How to Set Goals for 2023 (Health, Lifestyle & Career Goals)
Master the Art of
Setting Goals To Get What You Really Want out of your
Health, Life & Business!
It’s time to stop living
by default, and start living with intention.
This blog will take you about 15 minutes to read through.
If you’re short on time and would rather download a resource to help you set your 2023 goals, then get your FREE copy of our Ultimate-Goal-Setting-Guide, right here. It’s free!
And if you are really serious about doubling or even tripling your monthly revenue, lead generation and business growth in 2023– please submit an application for Marketing Coaching or learn more.
How to Set Goals for 2023 (Health Goals, Life Goals & Business Goals) | Kelsey Reidl, Marketing Consultant
When you have a clearly defined & meaningful goal, everything shifts to help you reach it.
Learning the art of goal setting is the key to unlocking great success in your life!
It may seem like an intimidating task at first, but once you get a handle on how best to set goals for yourself, it can be easier than you might think!
Taking advantage of this powerful skill will enable you achieve what matters most and have more control over your day-to-day life decisions.
Keep reading if your ready learn about masterful goal setting and how taking action towards your dreams can help direct the course of your future.
Lifestyle Goals
“The biggest adventure that you can take is to live the life of your dreams”
Are you a driven entrepreneur who wants to make the most of each and every day? Do you wish there was an easier way to reach your goals while still having time to enjoy life, rather than simply focusing on work all the time?
If so, then it's time for you to create lifestyle goals that will help achieve balance and success.
Journal on the following prompts:
Living a “full life” would include lots of these five things…
If you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most, then who do you want to hang around with more next month in order to uplevel your own greatness (these can be in-person or online connections)
What are the chores, tasks and outputs that do you daily that…
You dislike
Are manageable, but in a perfect world you would outsource or stop doing them
Give you energy and uplift you
What types of things would fill your days...
In your most adventurous life…
In your most learning-filled life…
n your most freedom-filled andlife…
If you were to design your “life m.B.A education” (i.e. put yourself back to school for life skills + fun courses and workshops) what would you add to the curriculum this year
Do you feel like you have crafted a life that you really love? Why or why not?
Do you feel like you express your *truest* self every single day? Why or why not?
Do you devote ample time to personal development & self-improvement?Is it priority right now or not... be honest! Why or why not?
What's the current theme song of your life (listen to it 5x daily!!)
Health Goals
Don’t live in reaction-ville when it comes to your health and well-being.
Live in prevention-ville.
Our health is something we must prioritize every single day!
We need our health to function successfully both mentally and physically. Looking after your health will benefit you later on in life, so it is essential that you start making it a priority today.
With good health comes better overall outlook on life and an ability to reach goals faster. Do not leave your well-being at bay any longer, make sure your health is a priority now as your future self will thank you later.
Rate your satisfaction around the routines & habits surrounding each of the following pillars of health:
*you’re not allowed to use the # 7 because people tend to default to it when they’re not sure
SLEEP [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
SUPPLEMENTS [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
NUTRITION [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
MOVEMENT [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
HYDRATION [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
SELF CARE [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
EMOTIONAL HEALTH [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
STRESS MANAGEMENT [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
IMMUNE HEALTH [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
HAPPY HOME [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 8 9 10 ]
Based on your results from above…
Which key pillar of your health requires the most attention right now?
What improvements or changes would you like to see within this pillar?
What would need to happen for you to make necessary changes?
What does your current morning routine look like?
What does your current evening routine look like?
What’s your health-word right now (an inspiring word that describes how you want to feel)
Describe how you physically feel in your body right now...
What are 5 things you are currently doing to sabotage your own health?
Now, write out how you can overcome those sabotaging habits..
Career Goals
“Create a want-to career path, not a have-to”
By setting career goals, you can channel your creativity, drive and determination into achieving something remarkable. You'll stay motivated, inspired and on track with key objectives that keep you striving and evolving towards success.
Just think of what great things might be accomplished when combining passion and dedication with a clear goal in mind! You have the power to aim high and realize that dream; it's time to unlock your ambitions.
What are your goals with your full time job or side hustle (or with both)
Beside each goal, write what the path would be to achieving the goals if it were easy?
If you had nothing but free time, what would you do today and tomorrow to start reaching your goal?
Questions for entrepreneurs & side-hustle visionaries:
In terms of your work or the business that you dream of creating...
What are you uniquely good at?
What is it that people want or need from your business?
What are your customers WILLING to pay for?
What problem are you solving for them?
What free content & value can you offer?
What life experience do you have, that you can share more of to connect people to your business?
Financial Goals:
Are you being compensated fairly in your current role / are you paying yourself fairly?
What would financial freedom look like for you?
Where you do need improvement when it comes to tracking & spending your money?
Do you believe you are deserving of making 5x what you are currently making (because it IS possible!).
Think about how this makes you feel / what limiting beliefs you have around money.
What have you done in the past 6 months to invest in your career growth (either financially or time-commitments, etc.). Your growth in your career & salary are a direct reflection on your personal and professional growth...
Final Question:
This is the one-thing that will change your business, your health, and ultimately your life...
How do you get inspired?
Launch your business, go full-time, & become fully booked with The Visionary Method™
Join 100’s of people just like you who have successfully Grown Their Businesses (from scratch) and have Become Fully Booked, with the support of The Visionary Method™ Business & Marketing Coaching.
🚨 Before You Go!
If you’re short on time and would rather download a resource to help you set your 2023 business goals, then get your FREE copy of our Ultimate-Goal-Setting-Guide, right here. It’s free!
And if you are really serious about doubling or even tripling your monthly revenue, lead generation and business growth in 2023– please submit an application for Marketing Coaching or learn more.
And while I have your attention, thank YOU for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog and to trust that I have something valuable to share with you!
To learn more about how I can support your Business & Marketing Growth Goals, click here.
*p.s. If you tell me ‘the blog sent you’ I’ll share a special discount code with you for 15% off any coaching package.