248 How I Feel About ‘Separation Season’ (Ed Mylett’s Strategy for Getting Ahead in Life & Business)

Separation Season

In this episode, I provide my thoughts about how I feel about this idea.

In this episode, I'm discussing my thoughts towards the concept of 'Separation Season' which I originally heard from Ed Mylett.

I love Ed’s podcast, and the moment that I heard the episode about ‘Separation Season’ so much resonated.

It's nearing the end of 2022 and it's time to start thinking about what kind of person you want to be and what business you want to run by the end of 2023. 


The end of the year is the time most people take their foot off the gas and stop striving for what they want. They get relaxed during the holiday season, they take time off, and THAT is exactly when you can catch up and surpass them.


This concept is applicable to SO many areas of our life!

A few ways that I plan to leverage Separation Season:

1. I am committed to at least 2 hours of exercise or movement everyday from now until the end of the year. If I want to be 2x as fit as most people, I need to move my body 2x as much.


2. I am committed to more reading, less scrolling. I am going to delete Instagram off my phone most days for 23/24 hours. I’ll log in to post content that I’ve pre-recorded. I want to be present, which means head UP from my cell phone.


3. I am committed to Cold Dips! We’ve been doing them at least 1x weekly and I will continue that.


4. I am committed to setting timelines & constraints around work projects. If I give myself 5 minutes to build a landing page, I’ll do it in 5 minutes. If I gave myself 5 hours for the same project, it would take me 5 hours. Funny how that works ;)


5. I am committed to Calendaring! I schedule my days from start to finish (my Google Calendar looks like a colourful rainbow of activities). It helps me squeeze the most out of each day, even if I only accomplish 70% of what I schedule in!


I would highly encourage you to tune into Ed Mylett's original episode on this concept!

In this episode, Kelsey chats about:

  • The concept of ‘Separation Season’

  • How she is setting herself up for success

  • How she is using Separation Season to keep motivated


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • Hey visionaries!

    Welcome back to the show. I am recording this early December. And at the time of releasing this, I'm either in Arizona on vacation or maybe just getting back. But I wanted to let you know that two years ago, I listened to an epic podcast, it is at my last podcast. And he's one of the top motivational speakers in the world.

    He's worked with Tony Robbins, and he trains all these high performing Olympians and business owners. And he released an episode, I think it was in December 2020. That is called separation season. And he speaks about this concept. So all credit goes to Ed my lead on this one, he speaks about this concept called separation season whereby this is a time in our years, where in December, we can either choose to separate from this version of ourselves and move into 2022 or 2023 as a better version, or we can separate from our peers or our competition by not taking our foot off the gas pedal. And instead, using a time when everyone else is kind of contracting and slowing down, we can actually push the gas pedal down speed up and use our time wisely to actually get ahead of the masses in what Edie calls separation season. Now, of course, you can take this analogy and apply it to any area of your life. But I think this is especially topical, because of the time we're in. It's nearing the end of 2022 at the time of recording this. And I keep seeing all these memes go around that basically 2022 has been a dumpster fire and to give up and I'm just going to close my eyes and go into a coma.

    And hopefully I wake up in 2023. But as I scroll, Tiktok and Instagram, and I see all of these memes flying, I'm kinda like, wait a second, these go around every year, like I remember these at the end of 2019 at the end of 2020 at the end of 2021. And it's such a oddly passive way to live your life and an odd mentality to just be like, You know what I give up, let's just surrender to this year, let life happen to me for the next 30 days. And then magically, when I enter 2023, I'm going to be a better person, and I'm going to be motivated again. And I'm going to be an active contributor to my success and my wealth and my happiness in my relationship. Like, I just don't think it works like that. And correct me if I'm wrong. But I think that we have to take an active role in our own lives. And if we find ourselves saying I give up on 2022, maybe we need to go back to basics and say, Well, what are some things that do not necessarily change the moment 2022 rolls into 2023?

    And how can you actually start addressing those challenges are those issues right now so that you can come into a new year, your best self or the best version of you. So this is such a cool time of year to actually think about what kind of person you want to be what business you want to run in the coming 12 months and to start journaling or I don't really journal per se, but I think about what are the habits that no longer serve me? What do I want to leave behind this year? Starting now? Not starting in January? What do I want to leave behind? Because it is not part of where I'm going or who I'm becoming? What rate relationships do I need to let go of? And how can I set myself up for success right now here in this moment today?

    Rather than waiting till this new year's goal setting rush Welcome back to visionary life, their show is gonna kick off in just a second. But first, I want to share something super special with you. Have I told you about the visionary method? Well, of course I have because I've been talking about it for four years. The visionary method is the business and marketing coaching mastermind for entrepreneurs who are ready to launch their business go full time or become number one in their industry. We have three different offerings for you in 2023. We've got our 90 Day accelerator. This is for those of you who are looking to launch your online business and make your first 50k in revenue. I'll come back to that in a second.

