Jesse Cole | Taking The Biggest Risk of Your Life, Marketing Tips & The Savannah Bananas
Jesse Cole
Founder of Fans First Entertainment, the creator of The Savannah Bananas and the author of Find Your Yellow Tux.
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Today, I’m sitting down with Jesse Cole who is the founder of Fans First Entertainment, the creator of The Savannah Bananas and the author of Find Your Yellow Tux & Fans First: Change The Game, Break the Rules & Create an Unforgettable Experience.
His teams have welcomed more than one million fans to their ballparks and have been featured on MSNBC, CNN, ESPN and in Entrepreneur Magazine, but it wasn’t always sunshine & bananas in Jesse’s world.
Jesse Cole and his wife, Emily were sleeping on an air mattress after draining their bank account. They had just taken the biggest risk of their life by purchasing a baseball team in Savannah Georgia that is now called 'The Savannah Bananas'.
Jesse literally reinvented the game of baseball with the FANS in mind, and has created an experience unlike ANY other.
But don’t be fooled…
Growing this mega-banana-empire wasn’t easy.
Jesse flipped a typical baseball game on its head and reverse engineered how to make every single minute a memorable moment: from the time you purchase your ticket, to the moment you drive away in your car. Each moment is made to be memorable!
The Savannah Bananas are now one of the most successful teams in the Coastal Plain League and have been featured on ESPN, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.
Jesse attributes much of their success to thinking outside the box (he calls it ‘Finding Your Yellow Tux’) and giving fans an unforgettable experience.
"It's not just about baseball anymore, it's about entertainment."
I know you’ll enjoy this episode with Jesse, as there are SO MANY million dollar ideas tucked inside.
You’ll need to tune in to hear about it!
I first was introduced to Jesse and his epic story through the I Love Marketing Podcast, and I can honestly say that from the moment he started talking I was hooked. He’s a marketing genius!
Jesse’s approach to building a BRAND rather than a business and creating FANS not customers is the type of marketing that I stand behind 110%. He’s not preaching expensive Facebook ads or fancy funnels, just an epic product and a memorable experience.
Jesse is about to share SO much wisdom with you all and I can promise you that whether you’re running a baseball team like Jesse or just starting a little home based business - his marketing tips are going to ROCK YOUR WORLD.
If you want to grab a copy of Jesse’s Book, it’s called Find Your Yellow Tux: How to Be Successful by Standing Out.
He also released a new book called Fans First: Change The Game, Break the Rules & Create an Unforgettable Experience.
Jesse ALSO hosts his own podcast, called Business Done Differently.
If you’re ready to Stand Out by thinking different, creating attention and creating fans for life - then this is the episode for you.
In this episode, we talk about…
We talk about:
What the '“10 ideas matrix” is and how you can implement to to elevate your Marketing Strategy
How to use constraints in your Marketing Plan to make sure you’re always testing new ideas
The concept of “The 40 Hour Test” and why everything must pass it
Creating brand evangelists and super-fans
Why attention will always beat out marketing
How to put yourself in the customer's shoes and give them exactly what they want
Why it’s important to have a compelling business story
Working your creative muscles on a daily basis (& tips for how to do it!)
His philosophy behind looking at whatever is normal, and then doing the exact opposite
Learning how to think like a marketer
Looking outside your industry & why it’s important for fresh ideas and perspectives
Why it feels SO isolating to be different
Why Jesse writes his own eulogy
& so much more
👇 Click the image below to tune in to this weeks episode 🎙️

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Connect with Jesse Cole:
Find Your Yellow Tux: Homepage -
Learn About Jesse’s Story:
Business Done Differently with Jesse Cole -
Get a Copy of his Book:
Watch On YouTube!

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