starting the business, what I was looking for was tactical stuff. Yep. So strategy, right? And what I have learned is, you know, strategies actually, that, like, they say, like 5% of what's required is 90-95% is mindset. So it's like, an AI most people come in and they're like, What do I do? I'm sure you must see this all the time. Like, tell me what to do. Yeah. And then they can't understand why they're doing doing the same things as other people, and they're not getting the same results and not understanding that it's actually an inside thing. So I would say for me for the first biggest portion of my coaching career, I really learned from the leaders of people who had really successful coaching businesses. So I learned you know, a bunch of different models and modalities for growing the business. And what I learned was like, there's an underlying assumption that and I know your clients are in a whole bunch of different areas, but I'm curious if it's the same where there's like the mainstream approach to the thing which is like a Of course, you would want to have it be as big as humanly possible. And in order for that to happen, you have to do all of these things, you have to do all of this. And so I did all the things, I'm a really good student. And then I also did all the things from the mindset perspective. And what has been the most exciting for me of this time was like, by by marrying the things with the mindset I had the success that, you know, is, quote, unquote, promised from these types of things. And then, with the onion of this development work, I started to get more interested in well, what do I want to be doing? Like, it's fine, I can I can, I'm really, I'm a high performer, I can get results from all the things that you're trained to be doing. And what I have noticed in the conversations that I started to have with my clients over the years, has actually more to do with, well, that's not the same for everybody, like, what does your heart want? Like? Is it numbers? Is it? Is it a certain financial number? Is it like what quality of impact do you want to know people personally, do you want your name to be known, like, all these things that people often will bypass just to go straight to the strategy is looking outside of themselves at other people who are doing this the same kind of thing, and then they're trying to copy measure up. And it's, it's a hamster wheel that that wears out. So it's an interesting evolutionary time where I feel like if

    I feel like there's a maybe this is because I'm attracting more of this, but feels like there are more people who are like, there's got to be another way. I don't want to do this this way anymore. And that's sort of where I started to feel like I'm like, I'm getting really, really tired running the machine. And I started to get more clear in on what at what am I really good at? What are my gifts, and now I'm shifting into building my business to prioritize the use of what I enjoy, and the use of my gifts, instead of it being about the structure of in the form of the business. So it's, like, totally reversed. Oh,

    this is such a, yeah, a topic of interest to me. And I know, for a lot of the people listening like they're also to having this conversation in their head of Well, the reason why I got into my business is because I have the heart to do my craft, like the thing that I'm either experienced in or went to school for, or that I'm passionate about. But then in order to do this for a living, and to meet my goal, whatever that goal may be, I have to learn the structure and strategy and tactical. And then they find themselves constantly straddling back and forth between the two. And oftentimes learning the business side actually just takes away so much of the joy of why they even got into this in the first place. But they know that if they just focus on their craft and doing what they love, that the business might tank, because they're not going to stay afloat. And it's like, of course, there are ways to overcome this. But I'm curious, have you figured out how you're going to stay in what you love, and maybe hand off the mechanics or not deal as much with that, like, what are you doing to mitigate that feeling of I don't want to be in this like structured growth mania scaling of a company?