    We also have pro I have it business and marketing coaching. This is for those of you who really want to grow your business this year, and get really good at marketing and finally go full time. With your biz, you're probably making about 50k to 75k a year, and you're ready to scale up to six figures. And new for 2023. Because you have asked for it, we have a 2023 visionary method group mastermind kicking off. This is for those of you who are going to scale your business beyond 150,000 in revenue in 2023. This is for those of you who want to unlock high performance habits that are going to accelerate your growth, you want to hold yourself to a high standard and meet entrepreneurs along a similar path. I have talked so much about the power of masterminds, and being among motivated and driven entrepreneurs in order to succeed in your own business. And finally, the visionary method is offering that to you. So I want to share just two quick things. If you are interested in joining our visionary method 90 Day accelerator, I am so thrilled to be launching a special edition of this program.

    And if you go to Kelseyreidl.com/ 2023, you're going to hear all about this partnership that I am launching with my friend Emily Elliot. And this is a marketing and mindset version of our 90 Day accelerator. So if you want to unlock the potential of your business and your mindset in just 90 days, because you know that you need to fine tune both of those, you need to get the foundation set up for success in your business, you are going to love our program called your 2023.

    So I am partnering with Emily Elliot, who's a mindset Coach, and we're coming together to deliver a business and mindset program that you've never seen before.

    So if you're new to business, Kelseyreidl.com/2023, for all of the details. And if you are somebody listening who has already achieved a level of success, you've been in business a few years, and now you are looking to scale beyond that 150k in revenue, I want you to head to Kelsey rydell.com, click the work with me tab. And you can learn about our 2023 group mastermind. So this is for those of you who want to grow your network. At this stage, you want to learn best practices from trusted peers in an intimate environment. You want to know what's been working for others. And you also want to be generous with your knowledge. And you are ready for adventure, excitement and to adopt high performance habits. Because you know, you need to be the best version of yourself the most visionary version in order to unlock that 200,000 300,000 $400,000 year which you are going to have inside of our 2023 mastermind.

    So all of this is available on my website, if you go to the work with me tab, I cannot wait to see you inside of one of our visionary method programs in 2023. And if you've made it all the way to the end of this advertisement, I love you have the most visionary day and I'll see you inside of tvm. So I really want to encourage you to take a jumpstart in your own life take control in what you are creating on a daily basis down to the minute that is in front of you right now. Like you might be out for a walk listening to this you might be doing your dishes, you might be hanging with the kids, you might be driving somewhere. What do you want to change in this moment?

    Who are you becoming in this instant? And who do you want to let go of in this instant, so that you can come into 2023? A really freaking awesome version of you. And like I said this concept that Ed my let called separation season. It's not that we're not proud of who we are. It's not that who we are isn't good enough. It's just that if you're somebody who is growth minded, you're always looking for possibility and where you can get better, where you can live more contentious. Intensely is not a word intentionally. How you can get a leg up on if you're in business, what your competitors are doing and how you can optimize where you're at in your life.

