5 Ways that Health Coaches, Holistic Nutritionists & Wellness Practitioners can Grow Their Business, ASAP!
It's hard to know where to start when you're starting a business, especially in the competitive nutrition industry.
You're not alone!
Many health practitioners feel lost when it comes to growing their business.
Learn how Health Coaches, Holistic Nutritionists & Wellness Practitioners can Grow Their Business, ASAP! | The Visionary Method
If you want to skip the reading and dive right into 10 Marketing Tips to Grow Your Business, just click here and access our free PDF download with effective growth strategies for Holistic Nutritionists & Health Practitioners. Click here>>
Most Nutritionists and Health Coaches are struggling to grow their business and to make a living doing what they love.
The nutrition industry is growing fast, but it's also changing and evolving at an incredible pace.
It can be hard enough for nutritionists to keep up with all of the new information that comes out every day about the latest health trends, and on top of that to also figure out their Marketing Strategy & Business Growth Plans.
In this blog post, I’m going to share 5 ways that you can stand out in this crowded marketplace using our Visionary Method proven marketing strategies!
If you’re sick and tired of slow and inconsistent growth in your Nutrition Business, then you’re in the right place!
5 Ways to Grow your Nutrition or Health Coaching Business
Method # 1 - Get More Visible
It's no secret that in order to grow your business, you need to bring more eyeballs on your content. But what are some ways to do that? And how can you make sure that the people who are seeing your content are the right people?
Visibility is essential for your success as a Health and Wellness Business Owner, because if nobody even knows you exist then how can they work with you?
It does take time and energy to get visible in the first place, but there will be a massive return on investment when you promote yourself properly.
When you show up and teach your community about your expertise, they will start to build that ‘know-like-trust’ factor with you which increases the odds of them booking in with you.
Here are a few other reasons that you might want to get more visible as a Health and Wellness Business Owner:
You will increase the number of clients that you’re working with,
You will increase the amount of money made in each transaction,
You will increase the frequency of transactions by reminding past patients to keep coming back
You will always be Top Of Mind and get referrals more easily
Here are a few ways to get more visible!
1. Be unapologetically different than your peers
You might think that you don't need to be different from everyone else, but being unique gives you a massive competitive advantage. If you talk about the same nutrition tips as every other Nutritionist, people will tune you out because they’ve heard it all before. It’s time to change it up and set yourself apart from the rest by focusing on your Unique Brilliance™
2. Share invites for people to come experience your services for free (aka Host Webinars, Run a Free Challenge, Participate in a Local Market, etc.)
When it comes to growing your business, one of the most important things you can do is make it easy for your clients to start working with you.
One of those easy ways is to invite them into a Free Experience so that there’s a low barrier to entry.
By doing this, you'll make it easy for them to take the ‘next step’ and enter into a paid relationship with you!
3. Above all else, get visible in a way that feels good to you.
There are many different ways to get visible.
Some examples include…
Being more active on social media,
Posting a weekly blog,
Sharing behind the scenes of your business,
Attending conferences, etc.
What’s most important is that you find a way that feels good to you.
Method # 2 - Use Direct Response Marketing
According to Marketing Evolution, Direct Response is a type of marketing designed to elicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action.
In other words, how are you getting an instant response from your audience in your marketing plan?
Do you give your audience an opportunity to sign up, register, or respond to your business? Do you create a clear Call-to-Action for your Dream Clients?
How often are you doing it? (daily, weekly, monthly, never)
If you said never, you're sitting on a massive opportunity to get new clients & boost revenue!
If you're doing it monthly, consider doing it bi-weekly or weekly
Inside of The Visionary Method™ I share copy & paste email templates that utilize the principles of Direct Response Marketing and that yield massive response rates! If you'd like to learn about those, please apply for coaching>>
Method # 3 - Invite Potential Clients into an Experience
Experiential marketing (XM) is a strategy that captures the attention of your dream clients using memorable experiences.
