5 Digital Marketing Tools That Will Simplify Your Online Business
Stop making it SO HARD to run your Online Business!
In this blog, I’ll share tools that can help you streamline your efforts inside of your Online Business.
We’ve all heard the phrase “Work Smarter Not Harder”.
But how many of us are actually following that advice?
Many business owners claim that they want to find efficiencies in their business so that they don’t have to work long days forever, but I think we can all agree that this is so much easier said than done...😭
In the early stages of running my business (the first 1-2 years, especially) I was doing EVERYTHING to keep the lights on.
Creating my own Social Media Graphics
Booking Podcast Guests
Editing and Posting Blogs on my website
Coaching Clients
Building Online Courses
Responding to Every Email
… & the list goes on!
Unfortunately, getting through my daily task list left me with very little time.
I had 100’s of ideas of what I wanted my business to be, but I didn’t have hours in the day to work ON my business because I was working inside of it.
And if I can I be totally honest with you, I kind of enjoyed the hustle.
I derived much of my “worth” through checking things off of my To-Do list, and I had too much pride to ask for help or to implement systems.
I also had a bit of a scarce mindset around investing in systems and tools to help me, because I saw them as an expense rather than an investment.
Think about that for a moment…
There’s a massive difference between the 2 words!
By definition…
An expense is: the cost required for something; the money spent on something.
An investment is: the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.
It’s scary to start investing in tools, especially when you might not know what your return on that investment will be, but there’s likely to be a massive return on investment that awaits you.
That’s right!
Say you invest $20.00 per month in an Artificial Intelligence Copywriting Tool like Jarvis.ai. This investment is likely to support you in outputting at least 10x more content than would be possible if you didn’t have this tool.
Through that extra output of content, you get more inbound leads in your business - which leads to increased sales - which boosts your bottom line of revenue.
Make sense?
As someone who took that leap into various Digital Marketing Tools to help me run my Online Business, I thought it would be helpful if I shared with you my 5 favorite digital marketing tools that I can’t live without and that have impacted the success and consistent growth of my business.
Did I mention I use all of these tools daily!?
Yes, you read that accurately… I use them DAILY and honestly wish I had started sooner.
Enough suspense, let’s get into ⬇️
1. Active Campaign (Email Marketing Software)
This is a key platform in managing the Email Marketing side of my business.
Do you subscribe to daily, weekly, or monthly newsletters or emails?
If so, those entrepreneurs are most likely using a platform similar to Active Campaign.
This system helps users to create their email campaigns as well as provide a customer experience through automated email chains!
Not only that, but it also provides analytics on who opens each email in an easy-to-manage interface while tracking the actions taken by recipients after opening that email.
How awesome is that?!
I love that I can schedule my emails ahead of time and customize them for each of my services. It’s so much easier than having to track everything myself, which would just take up more hours in my day!
Have I convinced you yet to try it? If so, click here, you won’t regret this one!
2. Jarvis (Artificial Intelligence Copywriting Tool)
Visionaries, this is by far the most game changing tool for business owners.
It’s no secret that writing copy is no simple task. Some may even say it's daunting.
Creating captivating emails, subject lines, landing pages, social media posts, and Facebook Ads can be overwhelming in itself and if writing isn’t your strong point, the task is that much harder.
Jarvis has forever changed that.
There is no more staring at a blank page, trying to think of attention grabbing content. Jarvis.ai will save you so much time and probably gain you a few additional dollars from a converting client.
Here is a SMALL sample of the type of things it specializes in:
Content Improver
Product Description
Blog Post Topic Ideas
Blog Post Outline
Facebook Ad Headline
Google Ads Headline
& much more
It’s so incredible and I want you to give it a try, so I am giving you 10,000 free words!
Click here to gain access.
3. Semrush (SEO Optimization)
This is my go-to tool to ensure that I am ranking well in Google Search Results. It helps business owners optimize their SEO.
One of the most important parts of running a successful online business is having your website and social media accounts visible.
In order to be found on Google Search Engines by potential clients, it’s vital that you have marketing efforts geared towards increasing your visibility and discoverability.
Let me leave you with this thought: Do you hire or read the search pages past page 3?
Probably not.
Semrush is your one-stop shop for all things content optimization. If you are overwhelmed with anything and everything SEO.
This is the tool for you!
4. LeadPages (Landing Page Builder)
Would you like to take your business to the next level by selling more products and capturing more emails?
This software allows for easy templates of websites, landing pages that increase your visitors to customers.
Leadpages allows you to insert pop-ups, alert bars, and checkout forms on your website and there are 100s of templates for landing pages and websites which are super easy to use!
I have been using it for more than 4 years with great success converting leads into clients.
You definitely need to try it on your next launch!
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I send monthly newsletters to share what is happening at the Visionary Life HQ. If you are interested, you can join here (don’t worry you can unsubscribe at any time).
5. Canva (Graphic Design Software)
I get soooo many compliments on my graphics on my Instagram and YouTube Channel.
Wanna know a secret?
I’ve done ALL of my OWN graphic designs since day one 😲.
And, NO I don’t have a background in design.
Canva is a business owner's BEST friend. It’s a must have tool for all entrepreneurs. You have the ability to create ALL visual graphics for your business in this one tool.
From invoices, to eye-catching social media images, pitch decks, workbooks, and so much more, you can basically do it all on this program.
If you’re not a creative person, this is even more of a reason to get the tool!
They have 100s of templates that can be modified and made into your brand.
The best part?
It’s completely free (there is a pro version, but you don't need that at the beginning).
This may sound too good to be true… but trust me - this software does exist in real life. Go see for yourself by clicking here.
That is it!
Those are my 5 must-have marketing tools!
Do you use any of them?
If you don’t, I challenge you to start implementing one of these tools and see the difference it makes.
It’s going to feel really scary when you make your first leap but trust me, you need to make these types of investments in order to bring your business to the next level.
The more you can automate the more time you have to focus directly on your clients and business.
p.s. If you can’t see how it can fit directly with your business, send me an DM on Instagram, I’d be more than happy to brainstorm!
Do you want help launching your business or attracting more clients? Click here >>
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