How To Make The Most Of Your Business & Marketing Coach
It can be hard to know if hiring a business and marketing coach is worth your time and money!
Keep reading if you want to find out…
How To Make The Most Of Your Business & Marketing Coach | The Visionary Method
This blog will take you about 5 minutes to read through.
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It can be hard to know if hiring a business and marketing coach is worth your time and money.
After all, you've already done so much with the knowledge, ambition & hard work that's in-built into any successful entrepreneur!
But perhaps you’re hitting a wall or you’ve plateaued in your growth, and now you are wondering whether you should spend your precious resources on coaching or consulting services from an expert.
That’s where a business and marketing coach comes in!
And when you do decide to link arms with a coach and move towards your next level of growth, pat yourself on the back and then read through the following success tips so that you can make the most of your time with your coach!
1. Meet regularly in order to build momentum
If you want your business to succeed, it's important to meet regularly with your coach. This can mean scheduling your meetings weekly or bi-weekly, but ideally not too much more spaced out.
Your meeting will help build momentum and keep you (and your coach!) on track. By holding regular meetings, you'll stay focused on your goals and make sure that all necessary outputs are happening successfully.
In my own practice, I’ve had clients ask to meet 1x monthly or 1x each 6 weeks, but that’s simply too long between meetings and momentum is usually lost with such a big gap between sessions.
This is why I suggest to all my clients that a weekly or bi-weekly cadence is best and most advantageous.
2. Ensure that you have time in your calendar set aside to work on the tasks and assignment that they share with you
You might be the type of business owner who struggles to find time in your calendar for important tasks like Future Planning and Writing Down Strategic Outcomes?
This is especially likely for those of you who feel like you’re constantly working ‘in your business’ and not ‘on your business’
When you hire your Business & Marketing Coach it's important to make time for the weekly assigned tasks, or else you'll never get them done. You may need to rearrange your schedule a bit, but it's worth it in order to ensure that your business is successful.
I love to add Time Blocks to my Google Calendar so that nobody else can book meetings at that time. For example, I’ll block off 9-12pm on Monday and 3-5pm on Wednesday to work on Business Growth.
Whatever system you like, just be sure to pencil in some time each week (or day) to catch up on the work that you and your Business Coach are doing together. Otherwise, the weeks can pass by quickly without much movement.
3. Follow through on goals, even when it feels hard and even when you want to quit.
Most people start their Business Coaching sessions with good intentions. They set a vision or communicate their big goals for their business– but when push comes to shove, sometimes our ego tells us to ‘just give up’.
They give up when it gets hard or when things don't go their way. But what if you could find a way to stick to your goals no matter what?
Make a commitment to yourself,
Make a declaration to your coach,
And get ready to persevere even when you feel challenged! That’s when the biggest growth normally happens.
4. Ask questions and come to each call prepared with challenges and wins!
There are weeks that fly by and you feel like you did absolutely nothing, but the other 80% of the weeks you’ll be checking off tasks and implementing tons of new strategies.
Of course, with any new strategy there are often hiccups or bumps in the road when you implement them for the first time!
By asking questions and coming prepared with challenges and wins, you'll be able to make the most of each call and use your time with your Business Coach to problem solve and move quickly through any road block!
However, don’t fret if you don’t have specific questions!
Your coach will always be able to assess where you’re at, and begin delivering a series of next steps.
To summarize…
If you are wondering how to make the most out of your time with your Business and Marketing Coaching (usually a 3-6 month time frame) then here are a few tips for you..
Meet regularly in order to build momentum
Ensure that you have time in your calendar set aside to work on the tasks and assignment that they share with you
Follow through on goals, even when it feels hard and even when you want to quit.
Ask questions and come to each call prepared with challenges and wins!
🚨 Before You Go!
Don’t forget that if you want to learn more about what it’s like to work with a Business and Marketing Coach, you can simply click here. It’s free and you can access the blog right away by clicking here >>
Thanks for taking a minute out your day to hang out in the Visionary Universe!
When the time is right, here are a few ways that we can work together…
1. Do you have what it takes to run a million dollar business and impact millions of lives? Click here to figure out your Earning Potential by taking the Quiz >>
2. 🎧 Tune into this inspiring & informative podcast that brings you the stories of visionary Entrepreneurs and Founders from across Canada.
Each episode is a conversation with an inspirational entrepreneur who has a story to share. Each guest also shares what's working right now to grow their business (& what's NOT working!). Listen now >>
3. Work with me one on one!
If you’re looking for Business or Marketing Coaching, I’ve got a few spots to take on private 1:1 clients who are ready to launch their online business and/or create a comprehensive marketing strategy that reaches more clients