Rather than trying to sell, sell, sell... Your marketing is focused on inviting potential clients into a remarkable experience (often involving trial of your product), which naturally leads towards selling and lifetime retention due to a deeper emotional connection.
In your situation as a Health and Wellness Business Owner, your goal is to get people to TRY the experience of working with you or utilizing your framework to get results.
Instead of relying on a Expensive Facebook Ads, Fancy Graphics or Complicated ClickFunnels — ALLOW YOUR PROSPECTIVE CLIENTS TO EXPERIENCE YOUR MAGIC through trial.
Afterall - You know how awesome your programs are, but do they?
Have they ever felt what it’s like to have guidance when it comes to what to eat?
Have they benefited from knowing what foods to avoid, to lose the bloat?
Have they tasted a breakfast smoothie that’s actually delicious?
Have they felt the ENERGY of your nutrition client community?
If the answers to the above questions are NO, create some type of micro experience to help them get results!
If you want to skip the rest of the reading and dive right into 10 Marketing Tips to Grow Your Business, just click here and access our free PDF download with effective growth strategies for Holistic Nutritionists & Health Practitioners. Click here>>
Method # 4 - Form a Strategic Partnership
It doesn’t matter what line of work you’re in, you’re in the business of relationships!
When it all boils down to why you have clients (or not!), it usually stems from your (lack of) relationships.
I have a few questions to ask you...
Are you actively growing your personal and professional networks?
Are you meeting and deepening relationships with new people every single week in creative ways?
Are you showing up in new places and spaces in order to make new connections?
Are your relationships being nurtured on a daily basis?
Are you meeting super connectors and/or strategic partners who can plug you into new communities?
The majority of your workday should be spent deepening relationships and forming strategic partnerships!
When it comes to forming a strategic partnership, consider aligning with people IN or OUTSIDE of your industry who can share your services with their existing audience!
Just imagine if the local fitness franchise decided to make you their resident Health Coach that every single personal trainer recommended! Wouldn't that be amazing?
Other ideas for forming strategic partnerships include:
Partnering with a Meal Planning Service to write content for them or to be the seal of approval on their meal plans
Approach a local group like the vegan-meet up or the run club and offer to teach a workshop
Method # 5 Focus on Income Generating Activities
If you're looking to grow your business, time management and prioritizing income generating activities is crucial!
Whether you have 2 hours per week or 60 hours per week to work on your business— I'm certain that you've considered how to BEST allocate that time in order to maximize your ROI.
HOW to understand which activities are Income Generating in your business and how to prioritize those activities with a calendaring system.
There are 4 ways that you can become better at managing your time and understanding which activities produce income:
Tool # 1 = The Results Finder Tool
What are the activities that led you towards signing your last 3 clients?
Make two columns. On one side, list the last 3 clients you signed. On the other side, write a comprehensive list of all the things you have done in the last 5 days for your business.
I.e. writing emails, Instagram engagement, fixing website, etc.
Then write where each client interacted with you.
Did they reply to your email? Listen to a podcast episode? DM you on Instagram?
Circle which activities brought you in leads, these are your income generating activities.
This is meant to show you where your results are coming from.
Tool # 2 = Power Hour Tool
Get more out of your days with the most simple and effective visionary time planning tip.
Try this out for 7 days in a row and experience the benefits that a time-limit can bring to your productivity.
Grab a Post-it or scrap piece of paper every morning and write out 1-HOUR BLOCKS for the hours of the day you have control of.
For example: If you’re at your 9-5 job each day, just write the following
6am – 7am
6pm – 7pm
8pm – 9 pm
For every hour, assign yourself one task to work on within that hour.
Since we’re focusing on the topic generating income here, this would be a useful time to slot in those in income generating activities.
The difference in completing a task is setting a clear goal with a clear finish line. We tend to work better with deadlines.
Tool # 3 = Google Calendaring
Personally, this is my life saver for getting anything in my life done.
