The Journey to Happiness w/ Zoe Pink
Zoe Pink
The Journey to Happiness
(& how she made it into her business)
Zoe Pink
Happiness Coach & One of our Visionary Method Private Clients
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Today, I’m sitting down with Zoe Pink.
Zoe and I met because she found me through a Google Search, while looking for a Business and Marketing Coach.
Zoe Pink is a Happiness Coach.
For as long as Zoe could remember she wished for happiness whenever she found a penny, saw the first star of the evening, or had a birthday candle to wish upon.
It was the simple dream of a little girl whose childhood was profoundly bleak. Zoe suffered through poverty; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying and depression.
But even in that darkness there were moments when her heart would tell her that happiness WAS possible.
Her journey has been anything BUT linear and she’s a true example of how strength and purpose can come from our biggest challenges and struggles.
I admire Zoe for so many reasons, but one that I’d like to call out is her willingness to be vulnerable, open and honest. One of her goals is to become more visible which is certainly not easy, but she rose to the task of this podcast with confidence and calmness.
In this episode, we’re pulling the curtains back on…
What her childhood was like and how that shaped who she is today
The journey towards becoming a Happiness Coach
Some of the first steps she took to set up her website
How The Visionary Method Coaching supported her next level of growth
And tips for getting more visible when it doesn’t come naturally
Don’t forget to connect with Zoe!
Her website is >>
P.s. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you…
Do you dream of Starting your Online Business? Join my online business coaching experience The Visionary Method™ that will help you to create, launch and grow your business!
Do you have a goal of Growing your Business, and now you need a proper Marketing Strategy? Fast track your success in 4 months with Marketing Coaching using my Marketing Mastery Method.
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👇 Click the image below to tune in to this weeks episode 🎙️
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Want to take a peek at my “Prep Notes” for the show? 👇
These are totally unedited, and give you an idea of what I do to get ready for the interview.
Where did you grow up?
Is there a person, podcast or book that’s impacted your life?
One thing you do every single day that’s non-negotiable?
One business skill you’re currently working on improving?
Since you’re a happiness coach, what’s one simple ritual more people should be doing to enhance their happiness
What was your first ever job?
What about your first “career”?
When did you become interested in coaching as a profession?
How did you get certified?
Talk to us about who you help, and how you help them?
What are some of the outcomes people can expect while working with you?
Why are you so passionate about this work
What have been some of the challenges in starting up your business?
Any fears or hesitations you're facing right now?
Is there a business person, or business you look up to?
Why did you decide to hire me as your coach?
Describe your thoughts on social media right now -- love it or hate it?
You recently conquered your very first LIVE video! How did it go?
Where do you hope to be in 5 years time?
Where can people learn more?
Connect with Zoe…
People & things that were also mentioned in this show…
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Click below to listen to the episode 👇
Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways that I can support you...
Ready to start your business from scratch?
The Visionary Method is a weekly coaching program from Online Businesses who are ready to make their first $50,000 in revenue.
Is that you?
Learn more, here >>
2. Is it time to figure out Your Marketing Strategy, once and for all?
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