Feeling ‘Stuck’? Here’s how you can get out of your slump.
Here are a few tips to help you get out of your slump and start moving forward again.
Feeling ‘Stuck’? Here’s how you can get out of your slump. | The Visionary Method
No one likes feeling stuck.
You have big ideas and lofty goals, but sometimes it feels like you can’t get out of your own way.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone!
Here are a few tips to help you get out of your slump and start moving forward again.
A quote on a Lululemon Tote Bag caught my eye the other day. It said,
“If you wake up 2 days in a row and you’re unhappy, change your life”.
It’s a powerful and bold statement, and upon reading it I realized that it’s a philosophy that I’ve always tried to live my life by… but many people do not!
Too often, people wake up each day and go through the motions of their lives without any real sense of purpose or happiness.
They go to jobs they hate, spend time with people they don't really care about, and generally just exist rather than truly living. But why?
If every day is an opportunity for change, why not seize it? Why not make the changes necessary to create a life that is joyful and fulfilling?
It's a simple concept, but one that so few people seem to follow.
Wake up each day and ask yourself: "Is this the life I want to be living?" If the answer is no, then make the changes necessary to create the life you do want.
It's your life - make it count!
Your unhappiness is a symptom of the way you’re living your life.
As much as comfort, stability and routine are great in our lives-- I also think that as human beings we have a primal desire to be challenged and stretched. Otherwise, we stop growing. We become stagnant.
That stagnancy is often a contributing factor to unhappiness.
Of course, taking risks and “changing your life” as the Lululemon bag advises is a big leap that many are not ready to make - however, that doesn’t mean you can’t take smaller leaps to change your life.
The challenge I have for you today is a small step forward in changing your life, and that is to begin identifying the sources of your happiness throughout the day.
P.S. - Are you someone who is ready to build a new life by launching your online business or you want to grow your business with a Marketing Strategy? Click here to see if The Visionary Method™ Business Coaching is right for you>>
To begin identifying the sources of your happiness, start a “Daily Mood Log” which helps you to identify energy drains so that you can patch them up and live a more joyful, visionary life.
This is how you create a Daily Mood Log:
Track the activities that you’re doing each day in 15 minute increments (I would track 3 days to get enough data)
Example: you could get a scrap piece of paper or use an Excel Document and write down 6-6:15am, 6:15-6:30, 6:30-6:45, etc. Beside each interval, write down what you’re doing (ex: Laundry, Client Coaching Calls, Grocery Shopping, Sleeping)Write down how you feel in a separate column, beside each activity (ex: tired, drained, energized, playful, emotional, angry)
At the end of your daily mood log, highlight the top 2 or 3 items or activities that bring you the MOST joy and highlight the top 2 or 3 items that bring you the LEAST joy
Here’s an example,
If skipping your workout brings you anger, because then you don’t feel like your “best self” - you can begin to identify what’s holding you back.
If each time you commit to a 30-minute run with your friend Sarah you feel amazing afterwards, you can try to incorporate more run dates with her!
The first step towards increasing your happiness is always awareness!
Here are a few ways that I’ve “changed my life” after 2 days (or more!) of unhappiness (I identified these by tracking my daily activities and emotions in a Mood Log)
Choosing to go Freelance when I realized I was severely unhappy in my Marketing Job
Living in a small, 1 bedroom apartment that was below our budget so that we could freely spend money on things we love and vacations that brought us joy, rather than pinching pennies each month
Spending less time with people who are Energy Vampires and more time with people who make us laugh and bring us joy in their presence
P.S. If you’re feeling an energy drain from continual social media scrolling, Use this free Social Media Detox Challenge to help you clear Cyber Energy Vampires and increase your energy!>>
There you have it, an easy method to help you identify the sources of your energy leaks.
Let’s quickly highlight how to implement this simple hack to change your life:
Track your daily activities in 15 minute increments,
Track your moods associated with each activity,
Recognize what gives you energy vs. drains your energy, and work to shift your schedule for next week
It sounds so simple when you put it like that!
So go ahead and change your life or at least take 1 mini step in the right direction. When 2 days of unhappiness becomes 3, and then 4, and then 5, the pain only gets deeper and the changes become harder to make.
If nobody else believes in you, I do!
Thanks for taking a minute out your day to hang out in the Visionary Universe!
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3. Work with me one on one!
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