    Yeah. Well, I want to say, first of all, the biggest hurdle to get over I think, to be able to even allow yourself to have this conversation authentically has to do with the ego, like, I call it like a vanity. So when when you present in a way that is acceptable, because it is the way that everyone else is doing it. So everyone has agreed this is what it should look like, there and you succeed at it. It's, it can be scary to be like, well, I want to measure up I want to I want to you know, I want to continue to be at that level and be seen by other people at that level. So it's a huge part of the fear is like, almost like prioritizing what we imagine again, other people might be thinking about us versus like, What do I like what do I really want to do? So to answer your question before this one around, like how do I keep up with this myself and this work is this is where I take it to my mindset work. So I like to play around with giving myself have permission to have all options. So instead of it being about the things that I see outside of me, I start to say, Okay, if success was inevitable, and I couldn't fail, what would I be doing? Like, forget all the voices saying it has to be this way, like, you know, you need to hustle or you need to, like, you know, go, go go, it's like putting that away. Because that's not your hearts voice. That's something else entirely. So, if you're gonna really listen to your heart to be like, Hey, how am I doing? Like, how do I how do I feel about what I've created? You know, and am I still living out the reason that I came in to be doing this? Now, you might be discovering that there are parts that you enjoy. So for example, I love being in service with people. And I also discovered actually really love selling. So it's, it's not like, you can only have the one thing that you enjoy, as you build your business, you'll discover there's like certain parts of business that are fun. You know, maybe sometimes people love, you know, the graphic design component of things, or the creativity side of things where, so it's not only the one reason that we came in very often, it's not the only thing that we like, there's there's other things. So I start to pay more attention to that, where I'm like, okay, so if success is inevitable, and I can't fail, and money is no issue, like, what would I be doing? And it totally opens up my imagination to like, just giving myself permission to have anything be a possibility? And, and allowing, instead of looking for one answer, I like to look for an array of answers. So on different days, I'll do different hypothetical scenarios. So I might be like, well, what would happen if I, you know, shut this thing down. And then I, you know, I reopened as this or what if I evolved from this into this type of thing? Or what if I took this really big thing, and I made it smaller? What if I took this? Like, what it would be like, if my business was a boutique business? What would it be like if it was a brand name that was in every household? What would and it's like allowing in more range. And in that we start to be able to notice, again, it kind of comes back to the feeling of like when when do you start to go like, Oh, that would be fun. So it ends up being more of a play experience and not not a lot Russia filled scenario.

    Now, I love using my Google Calendar, is this something I need to be scheduled? Because like, I literally, like I schedule in my walks with my dog, my grocery shop later, my client calls my updating all my client charts like, and I'm thinking, damn, I deserve more time to play and dream about what I actually want to do with this business versus showing up for all my appointments. And I love what I do. But like, I always want to be thinking about what's next. But I don't have time for that. And I'm sure my listeners don't either. Just getting there is the limiting belief, right? But like, is this something that you've just cultivated? And it just like, I wake up, and I play, and I dream, and I brainstorm or, like, do you actually have like a formality around it?

    Yeah, I love this question. The first thing that I accepted as my belief is that because different positions have different thoughts and problems, like we were talking about, I like to think of that as the difference between the CEO way of thinking and the worker bee way of thinking. So the CEO is the visionary of the business. And if you think about an a corporation, their job is actually to be thinking about, there's nothing more valuable that you could be doing with your time than spending it thinking in this way. And when we are only thinking about the tasks, and the to dues and getting through the things, that's more worker B, where it's like, you clock in you clock out, like I did the job. But if you think about which one actually starts to generate that, that that that slow turn of the boat, without the CEO paying attention to this, the boat doesn't turn. And that's part of what ends up happening when years pass and you're like, I'm still still struggling, still doing this and then you get burnt out because you're like the grind. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't. So I think that of all the things to do on a daily basis, I think that there is nothing more important than making time for this. So where where I like to think of is like, where in my day do I have the energy for this type of thinking. So for some people waking up and getting straight to work, is the most productive thing because their mind is so busy, they're already in their work. In which case, you know, be that person who is, you know, up at five on the computer, sending the emails doing the things like it that feels like yeah, I'm, I've completed half a day by 8am. Then at 8am, that would be your time to go into like a slower mode. For most people, the easiest time to be able to access the energy that I'm talking about is first thing in the morning. So I never miss a day, like Monday to Monday, like an hour every morning, like doing my whole the whole thing. Now, do I ask myself that question every single day? No, like, sometimes I have a problem that I actually have to work out. And so I'll journal on that problem. So it's not always the same thing. But generally, I give myself the journaling or visioning time of the morning, to just spend with that kind of thinking, like, Does this feel good? Like, is what I'm creating? Where's it coming from? Like, is it coming from my head? Is it coming from my heart? Like, are we aligned here? Are we good? It's like, it's the same thing. As you know, in a romantic relationship, we have to spend time checking in with our, with our partner and be like, are we connected right now. And if if it's true, it's the same thing. If too many days go by, you're not connected, it starts to suffer. So sometimes I'm just sitting there, like, I'm not even like trying to do anything. I'm just like, yesterday, I was really, really tired. So just put on a beautiful song. And I just sat there and I just listened to the song. So it's, it's not always, again, it's this letting go of this idea that it has to be productive all the time. It's actually just about letting yourself be in that space. And then the funny thing is, is that like, an idea will pop in, and then you go run and grab a journal. So it's like it comes to you, as long as there's space for there to be reception.

