The definition of Imposter Syndrome (IS) & 4 Tips for Overcoming It When You Start a Business.
Are you a new business owner, a side-hustler or a high-achieving entrepreneur who feels like a fraud?
If so, you're not alone.
If you're struggling with IS, there are strategies you can use to overcome it.
In this blog post, we'll explore the definition of Imposter Syndrome and give you 4 tips for how to cope with it. By using these techniques, you can build confidence in yourself and your abilities. So read on to learn more about IS and how to conquer it!
Did you know that an estimated 70% of people experience feelings of Imposter Syndrome at some point in their life?
Even when we’re experiencing wins and successes, oftentimes it’s one small moment that is enough to bring us down and completely derail us from reaching that next level.
Imposter syndrome is one of the biggest reasons that people QUIT on their businesses, in the early days.
On a recent The Visionary Method™ weekly call, we dove into this topic and had an amazing discussion surrounding how it can affect us and our businesses.
Follow this link to grab a FREE training where we discuss…
What Imposter Syndrome is and how you can start to overcome it
How imposter syndrome can impact how you show up with your clients/business
The 4 -step process to help you when the feeling of imposter syndrome shows up
Tactics that you can use when it creeps in
Have you ever experienced Imposter Syndrome?
It can be described as...
Doubting that you can (or should!) be successful
Feeling like your wins & success are unwarranted
Worrying that you won’t be able to deliver results or live up to expectations
Feelings of unworthiness
Constantly criticizing your own performance, even when you’ve performed well
When it all comes down to it, Imposter Syndrome is rooted in feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt and thoughts of “I’m just not good enough”.
Despite the fact that 70% (or more) of business owners have experienced symptoms of impostor syndrome at some point, it can still be an extremely isolating and lonely feeling!
When you’re going through it, it feels like you are the only one who doesn’t know what the heck you’re doing.
Have you ever gone through periods of feeling like an Imposter along your entrepreneurial journey?
I know that I’ve had MANY experiences, and I can tell you with certainty that despite the amount of success I’ve experienced in my career, I still go through dips where I don’t feel worthy or confident.
The feelings of imposter syndrome never go away, and I want to ensure that anyone starting a business knows that it’s okay to experience it and that it’s totally normal.
There are so many tools and tips that I’ve learned to help overcome the feelings and continue moving forward, even in times of self doubt.
4 Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome…
1. Shift from Imposter Syndrome >> Imposter Experience
The problem with the term “syndrome” is that it makes you feel like it’s a disease that you can never get rid of, which is absolutely not the case.
Words DO matter and one of the best shifts that I have made in my own life and in my business was changing it from imposter “syndrome” to Imposter “Experience”.
We don’t need to attach to the idea that we are permanently diagnosed with it.
It is a recurring learning experience that we all get to go through during our lifetimes that help us grow and expand.
2. Understand That the Inner Critic Will Always be There
There is no level of accomplishment that will ever mute the voice that says “who the heck are you?” or “why would anyone ever hire you?”. It really can be that harsh sometimes!
Each new level that you unlock brings forward new challenges that are meant to stretch and push you outside of your comfort zone.
3. Deal With it BEFORE Getting on a Call with a Client
We only have a finite amount of energy within a day and working with clients can take up a lot of that energy.
In order to show up for our clients in a peak state – it’s best not to ALSO be going through imposter syndrome. If we don’t feel our best and if we’re constantly critiquing ourselves while working with clients, we can’t perform at our best.
The result? Not being able to deliver the full product or service that you’re promising.
4. Deal with your Imposter Syndrome Activity
Here’s a quick and useful exercise to do when you’re dealing with symptoms of impostor syndrome.
Identify what negative thoughts you’re having about yourself right now
Example: “I don’t feel like I know what I’m doing”
What do you wish you could believe about yourself that you don’t right now?
Example: “I wish I could believe that I’m good at marketing”
What are 3 thoughts you believe in that you can think of now that will help you shift your mindset today?
Example: “I create in service for my clients every day”, “I only teach from my own experience and what I know to be true”, “I have accomplished many things in my life already”.
Put your new affirmations somewhere visible and repeat them to yourself multiple times a day
Example: Post them on your bathroom mirror, set reminders on your phone
As you can probably tell already, these tips revolve around shifting your mindset when it comes to impostor syndrome, or should I say impostor experience!
We are trying to bridge the gap between feeling like a fraud and embodying the role of the confident business owner that we are.
I would love to know Visionary, if you have ever experienced Imposter Syndrome and how you dealt with overcoming it?
Go over to my latest Instagram post and comment exactly how you help shift your mindset!
Kelsey xo
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