I’m able to get as much as I do in a day because I am blocking it off in my calendar. I even add my social life to my calendar!
Because I know if I don’t write down certain tasks down (like Revamping Launch Workbook), I’m not going to prioritize it and something else will get in the way.
A few ways to help you successfully use your calendar:
Time blocking
Color-coding (my FAVOURITE!)
Setting goals
Of course, Time Management will look differently for everyone, what works for me may not work for you but it is a starting point.
Maybe you prefer writing in a physical planner, or creating appointments for yourself.
Grab this FREE Social Media Content Calendar TEMPLATE to help you with your Calendaring Goals!>>
Tool # 4 = Visionary Time Study
This one is a big one but well worth your time and energy to put the effort in to complete this to get a better view of how you’re spending your time, especially when it comes to helping you generate income.
Here’s how it works:
Track every 15 minutes of your day for a 4-day period
Once you’ve filled out your time slots with activities, go through each task and determine whether it’s a Red, Yellow or Green activity.
Red – I need to eliminate this, not worth my time
Yellow – automate or delegate to someone else
Green – this is a good spend of time, good task to work on
Go through your tasks and circle or highlight all the activities that help you generate leads and income – these are your Income Generating Activities
Do they match the activities from The Results Finder Tool? Do you have more or less?
Do you need to increase income generating activities while decreasing other tasks?
P.S. Within the The Visionary Method™, Visionary members get the Time Study Sheet template – Learn more about TVM™ here>>
Wow, there is some good and juicy information for you throughout this blog post.
Good marketing isn’t rocket science, but it does take time, effort and commitment on your part for there to be a difference in the growth of your sales and the amount of clients you can generate.
These are just some of the effective methods I use daily to help me stay on track with my Marketing Strategy and I hope even one of them works wonders for you.
Reach out to me on my Instagram and let me know which of these 5 Methods you will put into action to help grow your Health Coaching and Nutrition Business.
If you never really know when your next client is going to sign on, and therefore you have no idea how to forecast your growth and your revenue in the coming months...
If you’re lacking the confidence and excitement you once had for your business, because it’s growing so slowly...
If you’re getting overwhelmed while facing all sorts of doubts when it comes to your abilities in growing your Nutrition Business, and can't seem to feel confident in your plan.
If you haven’t implemented a formal marketing strategy for your business…
Or if you're facing the reality that nothing will change, if you don't put some time into developing a formal strategy for your business growth.
Consider joining Strategic Marketing for Nutritionists™
An online self-study course that was built for Nutritionists who want to grow their business through innovative Marketing Strategies.
The course was created by R.H.N. and Marketing Expert Kelsey Reidl.
It's the only Marketing Framework specific for Nutritionists who want to grow their audience, sign more clients & figure out what works when it comes to consistent business growth!
You'll be guided through our signature 9-part Marketing Mastery Process that will equip you with the exact trainings you need to take your Nutrition Business to the next level.
I've worked with 100's of Health & Wellness Practitioners just like you to help them grow their business.
Will you be our next testimonial?
Kelsey xo
Thanks for taking a minute out your day to hang out in the Visionary Universe!
When the time is right, here are a few ways that we can work together…
1. 📧 Subscribe to our weekly recap emails, where I summarize key takeaways from our Visionary Life Podcast Guests: Pop your email in here so you don’t miss these EPIC takeaways >>
2. 🎧 Take your Marketing Strategy to the NEXT LEVEL with free marketing advice from Top Experts: Click here to Subscribe to our Marketing Podcast, The Marketing Hotline >>
3. 😊 Work with me one on one! If you’re looking for Business or Marketing Coaching, I’ve got a few spots to take on private 1:1 clients who are ready to launch their online business and/or create a comprehensive marketing strategy that reaches more clients 📌 APPLY NOW >> https://kelseyreidl.typeform.com/to/UAxrZo