240 Create Content for an Audience of ONE PERSON!

Daily Dose Episode

We are chatting about the importance of creating for an audience of one person (any guess at who that person might be?)

In this Daily Dose Episode, we chat about :

  • The concept of creating for an audience of one

  • How easy to get caught up in creating content for an audience of a million people and feeling like you have to say everything perfectly.

  • Focusing on the audience of one will help you find your voice and create better content that is more exciting to you.

  • It’s important to stay consistent even if you don’t see great numbers come through quickly


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • Hey visionaries, I hope you're having the best morning or afternoon, or evening. I don't know when you listen to this. But I assume, while you're walking the dog while you're doing the dishes during your work day, or perhaps for some of you, you are just sitting sipping a coffee or a glass of wine, whatever beverage, and you just like to put in your earphones and listen to someone else talk, you can maybe drown out your thoughts. I mean, that's why I listen to podcasts a lot, I just don't want to think and I need somebody else, chatting in my ear, inspiring me, motivating me, educating me all the things.

    So regardless of why you're here, I'm so happy that you're tuning in to this daily dose. These are small episodes. So if you are looking for just a little burst, some sort of concept that I've been thinking about that can help you to live your most visionary life, then this is the right spot. If you're looking for a long form interview with a Canadian entrepreneur, we've got hundreds and hundreds of episodes, you could scroll to another one.

    But today, I want to chat about this concept of creating for an audience of one. Here's what I mean by that, when you are first starting your business, or when you are challenged by your business coach or your marketing coach to start getting more visible, you are likely going to be doing things like either launching a podcast or writing a weekly newsletter, or maybe it's posting a weekly blog, or potentially you are entering the realm of YouTube or Tik Tok. I mean, you don't need to be all of these places.

    So let me first make it clear that having just two, maybe three channels where you show up and promote your business is enough. And on those channels, I want you to think about this concept of creating for an audience of one. And here is why this is so important. It is easy to get caught up in creating content for an audience of a million people and feeling like you have to say everything perfectly. Or you think you are needing to show up and write an amazing blog for 1000 readers. Or you picture yourself on a stage which is really, really cool. I love the vision. But you picture yourself on a stage talking to 50,000 people.

    But here's the thing, if you are creating for that audience of 1 million and you don't even like the work that you're putting out there, if your work doesn't make you better, if your work doesn't light you up, then it's probably not connecting with anyone else. And so as you start to find your voice as you start to create on a more regular schedule, I want you to create for the audience of one, which is you, I want you to look forward to creating whatever you're creating, when you build your digital portfolio, which is exactly what you're doing when you start a podcast or write a blog or create the weekly newsletter.

    It needs to be exciting for you to add work to that digital portfolio. It shouldn't feel draining, okay. I've started this new journaling practice where I reflect on what is giving me energy each day, and what is maybe taking away my energy. Every single day people just like you are taking the plunge into the world of entrepreneurship.

    They're turning their passion into a profitable side hustle, or they're creating businesses that are helping them to quit their full time jobs in favor of doing their own thing. This could be your reality too. And I've created a free quiz that can help you assess your readiness and the probability that you have of succeeding as an entrepreneur if you take the leap.

    So head to www.onlinebusinessscore.com to take this simple seven question quiz to see if you have the right mindset and approach to succeed at entrepreneurship. Again, I had to www.onlinebusinessscore.com to take the free quiz, or I'll leave the link in the show notes. This is going to change everything.

    See you in three days when I come up for air. I can already tell this is going to be the best investment I've ever made. visionaries. These are real comments from those of you who have started using the world's greatest assistant to write your blog. lugs, your podcast intros to create email subject lines that people actually open to write high performing Facebook ads and to outline a month's worth of Tiktok. And Instagram captions. I'm talking about jasper.ai.

    It is an artificial intelligence copywriter. I know you're probably like, What the heck are you talking about Kelsey. But truly this website, you are going to use it daily to create better content, and to create more content than you ever thought possible. It's a total game changer. And I want to give you the chance to test it out with 10,000 free words, you can literally tap the link in the show notes to get 10,000 Free words to try it for yourself. You could write three blog posts, you could write 20 Facebook ads, I don't know what you want to use it for. But there are so many templates that are waiting for you.