    Mm hmm. I love listening to what you share on that with, and then having like this, you know, other vision of like Gary Vaynerchuk, saying hustle, hustle, like we mentioned before, and it's like this dichotomy of like, there are so many ways to run a business. But I think what we've been told is that the more you work, the more successful you can become. But what I'm realizing is that that's a program that I've downloaded onto myself, and that a lot of us have, and that sometimes the best work that we can do is actually stepping away, and tuning back in. And knowing that even if we don't feel productive, there's something happening, and maybe things need to move through you. And you have to be patient sometimes for that next idea or that next vision to come, right? It doesn't always happen right away. But that can feel really awful for somebody who always wants to be moving the boat forward or steering the ship forward. It's like, okay, I sat there, like, where's the clarity? But like, there's no timeline for it. Like, sometimes you just need to go on or it's so uncomfortable. Or well,

    yeah, but it's, it's, it's funny, though, because other if, if we're not doing that, then we're just keeping busy and then it becomes so then we're just numbing ourselves. Like, yep. So it's interesting, too. I feel like one thing I've learned over having this business and to businesses, really, so it's been like a long time that I've been in business, but I would say like, the coaching business, in particular, what I have learned is like, we really do go through seasons. And so yeah, that energy of hustle, hustle, hustle, go do it. We don't want it to come from lack. Right? So if we're hustling, hustling, because we're like, I don't keep up, I'm gonna, oh, we got it. Gotta keep going. That's a different thing than waiting, waiting, waiting, having the clarity of what's truly for you. It's gonna know it's going to completely light your fire and when you were lit, then it I wouldn't even call it hustle. It's just like, I don't want to do this any other way. I'm so excited. So it's the place that the the movement is coming from is actually an internal thing. Is it like are you aligned with your thoughts, your feelings that then propel you into an action that supports you and were in it energizes you? Or are you doing it from depletion, trying to keep up or trying to To prove yourself or you know, one of those types of qualities that are draining. So it can look on the outside, like it's the same. But if you really look at the people who are successful, who are like, go do it every day, like they're driven by something very powerful inside. And they would have had to have found that before they would have the energy to go out and show up in that way. So I think that's a really important distinction. Because it's going to be the fuel of the fire.

    Mm hmm. So true, I love the idea. You said something around the matter of when you're lit, things just flow, right. It's no longer a push, but like, I just envisioned, like this fire inside of me. And then like the river rushes, and it's like, I just like, show up and like everything's working. And I can, like, you know, do all the things that I was struggling to do before because I'm in that flow state or whatever, you know, lingo you have around that. And sometimes that comes after a season of pause, or a week of pause. So it's really like finding that flow. And I don't think it's the same for everyone. Like I, I do believe some people have seasons of business, or some people are like, January, I'm all in and then February I rest and other people, especially women are like, you know, week, one of my period, like, I don't do anything, and nothing's coming to me, or some people feel like that's when they flow best. So it's like, you almost have to find what works for you. But don't be afraid to embrace those slower seasons or change of seasons, we'll call them it's not slow. I feel like that's the wrong term based on our conversation today. But yeah, to welcome in the evolution and the shift of season.

    Yeah, and I think that this is another area where mindset is really helpful. Because when you understand how things happen, it's easier to relax into them. So for example, we would call this like, the law of rhythms. So this would be the same as like, when the tides go out, and the tides come in, or the sunrises and sunsets, like there are natural rhythms in the world and in the universe and in nature. And so we're no different. So when we understand that we are, well, like, we're literally, I mean, this analogy is used, like all the time, but it's true of like, what we're planting an idea is a seed. So when we sit every morning, and think in the ways that I was talking about letting it come to life, we're literally nurturing the seed with the understanding of the order of the process of of nature that it starts to sprout. And so with mindset, where we get in the way is when we're not understanding it all in this sequence, that this is literally the process of getting to results in success. We can get in the way and be like, the seed is not a flower, what's happening, there's something wrong with me. And then we associate like this gap in time as a problem or a failure, and then we personalize it and then we make it about ourselves and then roll Yeah. Right. It's like no one's nurturing the seed, no one is like taking care of the water, like none of it is like it the soil is not good. So I find the inner understanding is what will allow the this process to happen naturally, and you can enjoy the process the whole way along. And that is also another invitation into the flow that you were describing. So like the flow is what leads to the success. It's all like moving along in a really nice way when we just are a little bit more allowing of it we don't interfere with our, you know, Darkside.

