46 Marketing KPIs You Need to Be Monitoring
Understanding the most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor can be a daunting task, but it's key to helping you to make smart decisions about where to invest your time, energy and money as an entrepreneur with big dreams for the future!
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Marketing KPIs You Need to Be Monitoring
Are you looking for actionable guidance to help measure your marketing efforts, and the return on investment of each one?
Understanding the most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor can be a daunting task, but it's key to helping you to make smart decisions about where to invest your time, energy and money as an entrepreneur with big dreams for the future!
In this blog post, we will discuss 46 essential metrics (although there are PLENTY more!) that entrepreneurs need to understand when tracking their marketing performance and how those insights can give them an edge on their competition. Get ready for some data-driven insights!
Each new month that passes by is a new opportunity to check in on your Key Marketing and Business Growth Metrics, and new opportunity to grow your bottom line 🎉
I always block off at least 30 minutes at the start of a month to review the previous month and input all of my Key Metrics, and I would highly encourage you to do the same.
What’s the POINT of tracking your Key Marketing Metrics, month over month? 🤔
⏱️ Save Yourself Time:
When you see that a certain output is NOT producing any measurable outcome or results for your business, you can cut it from your weekly to-do list and free up time!⚡Save Yourself Energy:
Marketing can feel like a Full Time Job (but it doesn’t need to). Your metrics show us where the Energy Leaks are happening, and which energies are producing the big results in your business.💰 Save Yourself Money:
Whether you’re paying a contractor to produce your podcast, running paid ads on Instagram or paying yourself to be your own Marketing Slave - I want you to save your money and ensure that no dollar is going to waste by observing trends in your marketing and revenue.
Many of my clients come to me struggling to make sense of their own marketing efforts.
They feel like they’re doing everything right, but their business seems to be at a standstill. And when I ask them to show me their metrics for the past 12-24 months, they often give me a blank stare! 😕
“What metrics?” 🤷
As you begin to track your business metrics from the previous month, you will discover patterns and trends 📈 that had been hiding in plain sight. You’ll be able to easily observe which marketing strategies worked, and more importantly, which ones didn’t. 📉
Tracking your metrics is like being given a 🗺️ roadmap to success, all thanks to a few numbers on a spreadsheet.
What are the key marketing metrics you should track? 🤔
Here is a sample of what I have my clients track, since each one gives us clues into how we can better optimize the marketing strategy and bring more leads and revenue into the business!
46 Marketing KPIs You Need to Be Monitoring
Some of the key metrics that I record every single month include:
Instagram Followers
New Followers Over Last Month
Total # Feed Posts
Total # Reels
Total # Videos
Total # Live Videos
Average Views Per Story
Facebook Page Likes
Facebook # New Posts
Facebook # New Stories
Total Reach
Total Page Visits
Watch Time
Unique Views
Page Views
Top Performing Pages
Bounce Rate
Top Keywords
Referral Sources
Google Search Console
Average Position
Top Queries
Profile Views
Total # Followers
Total # Posts
Active Subscribers
Emails sent / month
Average open rate %
Average clickthrough rate %
Form Views
Average Time to Complete
Form Completions
Created Events
Completed Events
Rescheduled Events
Canceled Events
Even if you begin your Reporting & Tracking with just a few key metrics (ex: Number of Instagram Followers, Website Traffic, Top-Performing Keywords and Email Open Rate %) that’s better than nothing!
📌 So, my friend, I urge you to take some time today to record your metrics from last month.
Trust me, it's the most important thing you can do to advance your marketing and business success. And who knows, maybe you'll find your own roadmap to success hiding in the numbers, just waiting to be discovered.
Wishing you all the best on your journey to smashing business success,
🚨 Before You Go!
Don’t forget to reward yourself with this totally free Business Growth Resource that will help you Get Your Online Business Started, In Just 5 Days (with this FREE online course). It’s free and you can access it right away by clicking here >>
And while I have your attention, thank YOU for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog and to trust that I have something valuable to share with you!
Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can support you right now…
Start Your Online Business ($0 to $50,000k Blueprint): Click here to learn more about how The Visionary Method™ can help you ➡️
Private 1:1 Marketing Coaching: Small tweaks to your Marketing Strategy can skyrocket your business success…. 🔑 Working with a Business & Marketing Coach will help you identify new income opportunities, optimize your lead generation & sales strategies, and accomplish more than you ever thought possible, in just 4 months. Apply here ➡️
The Mastermind by The Visionary Method™ and The Magnetic Life™: Join an intimate business mastermind for women who are running online service-based businesses, and who are looking to plug into a community of other powerful leaders who are ready to grow in their health, wealth & relationships. Hosted by Emily Elliot (Mindset & Success Coach) and Kelsey Reidl (Marketing Consultant). Applications being accepted now