    So it's again, not that we need to separate from a terrible version of you. It's just a time of thinking about how can I start filling that gap between who I am now and who I know I am here to be? And it's so funny because I I mean I listened to this podcast two years ago by Ed my lat but then I really listened to it today. And my husband Dave has been at work all day. And it's so funny because I would have when he comes home from work I would have told him oh my gosh, I've been thinking about this concept all De and I recorded a podcast about it. But what's actually hilarious is he texted me a couple hours ago. And we were just chatting back and forth. And he said, I really want to start waking up 15 minutes earlier in January. And I was like, I love that. I'm all for it. Because I want to do that too, so that we can have coffee together and walk the dog together. But I said, let's start tomorrow. And I know that Dave will giggle because he knows that I am such an action taker that he doesn't even want to tell me his goals anymore. Because I'm always like, Okay, do it. I'm like, Don't Tell, like, let's just get to work. And like, if you want to start working out, like, let's get in the gym in the next 30 seconds before we lose motivation. And so when I saw him write that message to me that he wants to start waking up 15 minutes earlier, starting in January, I was like, no, let's do it. Now, there's no better time than now. And I realize like some things do take time to absorb and to think about and to process. But I just want to leave this short little podcast episode with you, to encourage you to get a leg up on everybody else who is waiting till January and to think about where you want to separate from the current version of you, or the current reality in your business. Do you want to, you know, start signing new clients today, instead of January 1? Do you want to separate in where you're at with your health and get radically healthier in the next 22 days? Do you want to get on your fitness regime? Like why don't you join a 45 Orangetheory fitness or your local gym, join and get your membership today be that person because this is the future you write, don't be that person that goes January 1, or actually do because any time is great to prioritize your health and fitness. But go into the gym now book, that free consultation for a personal trainer. Sit down and write your strategy today and start implementing that strategy, not starting January 1. But starting the day you're writing this. If you want to have more date nights with your partner, book one in for this week, if you want to start saving more money by that budget template or sift through your finances or Go code all of your expenses right now, we literally have at the time of recording this. Less than I think 6% of our year left, we are 94% through the year. And I hope that by hearing that it lights a fire in you to make the next 6% The final 6%. And probably at this point, the final 3% when you're listening to this, make it really epic. And who I'm going to pause here I completely understand if this goes against how you want to spend December you may be burnt out. And I think a lot of people are experiencing burnout. Right now. They're feeling that low energy at work, they walk into the office, and everybody's kind of checked out complaining, but be that person that yeah, maybe things aren't great at work. So you're not going to separate out work, but you're going to separate in your health. And you're just going to take charge of that negative energy at the office. And you are going to pour it all into building muscle over the next 22 days or taking out sugar or sleeping better, whatever it is. So of course if you feel like you just need to rest make that priority. But if you're looking to separate because something is lighting a fire in you then try to maximize these last few percents of 2022. And the recency effect. Like I said earlier, it states that we remember what's recent. So if you make December epic, you're gonna remember 2022 as the best year ever the year you decided to stop smoking the year you decided to be more consistent with the gym or with your blog writing or with your podcast. So on that note a few ways that I am separating right now separating and sounds like I'm like going through a separation. A few ways that I'm utilizing separation season to keep motivated is number one, I am committing to movement every single day. I wrote on my Instagram earlier this week that I was committing to two hours of exercise or movement each day but I'm realizing I'm way over committed on that. So if you decide to indulge in separation season and it doesn't go according to plan. That's okay. I'm with you. I might have to reject that goal a little bit. I am committed to separating by not being on social media as much I want to replace my scrolling with reading My creeping with conscious consumption. So I'm committed to that. And that's going to separate me because it's going to build a better mindset. I am committed to separate separation season by doing cold dips, when everybody else is in their comfort zone, I want to be outside of my comfort zone doing hard things. In fact, I'm going to meet a friend down by the river, the river is freezing right now to do a cold dip in 15 minutes, hence why I am talking a mile a minute on this podcast, I am committed to my calendar, I want to have such a dialed in calendar for the rest of December that I know exactly what my priorities are, how I'm getting my consulting gigs done, I have a couple of volunteer things that I need to finish off. And it only gets done. If I am diligent about my calendar, that's the only way my workouts get done. That's the way I got my dog walks in. That's the way I visit friends, it all needs to be charted out. And you know, there's so many other things that we can do inside of separation season. But I think at the end of the day, I just want to remind you that that mentality to just close your eyes and sleep your way into 2023. Because this year has been a dumpster fire or whatever you want to call it. It's just not the best way to move through life. It's passive, it forfeits your power to affect change. And I really do believe that in the grand scheme of things, we often have the ability to control what happens to us or how we receive events that happen to us. So I know that with your determination and with your belief in this concept of separation season, again, this is Ed my let's concept, go listen to his episode on this because that's where the original kind of teachings came from. But it certainly has inspired me to take charge starting today to adopt that mindset that I am a key player in my own life and to focus on making positive changes in my life. And in my business.

    And in my marketing. You guys know I take on private marketing clients. So the people who sign on with me in December, they are my favorite, the ones that are committed to starting the podcast in December committed to prepping for their January launch committed to getting better search results in Google. And I've actually committed to my own growth marketing as well. And I'm currently reviewing data with a analyst and she is going through all my metrics from 2022 and is challenging me to repair any leaks in my funnel and to optimize for conversions and, you know, high level stuff that I could wait till January but I'm like, let's get this started. So she just presented all of her findings to me, and it's my responsibility now to spend the next 22 days leading into January to fix this stuff because I don't want to be that person that starts on January 1. So that's my personal philosophy. I hope this resonates and cheers to coming into a new year with the same power to affect our lives that we started back in 2022 or whenever you're listening to this. So have a visionary day and I will see you all next week.

Tune into the episode.

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If you’re searching for an Online Business & Marketing Coach for your Business, rest assured that you’re in the right place.

I've helped over 200+ people to launch their business, go full-time, get fully booked, and become #1 with The Visionary Method

Mentioned in our Episode:

  • The Visionary Method: 90 Day Accelerator. This cohort we are joining force with Mindset Coach, Emily Elliott.

    If you are ready to unlock your business and mindset potential in 90 days. This is for you.

  • Private Coaching. This is for those of you who really want to grow their business this year and master their marketing skills and finally go full-time.

    This is for you if your business is making 50-75k a year and you are ready to scale up to 6 figures.

  • Visionary Method Group Mastermind. If you are ready to unlock your high performance habits that are going to accelerate your growth, and want to hold yourself to a high standard and connect with entrepreneurs in similar paths.

    Looking to scale your business beyond 150,000 in revenue this year. This mastermind is for you.

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