How NOT to Suck at Email Marketing
All Things Email Marketing!
We know that you’re all looking for Email Growth Strategies and List Building Techniques, so we thought it would be fun to do a whole episode devoted to this exact topic!
Welcome to The Marketing Hotline | Marketing Podcast for Small Business
Imagine having a marketing coach, consultant and accountability partner all wrapped up in one podcast.
That's exactly what you get when you listen to the Marketing Hotline with Kelsey Reidl and her guests as they discuss topics such as how to stand out on Social Media, how to attract your ideal clients, growing an Email List, and anything else related to Marketing and Growth!
Today we’re sitting down with April Dunford who is a Globally Recognized Leader In Positioning.

How NOT to Suck at Email Marketing
Welcome to The Marketing Hotline, where you leave us a message asking YOUR burning marketing-related questions.
We pick up your call and do our best to help you become a Master Marketer (or at the very least, to help you figure out how to make more genuine connections with your dream clients).
In this episode, Kelsey is doing a solo episode on the topic of Email Marketing.
Overview of show:
We know that you’re all looking for Email Growth Strategies and List Building Techniques, so we thought it would be fun to do a whole episode devoted to some quick and easy ways that you can NOT SUCK at Email Marketing.
Or, put more simply, how to be a Master Email Marketer.
Are you ready to conquer your email list, once and for all?
Let’s dive in!
We talk about:
Why it’s important to send emails at a regular cadence (& not just when you’re trying to sell them something!)
Be a scientist and experiment with your email content + suggestions for types of content
Treat your emails as a conversation rather than just shouting at your subscribers
Improve your subject lines so that people actually open & read your emails!
Start sucking, because you don’t get really great at something without sucking first :)

p.s. Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways we can work together:
1. Do you have what it takes to run a million dollar business and impact millions of lives? Click here to figure out your Earning Potential by taking the Quiz >>
2. 🎧 Tune into this inspiring & informative podcast that brings you the stories of visionary Entrepreneurs and Founders from across Canada.
Each episode is a conversation with an inspirational entrepreneur who has a story to share. Each guest also shares what's working right now to grow their business (& what's NOT working!). Listen now >>
3. Work with me one on one!
If you’re looking for Business or Marketing Coaching, I’ve got a few spots to take on private 1:1 clients who are ready to launch their online business and/or create a comprehensive marketing strategy that reaches more clients
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Marketing isn’t your expertise, it’s mine! I’ll help you grow your business using the power of marketing. Learn more here >>
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