Kelsey Reidl

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286 EVENT RECAP: I hosted our 3rd IRL Meet Up!

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TL;DR ā–¶ļø On Friday May 26th I hosted an ā€˜IRLā€™ meetup for the Visionary Community and it was AMAZING!

Running an Online Business offers so many amazing opportunitiesā€” from being able to operate a business without physical storefronts, all the way to connecting with clients around the globe. Itā€™s such a gift to be able to work remotely, and do what I love from my laptop.

However, no matter how convenient the miracles of modern technology may be ā€” nothing compares with in-person connection! 

The connectivity formed from face-to-face hang outs (and no, Iā€™m NOT referring to staring at someoneā€™s face through Zoom!) is truly irreplaceable, which is why I decided to host our 3rd official Visionary Meet Up at a restaurant called Planted In Hamilton and we had 16 amazing visionaries (past + present clients of mine, and students of our Visionary Courses) who came from all over!

Some of the attendees even commuted over 4+ hours to be there

Others came knowing NOBODY else in the room,

But all of them OPEN to the magic that happens when entrepreneurs connect

In this episode, Kelsey chats about:

  • The difference between living in the present, the future and the past

  • What are the things I shouldnā€™t be doing today to create the me I want to see in 365 days

  • The importance of community in business and life

  • The secret ingredient that delivers lasting success

  • Creating gatherings with meaning

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