242 How to Become 90% MORE PRODUCTIVE than most people

Daily Dose Episode

We are chatting about how to be 90% more productive than the average person

In this Daily Dose Episode, we chat about :

  • Tips to help setting up your week for success

  • Focusing on what brings you energy and joy

  • It’s NOT an one size formula

  • Identify your high priority tasks for the week


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • Hey, visionary, welcome back to a daily dose, which is a mini episode with me your host, Kelsey Rydell. And it's not an interview, it's just a quick tip, or a strategy or something that is on my mind that I feel is going to help you. So today, I want to talk about how I wake up to a productive Monday morning and how you can too.

    So if you're listening to my podcast, the visionary life podcast, I feel like it's my best guess that you either already have a successful business of your own. Or perhaps you have a dream that you are looking to realize in the coming months, or maybe the coming years. And you do want to start your own thing. And the ideas are starting to merge, and you're getting excited, but it just hasn't been the right time to pull the trigger.

    Regardless, I think, talking about time management, and prioritization is always a good idea. There is a module inside of the visionary method called the C V O Creator, the chief visionary officer creator. And this is where I teach entrepreneurial skills and things that you have to figure out if you want to run your own business, and dive in successfully.

    Because if you've never been an entrepreneur before, or you have always just reported to someone else and kind of waited for someone to tell you what to do. During the work week, that's going to be a problem when you start your own thing. So I love teaching all my private clients and all students of the visionary method. I love sharing the CBO creator module with them. Because this is really where you learn how to hack your days to run a successful business.

    And I feel like at this point, you guys know I'm pretty real with you, I try to open up as much as possible and know that things are not perfect behind the scenes here at visionary HQ. But I have learned a thing or two over the past seven years. And some things I just feel really compelled to share.

    So today, I want to talk about the importance of having one day at the start of your work week, that is free of calls. So you're not chatting on the phone with clients. You're not booking zoom calls, you're not doing discovery calls, and a day where you set your whole week and your whole month up for success. So basically, you're using this day to cue up what's to come in the following days. And for me, that day is Monday for you, it might look like something different.

    But I really do believe that my Monday routine is a hack for becoming a successful entrepreneur. And I know I know, this is so simple. You're like okay, good for you. Mondays prioritize it great. But I promise you that a productive Monday, and in particular, a solid workday routine, this is going to build out a week of massive momentum, the way that you carry your Monday out, is going to ripple into your Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday, and whatever days of the week you are working. So it's about starting your week off, right. And I did not always do this.

    So I used to have a Calendly that was open to booking discovery calls, coaching calls, podcast interviews, whatever you wanted, you could book it in any day of the week in my calendar. And if you don't have a calendaring system setup, make sure you get on that right away.

    Gone are the days where you should be emailing people back and forth of like, Hey, can you meet at 2pm on Tuesday, and then they go No. How about 3pm? And you go no, how about 4pm Just send them a link to your updated calendar and let them book in. So I used to let people book in five days a week. And about two to three years into my business. I hit a point of burnout on calls and I thought why don't I reduce my call days to Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays I only accept calls those three days except for the rare exception. And so this helps me to maintain my Monday and to really make sure I have the day devoted to everything that I'm about to share with you.

    So Mondays for me are not about scrolling social media Mondays are not about cleaning my closet, not about checking my emails. Monday's are for needle moving, income generating value driven activities that are going to move my business forward, this is for me to put on my strategy cap, my entrepreneurial cap, my creative cap, and to get so much done so that however the rest of the week is gonna go, I feel very, very secure in how I've set everything up. So let's first rewind a little bit.

    So I know I could get really granular on this topic, but we can always do a part two. So my Monday is so successful first because of how I spent my weekend. This is going to change everything. See you in three days when I come up for air. I can already tell this is going to be the best investment I've ever made. visionaries.

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    And you can get the free training that I've created for you. And you can even just get started with 10,000 free words. So again, that's www.kelseyreidl.com/jasper, or click the link in the show notes.

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    in the show notes.

    So I take Saturdays and Sundays pretty much completely off. And I don't just take them off, but I packed my weekends with things that I love. So I'm doing this new journaling practice and part of it is really reflecting on what brings me energy and what brings me joy that I need to do more of, and pretty much anything that is an outdoor activity, things where I'm moving my body like mountain biking, going on road rides, going on hikes with friends, trail runs, raking leaves, polar plunges in the river. Those are the things that light me up, I need to be very stimulated by moving my body. Otherwise I go a bit crazy.

    And so Saturday and Sunday needs to be a time when I'm out of my office not working in order for me to show up Monday super dialed in. And so funny because I was watching I think it was impact theory with Tom Bilyeu. And he's a very successful entrepreneur. And he basically says he works seven days a week, 16 hour days and does not take days off and hasn't taken days off in, you know, years pretty much. And as I listened to that, I just thought I don't have that same ability. Like, I can't focus that long. Even if I'm obsessed with my work. I am much more efficient when I have arrested brain and I can really dial it in and pump stuff through my business and get shit done. I can't do that 18 hours a day. It just doesn't happen. So I really make sure that my Saturdays and Sundays are about rest and that on Sunday evenings I take time to look over my week especially my Monday and start calendaring.

    So I live and breathe by my Google calendar because if it's not in my calendar, it's not getting done. So if I am working out at 6am, it's in my calendar, if I need to do reporting on the first of every month, it's in my calendar. If I need to touch base with my bookkeeper, it's in my calendar. If I need to do market research for a new program, it's on my calendar, if I need to watch Dragon's Den, because my client is appearing on Dragon's Den, it's in my calendar. If I need to walk my dog, it's in my calendar. If I need to make banana bread, it's oh my gosh, you guys are probably like Kelsey’s insane.