    So don't wait a minute longer. Learn about all the ways that AI copywriting can simplify your marketing by heading to visionary marketing course.com/free. And you can watch a free training or simply access your 10,000 Free words. Again, that's visionary marketing course.com/free. Or I will leave you the link in the show notes.

    And I can tell you hands down anytime I am creating content for social media or when I'm sitting down for this podcast. This is life giving to me because I'm ultimately creating these little pep talks. I'm writing my newsletters, because I love doing it. I love sitting down and doing the content creation that I do. Because I get to think I get to solve my own problems, I get to improve my communication styles, which is a massive benefit. You know, after 250 interviews, I have become a better interviewer.

    So even if I still had zero listeners, I am getting massive benefit from hosting this weekly podcast. I have a portfolio of 280 interviews and 80 Edit 280 edited podcasts, whereby if I was not making any money from this business, I could show that to a potential employer and say, Look what I have created because I stood here and I published week after week after week because I loved doing it.

    And you know to reflect on that if I rewind the clock four and a half years, and I take you back to the day I started publishing the visionary life podcast, you can scroll way back in the archives you guys have been on such a journey with me, I had zero listeners, zero, do you think that it was easy? Or that I wanted to show up when I hit zero listeners? Well, actually, I don't know if I phrased that right, because, like, of course, it'd be easy to assume that that's got to be the most grueling thing when you have zero subscribers, zero downloads, zero listeners, nobody cares or knows about this podcast that you're publishing or the newsletter or the YouTube channel.

    If I cared whether people were subscribing or listening or not, I would have quit after month one or I would have quit after 12 months of publishing the podcast. Because if you're not seeing great numbers come through in a timeline that you think should be producing for you. Then you're probably just going to throw in the towel, especially when it gets hard. But I produced for the audience of one and I was doing the show for me. And I loved it because I had to think I had to solve problems, I had to connect with incredible people and I still get to connect with incredible people.

    I get to connect with Big Sky thinkers, dreamers, doers, visionaries, people who inspire me, people who have seven figure businesses, eight figure businesses doing this for an audience of one has served me so well, because although at this point, I very much am involved in the numbers because when you're running a large business, you need to know you've got to be tracking metrics.

    But prior to you know, 100 episodes, I was just pressing publish, right? And honestly, you guys, I think too many times I'm seeing people quit because they don't even love their content. They're not even enjoying the process and it feels hard. And I remember one of my first mentors in business said if it feels light, it's right. Okay, if it feels light, it's right.

    And I guess you could think about the opposite of that, that if something feels heavy week after week after week. I don't think you're creating for an audience of one and sure you're all your market research. He may have shown you that this is what people wanted. But if it's coming from a place of heaviness, if you're not excited about building your digital portfolio, I don't think that you're going to be able to stick to this.

    So I want you to ask yourself, Who is your audience? You? Hint, hint? And are you making content that makes them better? Are you excited to make them content? Are you finding that when you create for you that the process is more fulfilling, and the results are long lasting. And the results are actually amazing? Because people recognize when you're on fire and creating from that place of momentum, so create content that's going to help you grow as a person, because that's the content that cannot be ignored.

    That's the content that's going to serve you no matter what, and your work is probably going to move beyond the audience of one. So even though it starts there, I imagine that you're gonna go on to impact hundreds and 1000s and 10s of 1000s. And maybe millions of people, we get to do this work. We are so lucky to live in a day and age where being a digital entrepreneur is possible. So yeah, it's hard.

    But if you're wanting to leverage things like social media, YouTube, podcast, email list, you get to do this. Create what you wish existed, make it fun, make it light and enjoy every piece of work that you publish. All right, you guys, I hope you enjoyed this. I feel so passionate about this topic. So if you want to talk further about it, Lee's hit me up. I'm on Instagram at Kelsey Rydell. I'm trying to get more visible on the Tiktok at Kelseyreidl. And you can find all the info of how you can work with me as your private business and marketing coach at www.kelseyreidll.com.

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