Living Visionary: Catching up with the incredible members of the Visionary Community!
In this series, I’ll be catching up with the incredible member of our Visionary Community from past and present.
This is a project that I started while I was on Maternity Leave (#VisionaryMama) with my first baby as a way to stay plugged in, inspired and rooted among the community of clients and students that I’ve supported over the last (almost) 8 years.
Enjoy, and if it feels appropriate please support their amazing businesses!
xx. Kels
Meet Barb Handy,
Founder of Digestive Health Academy (Holistic Digestive Practitioner and Nutritionist)
3 Words She Would Use To Describe Herself…
Impatient (is that a bad thing???)
Barb Handy is a Top-Rated Certified Nutritional Practitioner with a focus on IBS/SIBO, Heartburn/Reflux and H.Pylori.
With more than five years of experience, I have helped hundreds of clients and students heal their IBD, Crohn's and Colitis, Candida and pesky Parasites.
Just like you, I suffered from extreme digestive issues and worked with over nine different practitioners before I found relief in the exact protocols that I use to help my clients and students today.
Working with me by your side means that you have the best digestive detective helping you get to the root cause of your digestive struggles and healing your gut for good.
When I'm not talking about Gut Health, you can find me cuddling with my son and dogs, knitting/crocheting, drinking lots of tea, watching Coronation Street or getting into the Canadian woods.
Barb Handy
Holistic Digestive Practitioner and Nutritionist
Business Name
Digestive Health Academy
Founded In
Current Location
Toronto, Canada (looking to move to Northern Ontario for a slower pace and more green)
Be introspective and try on other people's shoes for size. Drink lots of tea and watch trashy TV. Take ‘me time’ seriously and tap into your creative side. Always be your health advocate and keep peeling back the layers. Look for root causes.
Give up on yourself and your health. Take the back seat to your wellness. Accept bandaid solutions. Accept IBS as a diagnosis. Be a doormat - always express how you feel. Let anyone cross your boundaries - ever.
Advice for other entrepreneurs, who are slightly less far along…
As scary as it is in the wellness world when you’re first starting the best way to get ahead is going to be nieching down.
It’s a scary thought and you might feel averse to closing yourself off but it is the absolute best way to grab the attention of your ideal client/patient.
You can always add to your expertise or pivot later on if you don’t feel like it resonates. Work from a place where you have personal experience or where people ask for help from you the most.
You are totally capable and have a lot of knowledge so quiet that imposter syndrome because you are brilliant and people are waiting to hear what you have to say!
Lastly, just get started and you’ll figure it out as you go!
Tool, resource, podcast, book or person you’ve invested in that’s added value to your entrepreneurial journey
Attending free masterclasses and learning seminars and also investing in masterclasses on my niche topic to become an expert at my craft. I’ve never regretted learning as much as I can so that I can be an expert in my field. And lastly, invest in a marketing coach if you have zero marketing background - one of the best investments I’ve ever made is Kelsey ;)
Tell us more about your business (what do you do, who do you help, what does your workday look like, how do people find out about you).
I work with people for whom the traditional medical system failed in their pursuit of healing their digestive issues. I specialize in IBS/SIBO and also H.Pylori. I also work with women in their 40s who are going through peri-menopause and need hormonal support as well.
I work remotely from my home office so I can help people from virtually anywhere in the world. People find me primarily through Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.
Recent milestone you’ve celebrated in your business?
After creating my signature programs in September 2023, I exponentially increased my monthly income and have seen tremendous success in my client's recovery.
Favourite way to wind down after a long workweek.
Watch a funny show, read a book, have a pint of Guinness with my husband or have a hot Epsom salt bath.
Before starting my workday, I make sure to…
Get my son off to school, get my second cup of tea and some breakfast. Look at my schedule, and participate in a money-generating activity before meeting my clients of the day.
Best part of my work is…
I get to dictate what I want to be doing each day of the week.
I always designate Mondays to work on business development and Fridays to balance work, running errands, meeting a friend for lunch or getting a massage.
I see my clients Tuesdays to Thursdays for the first half of the day when my brain is in the pique shape. I love that I get to decide what works for me and when and still smash my financial goals.
Tips for someone who is hesitant to follow their heart and start their own business?
I would rather have tried something and failed than spend my life wondering if it would have worked. I have done both - I have tried and failed (hard) and kept trying and soared.
In business, there will always be ups and downs and failures what matters is how you handle it and that you keep going for your dreams.
Last vacation you took (and where did you go)…
Last summer a family trip to a cottage and before that was a stint around Gananoque and Montreal.
I was pleasantly surprised by how much I loved the small town of Gan and hope to go back again soon. On our list for 2024 is to spend 2-4 weeks in the Vancouver area which is possible because I work in my business.
I went to see a doctor in Vancouver in September of 2019 desperate to get to the root of my digestive issues and fell in love with the city and the mountain views. I can’t wait to show my son!
Bucket list vacation that you hope to embark on in the next 5 years (where to and why?)
I want to go back to England where my bestie moved to 10 years ago. I loved the vibe and the architecture and everything about it. I’d also love to travel to the south of Ireland and Scotland. My husband and I toured Northern Ireland and loved it. There’s something incredibly charming about sitting in a pub that’s at least more than 500 years old with a Guinness in hand overlooking the cobblestones.