    But this makes me feel so in control of my week, but especially my Monday, so on Sunday nights, I think about my top priorities for the week. So maybe it is finishing a welcome email series for new subscribers to the visionary method. So I'll say okay, that's top priority, and then it goes in my calendar right away. And then to go a layer deeper, I also color code my calendar, so everything has a color. And when I wake up, and I glance at my calendar, I know exactly what I'm doing based on all the colors.

    So that's how Monday starts, it starts on Sunday, essentially. Then if we bring it over to Monday, I always wake up as early as possible. On Mondays, I'm not going to pretend I'm in the 5am Club, because I'm not. But I usually go to bed at a reasonable time. And my alarm goes off at six or 620. And I'm usually out of bed by then. So lately, I feel like I've had a lot on my mind. So I just bounce right out of bed. I don't snooze at all. Because if I have a lot on my mind, I just as soon as the alarm goes off, my brain is spinning. So I've usually slept at least eight, nine, maybe nine and a half hours because of my early bedtime. So I wake up and I'm ready to go, I'll usually sit right down at my computer after I brew a coffee. And I'll get through a few tasks. So maybe I'll write my weekly newsletter, or maybe I'll finish editing a blog post. And I'll do something that requires my mind for the first 30 to 40 minutes of my day, then my husband wakes up and he leaves for work around 715.

    So I take a break, pack lunch, and chat with him for a few minutes. And then I'm normally back at my computer by about 7:45am. Now, I used to have a routine where I'd get outside right away, take my dog for a walk. And you guys know I've talked about my mind, body and craft routine. And I still practice that. But nowadays, what's working for me is getting straight to work from about 7:30am until 11am. So I know some of you were saying well, what are the things that you're working on. So again, I'm working on needle moving value driving, income generating activities.

    So for me, generally, I'll sit down, I think about the top priorities. Oftentimes following up with potential clients, people who are leads in my funnel, and people who I need to check in with, that's first priority. I will also spend time editing the podcast show notes and getting the promo materials ready because we release at least one podcast every single week for you. And it takes time.

    And the other thing that is a top priority for me is following up with my private clients. So I give them access to me through a private project management software. And you might be thinking, Well, how is that income generating or value driving or a needle moving task. And the reason is, because I try I don't want to be so cocky in this, but I try to treat my paid clients like gold. So I believe that referral and word of mouth is one of the most underutilized forms of marketing.

    And the way you get that is by delivering five star experiences to your existing clients. Right. So, so often we're out there thinking, How do I find new clients? How do I get new, new, new when you need to better serve the clients that you already have? So for me top priority is always spending time brainstorming campaigns with them, editing their websites, going through their email automations and helping them to increase their subscribers, whatever I need to do to help them advance their business.

    So that's the first hour or two. After that, I'll usually touch base with my amazing assistant and program manager Alex who many of you know and all assign her and reprioritize her tasks in Asana. So again, in this project management software that I use, I basically look at what she has for the week, I reply to her comments and questions, I will reprioritize things. So maybe we realize, okay, this isn't important anymore. And I actually need to have you help me finish this landing page because we're launching something. So it really depends.

    Towards the end of the month, we're always planning the programming inside of visionary methods. So there's always something for her to do. And she spends about 10 hours a week, getting things in order for the visionary method. And then after that, I'll usually take some time to do content. So I'm writing these podcasts for you the daily doses, I'm writing emails, social media, I'm scripting out an Instagram real or Tik Tok. And perhaps I'm posting on LinkedIn. So there's lots of content to be done. And I can pump that out pretty quickly.

    Especially because I have a tool that helps me, if you go to www.kelseyreidl.com/jasper, you can see my best kept secret, that's Jasper, and then later in the afternoon, when I start to hit a wall, if I've been working for about five or six hours, that's when I will take a break, I'll pop in a podcast, I'll maybe put in the Shopify masters podcast or a marketing podcast, something that's going to stimulate my brain and I will get my dog out into nature. So I tried to keep Mondays really focused on business. And, you know, much as I'd love to just like frolic around town and read my book. That's not Monday. For me. I'm very, very committed to the business on Monday, like, almost too hard on myself. But that's what works for me. So that's my Monday. I hope that gives you all a bit of an insight into what it takes to set a week up for success. And of course, what works for me is not what's gonna work for you. But maybe there's a nugget in here that really resonated or something you want to implement.

    So if there's anything that I can do or help you with to start your week off, right, please reach out this is really important stuff, Mondays have such a really great energy to them, right, I wake up and like momentum happens because I'm in a good mood.

    I'm excited about planting seeds and harvesting the seeds that have flourished. And so by starting my week off with intention, I'm able to achieve more and set the tone for the rest of the week. And I just love it. So I teach a lot of these concepts inside of the visionary method that is our community for online business owners who are growing from zero to 50k. in annual revenue, we teach you the seven seven step method for growing and launching your business as well as a lot of marketing strategies. So our group meets every single week, we have an archive of over 100 video training sessions for you.

    And any template or tool you could possibly need to be successful is already created and ready for you to tap into. So you can head to www.kelseyreidl.com/tvm If you'd like to access that. And other than that, whatever day you're listening to this, I hope you have the best day ever and I will talk to you guys soon.

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Episode Sponsors:

  • Jasper. Ai: The best writing assistant you will EVER have.

  • The Visionary Method: The Fastest Way to Launch Your Services, Go Full-Time, and Become Fully Booked with your Business! Learn more >>

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