How to write a great ‘About Me’ page for your Website
Your story is what makes you unique and different
So, it’s important to tell it properly
This blog will take you about 5 minutes to read through.
If you’re short on time and would rather download a resource to help you write a great About Me Page for your Website, then get your FREE copy of our 5-Part Story-Writing Workbook right here. It’s free!
How to write a great ‘About Me’ page for your Website | The Visionary Method
In today's world, it is easy to forget the power of storytelling.
Did you know that storytelling is one of the oldest marketing strategies?
Not only do stories have the ability to leave a lasting impression on people, but they are also wildly effective in Business Growth…
Your website visitors can read your back-story only our About Me page
You can share bits of your story on Discovery Calls in order to relate to your client
And you can use story telling about past client success stories to showcase how awesome your services are!
Your story is what makes you unique and different from all the others in your industry.
Unfortunately, your offer alone will not set you apart from your competition. However, your story will :
Sharing your story with your community will allow you to build stronger connections with your audience.
You may not think people care about your story but that is simply not true.
So many people want to know where you come from, what your journey has been like and how you’ve become the person you are today! Your origin story is the key to unlocking ALL of that.
In this blog, I am going to help you create your amazing seed story (aka your origin story) so that your dream clients can listen to what makes YOU unique and different from other businesses!
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The 5 Essential Components of your Seed Story
P.s. You can skip ahead to the end where I share an example of all 5 components in action!
#1 The Stage
Where did your journey begin? This is where you can share a time, place and/or the main character of your story.
In the first part of your story, the goal is to help the reader understand why you are where you are, today. This is also where you start to establish authority and authenticity.
#2 The Stage
In this second part, you are going to talk about the moment of realization that made you embark on this new journey.
This is where everything changed for you!
Did you decide to change your career, take on a new life choice, expand your family, become a life coach, or get certified as an NLP practitioner (etc.)
I want you to think about what people or life events were part of your turning point, and document those that catalyzed your spark.
#3 The Journey
In this third step, you are going to break down how the spark led you to your journey or transformation.
Write out what happened after The Spark and what steps you took from there.
#4 Main Obstacles
Obviously, we all know that in every good story or TV show the main character has to face obstacles. In this fourth step, you are going to share what those obstacles were along your journey and how you stayed committed to moving forward.
#5 The Happy Endings
Lastly, where are you today? Paint a picture of how you overcame the obstacles and have arrived at the place you are today.
Even though you’re still on your own journey, your story does need to have a logical end point or destination that the reader can connect with.
So, there we have it, the 5 essential points of writing your seed story.
The following graphic provides you with an example of how all five of these elements work together to tell your story.
Now, it’s your turn to write yours!
Once you are done writing it, I want you to share your origin story with a friend and ask them to give you constructive feedback.
Good luck!
🚨 Before You Go!
Don’t forget to reward yourself with this totally free Business Growth Resource that will help you Write Your About Me Page for your Website. It’s free and you can access it right away by clicking here >>
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