    Yeah. And unfortunately, I do see a lot of people who, like they start planting seeds, and they expect to harvest them and this goes for any area of life, right? They want to harvest them 12 days later, and it's like, no, no, no, like there does have to be this implantation phase and the nurturing phase or when the seed goes to a seedling. And I think the fact that you actually bring awareness that this is a process like the law of rhythms like and embrace it and experience joy, I think is what you said versus feel like you're the problem and all of this, when in reality, you just haven't given that so it is a mindset shift is kind of a mindset

    shift and it's an energy shift. And I think it comes in part with like the instant gratification culture that we have now and yeah, especially when we see things online. It just looks like what a Steve Jobs say. It always amazes me how long it takes to get an overnight success. Yeah, people don't see the they don't see the work that goes in to the time when it looks like you're not work. Looking, when you're sitting, I'm going like this because I do it over here. When you're sitting, letting yourself imagine more possibilities, so that you're unlocking into the unlimited. That is a discipline, it takes attention, focus permission, all of these students see that part. They just see you in flow. So it looks like like, oh, no, it's working for her and not for me, you know. So we we get into comparison, because we, we're not really seeing the whole process for people at all.

    When an entrepreneur spends time cultivating a greater mindset, or a better mindset, or just a more expansive mindset, what are some of the most common benefits or outcomes that they might see in their life?

    Well, I'll just speak for what I hear back from my clients like what they what they say. So like I said, they come in with a presenting problem, but then there's all this other stuff that happens. And one of the main things that I hear is a real natural integration of being able to respond instead of react to scenario. So often, without a mindset practice, people feel like everything is happening to them. So it's like a very reactionary place, like, I'm out of control, the situations are, like, so bad. And I'm at the mercy of whatever's happening around the economy, my family, all the things that's really, really stress inducing. With a mindset practice, there is a practice of engaging in like a pause between the information and your interpretation, and how you choose to filter in that information. Or if something's bothering you, like how to respond to it, instead of just be like, purely unconsciously, like, just reacting to it. So there's a huge empowerment place just in that one technique. And that's just one thing. But it's very, very common, where people are like, I just feel like I have a relationship with my life. Now, not, I'm not at the mercy of it anymore. And so as a result of that, as well, with mindset, relationships change. So in business. There is a different placement that people put on where they sit in their hierarchy of their work of their business. So learning how to understand how important it is to pay attention to what you pay attention to, and what you're focusing on, and all of that, and how it impacts the way that you show up in communication with other people, including clients, potential clients, business partners, bosses, like there's an empowerment component where it's like, now I'm meeting you as a different person, I am, I am, I'm understanding my value and my contribution in a different way. Because I spend time getting to know myself and now I'm learning. Here's all that I have to offer. Here's who I really am. Here's where so you show up like that. And then you get received differently by people. So, so it's cool, because what happens when you do mindset work is that the evidence of that work shows up in your life. So people in your life, this usually shows up in families first. So like people who you have tensions with, sort of dissolves, and you're like, Oh, well, that's, I just had an incredible conversation with my mother. She usually triggers me, like that type of thing. So you start to see it, then you're like, I think I've changed or they give you feedback, there'll be like, something's different about you. So then when you when you apply it to something like your big goal around business. It's like, people can feel that, like you have, like, I don't know what it is, but I want to work with you that there I can feel there's something about you that it's or the way that you're presenting your product. Like it's just a it's like a you elevate your brand, basically. But it's weird because we're not talking about the brand. We're just talking about you Yeah, inside.

    So powerful. And I mean, as many of our listeners are building their own brand and acting as the spokesperson of their brand and the salesperson of their brand and the marketer of their brand and like they're doing all the things like they are the most important investment and the mindset is very much a dictator of what gets outputted and how things unfold on this journey that is entrepreneurship. So

    Yeah, like, there's one client that I worked with who had a, you just reminded me of this with you're talking about the brand. Because she hadn't developed the mindset. She was in putting herself in a position that was lower than her customers, her investors and all of that. So she was in the energy of need, like I need, I need them to say, Yes, I need them to buy, I need buyers. So it had that that grasping energy, almost, you know, that can happen with new entrepreneurs. And then as she was shifting this, she started to realize, oh, like, actually, this is this brand is like, this is incredible what we're doing. And so she started to really fall in love with and realize what her strengths as the spokesperson was, and it's totally shifted. And now, people are booking appointments to her like, how do I get involved in your company? How do I invest in your company? Like how she's like, I could take it or leave it. So she's, it's incredible. Nothing has actually changed. Yeah, except her itself positioning from a true place, not an ego place. And, and she's realizing she's like, I don't need to sell you on something, I just need to bring out more of me. And I know, because it's such an amazing thing that I'm doing, you're gonna want in. And it's see feel the difference there. Right? It's huge. Yeah, it's huge.

    Oh, yeah. Very aspirational. And, you know, that's the methodology that I like to utilize in my own business. Like, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything I'm trying to showcase like, who I'm here to be, and what I can offer and in that energy, if you feel like, it's a match, and you know, we have a relationship because you trust me, and I'm being 110 present myself, if that can shine through, I trust that the consumer can make an informed decision, and that I don't have to practice crazy marketing funnels and tactics. Because like, what you see is what you get, like I am coming from a place of wholeness and competence. So yeah,

    yeah, there's no, you don't have to compensate for anything. Exactly. Yeah. So they're intelligent customers, right? That's the other thing. Yeah, it could telogen people, they know what they want. They know how to like find a link, they know how to press a button, if they know that they want something, you don't have to be like, come here, I was come here. So gonna have to do that.

    You don't need to read a script at the end of your webinar that like somebody else wrote, it's like, yeah, and for a limited time, only you can get my offer at 59. It's just like, why, but I mean, I said, so freeing? Yeah, it's freeing. And honestly, I'm like, I want everyone to really listen to the last 10 minutes of this and like, internalize that it is possible to run a business in this way. And, and really, just to vouch for the power of the work that you do with clients, and how important that is so well, I think we're just gonna have to book apart two or send people so fast to your area of the internet. So where can we find you learn more about you connect with you? What is the best way if somebody's listening, and they're, they're really keen to just learn more from Katherine, where should we go?

    Well, my website is mindsetcoaching.ca.

    Great domain. I loved it when I saw that.

    And then my Instagram is CF mindset. I just changed it as a CF coaching or CF mindset coaching.

    I don't even remember, I'm gonna link it in the show notes. So I literally changed it

    last week, from my name to the mindset coaching. So it's so we'll put it in like, but absolutely. But on Instagram, for sure. And and then my website for sure. Yeah.

    And are you working on anything launching anything? Or should we just stay tuned to your platforms to see what's going on in 2023?

    Well, 2023 is going to be a really good year. Yeah, there's a lot of transformation going on. Really excited, because I'm taking everything that we're talking about today. And I'm doing that with my business in terms of what I'm offering and how I'm offering it. So I would say this would be an amazing year. If there's a first time you were coming into my world, it would be like an amazing year to explore that death. I would want to definitely yeah, I would want

    to too. So Katherine, thank you so much. This flew by I've really enjoyed getting to know your perspective and your expertise. And thank you for showing up and opening up and we wish you all the best and hopefully talk to you again soon.

    Thank you and with that.

    Thanks for tuning in to this episode of visionary life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis. So it would mean so much to me if you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show in your iTunes app. You can also support the show by taking a quick screenshot of the episode and sharing it on your Instagram Stories, tagging me at Kelsey Reidl. I'll catch you in the next episode. PS whenever you're ready, there's a couple of ways that I can support you. So first thing if you're ready to make your first or next $50,000 In business, explore how the visionary method business coaching experience can accelerate your growth. There'll be a link in the show notes. Also, if you're feeling lost, confused or overwhelmed when it comes to starting an online business, reach out and book a free revision call with me. I'll offer you customized recommendations on how to get unstuck so you can live a life filled with joy, happiness and fulfillment.

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  • If you're feeling lost, confused or overwhelmed when it comes to starting an online business, reach out and book a free re-vision call with me. I'll offer you customized recommendations on how to get unstuck so you can live a life filled with joy, happiness and fulfillment

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